Items where Year is 2013
Abbas, G. and Irawan, S. and Kumar, S. and Elrayah, A.A.I. (2013) Improving oil well cement slurry performance using hydroxypropylmethylcellulose polymer. Advanced Materials Research, 787. pp. 222-227. ISSN 10226680
Abbas, G. and Irawan, S. and Memon, K.R. and Kumar, S. and Elrayah, A.A.I. (2013) Hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose as a primary viscosifying agent in cement slurry at high temperature. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, 8 (1). pp. 1218-1225. ISSN 22298649
Abbas, M.A. and Ahmad, W.F.W. and Kalid, K.S. (2013) Heuristics evaluation of preschool cognitive skills learning system. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8237 L. pp. 671-682. ISSN 03029743
Abbas, M.K. and Karsiti, M.N. and Napiah, M. and Brahim, S. (2013) Integrated self-organized traffic light controllers for signalized intersections. International Review of Automatic Control, 6 (4). pp. 481-488. ISSN 19746059
Abd, T.H. and Aljunid, S.A. and Fadhil, H.A. and Junita, M.N. and Saad, M. (2013) Impact of Multi-Diagonal Code on High-Speed Spectral Amplitude Coding Optical Code Division Multiple-Access Networks. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 38 (9). pp. 2389-2397. ISSN 2193567X
Abdul Karim, S.A. and Alwi, S.A. (2013) Electricity load forecasting in UTP using moving averages and exponential smoothing techniques. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 7 (77-80). pp. 4003-4014. ISSN 1312885X
Abdul Karim, S.A.B. and Yahya, N. (2013) Seabed loging data curve fitting using cubic splines. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 7 (81-84). pp. 4015-4026. ISSN 1312885X
Abdul Khalil, H.P.S. and Fizree, H.M. and Bhat, A.H. and Jawaid, M. and Abdullah, C.K. (2013) Development and characterization of epoxy nanocomposites based on nano-structured oil palm ash. Composites Part B: Engineering, 53. pp. 324-333. ISSN 13598368
Abdulkarim, M. and Shafie, A. and Wan Ahmad, W.F. and Razali, R. (2013) A simulation study on factors affecting airwaves using factorial design. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8237 L. pp. 206-217. ISSN 03029743
Abdullah, M.R.T.L. and Hussin, Z. and Asra and Zakaria, A.R. (2013) Mlearning scaffolding model for undergraduate English language learning: Bridging formal and informal learning. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 12 (2). pp. 217-233. ISSN 13036521
Abdullah, S.B. and Man, Z. and Bustam, M.A. (2013) Investigation on aromaticity index and double-bond equivalent of aromatic compounds and ionic liquids for fuel desulphurization. Journal of Chemistry, 2013. ISSN 20909063
Abdullah, Z. and Md Nordin, S. and Abdul Aziz, Y. (2013) Building a unique online corporate identity. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 31 (5). pp. 451-471. ISSN 02634503
Abdus Salam, M. and Sufian, S. and Lwin, Y. (2013) Erratum: Hydrogen Adsorption Study on Mixed Oxides using the Density Functional Theory (Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (2013) (558-564)). Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 74 (8). p. 1184. ISSN 00223697
Affam, A.C. and Adlan, M.N. (2013) Operational performance of vertical upflow roughing filter for pre-treatment of leachate using limestone filter media. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 7 (1). pp. 117-125. ISSN 19823932
Affam, A.C. and Chaudhuri, M. (2013) Degradation of pesticides chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin and chlorothalonil in aqueous solution by TiO2 photocatalysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 130. pp. 160-165. ISSN 03014797
Affam, A.C. and Chaudhuri, M. (2013) UV photo-fenton treatment of combined chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin and chlorothalonil pesticides aqueous solution. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 12 (1). pp. 105-110. ISSN 09726268
Ahmad, F. and Lau, K.K. and Shariff, A.M. and Fong Yeong, Y. (2013) Temperature and pressure dependence of membrane permeance and its effect on process economics of hollow fiber gas separation system. Journal of Membrane Science, 430. pp. 44-55. ISSN 03767388
Ahmad, F. and Raza, M.R. and Mushan, A.S. and Omer, M.A. (2013) Preparation and fiber fracture of metal matrix composite feed-stock for powder injection molding. International Journal of Powder Metallurgy, 49 (2). pp. 33-38. ISSN 08887462
Ahmad, I. and Abdullah, A. and Alghamdi, A. and Hussain, M. (2013) Optimized intrusion detection mechanism using soft computing techniques. Telecommunication Systems, 52 (4). pp. 2187-2195. ISSN 10184864
Ahmad, I. and Sulaiman, S.B. and Rambli, D.R.B.A. (2013) Optimized real time vertex based deformation using octree and two neighborhood method. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5 (17). pp. 4240-4245. ISSN 20407459
Ahmad, J. and Malik, A.S. and Xia, L. and Ashikin, N. (2013) Vegetation encroachment monitoring for transmission lines right-of-ways: A survey. Electric Power Systems Research, 95. pp. 339-352. ISSN 03787796
Ahmad, M.M. and Przybycien, T.M. (2013) Towards optimal aqueous two-phase extraction system flowsheets for protein purification. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 88 (1). pp. 62-71. ISSN 02682575
Ahmad, T. and Mamat, O. and Ahmad, R. and Malik, A.N. (2013) Studying the formation of Fe2SiO4 and pearlite phases in iron-silica sand nanoparticle composites. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 337-33. pp. 39-47. ISSN 10120386
Ahmad Azmy, A. and Karuppanan, S. and Abdul Wahab, A. (2013) Failure pressure estimation of corroded pipeline with different depths of interacting defects subjected to internal pressure. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 393. pp. 1005-1010. ISSN 16609336
Ahmad Fadzil, M.H. and Prakasa, E. and Asirvadam, V.S. and Nugroho, H. and Affandi, A.M. and Hussein, S.H. (2013) 3D surface roughness measurement for scaliness scoring of psoriasis lesions. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 43 (11). pp. 1987-2000. ISSN 00104825
Ahmed, A.M. and Cheong, L.Y. and Zakaria, N. and Metwally, N. (2013) Dynamics of Information Coded in a Single Cooper Pair Box. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 52 (6). pp. 1979-1988. ISSN 00207748
Ahmed, I. and Idris, A. and Hussain, A. and Yusof, Z.A.M. and Saad Khan, M. (2013) Influence of co-solvent concentration on the properties of dope solution and performance of polyethersulfone membranes. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 36 (10). pp. 1683-1690. ISSN 09307516
Ahmed, M.M. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Khamidi, M.F. and Dominic, P.D.D. (2013) Hazards related to petrol fuel stations during operation and maintenance. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, 12 (1). pp. 99-116. ISSN 19853807
Ahmed, M.M. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Khamidi, M.F. and Othman, I. and Dominic, P.D.D. and Emmanuel, O. (2013) Hazards forecasting and weights determination during operation and maintenance of petrol fuel station. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 6 (6). pp. 978-982. ISSN 20407459
Ahmed, R. and Chandra, M.S. (2013) Equilibrium modeling in updraft gasifier for refinery sludge gasification using ASPEN PLUS simulator. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 393. pp. 729-734. ISSN 16609336
Ahmed, T.Y. and Ahmad, M.M. and Lam, H.L. and Yusup, S. (2013) Hydrogen from renewable palm kernel shell via enhanced gasification with low carbon dioxide emission. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 15 (3). pp. 513-523. ISSN 1618954X
Aja, O.C. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Abdul Karim, Z.A. (2013) Analytical investigation of collector optimum tilt angle at low latitude. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 5 (6). ISSN 19417012
Aja, O.C. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Abdul Karim, Z.A. (2013) Experimental investigation of the effect of wind speed and wind direction on a solar chimney power plant. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 179 VO. pp. 945-955. ISSN 17433541
Akbar, I. and Oehlers, D. and Sadakkathulla, M.A. (2013) The effect os steel yielding on CFRP plated steel member by partial interaction theory. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering), 61 (3). pp. 31-39. ISSN 01279696
Akbar, M.M. and Murugesan, T. (2013) Thermophysical properties of 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate hmimBF4 + N-methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) at temperatures (303.15 to 323.15) K. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 177. pp. 54-59. ISSN 01677322
Akhtar, M.N. and Yahya, N. and Nasir, N. (2013) New EM transmitter with Y3Fe3O3 based magnetic feeders potentially used for seabed logging application. Advanced Materials Research, 667. pp. 10-23. ISSN 10226680
Al-Jemeli, M. and Hussin, F.A. (2013) Energy efficient and high throughput composite routing metric for mobile wireless sensor networks. International Review on Computers and Software, 8 (9). pp. 2269-2277. ISSN 18286003
Al-Kayiem, H.H. (2013) Energy sustainability through integrated solar thermal systems. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 179 VO. pp. 887-897. ISSN 17433541
Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Jamil, I.E.A. (2013) Theoretical modeling of pseudo hydrostatic force in solid-liquid pipe flow with two layers. Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, 21 (2). pp. 521-532. ISSN 01287680
Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Lin, S.C. and Lukmon, A. (2013) Review on nanomaterials for thermal energy storage technologies. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology - Asia, 3 (1). pp. 60-71. ISSN 22106812
Al-Mossawy, M.I. and Demiral, B. and Raja, D.M.A. (2013) A relative permeability model to derive fractional-flow functions of water-alternating-gas and surfactant-alternating-gas foam core-floods. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 10 (2). ISSN 17422132
Al-Waked, R. and Nasif, M.S. and Morrison, G. and Behnia, M. (2013) CFD simulation of air to air enthalpy heat exchanger. Energy Conversion and Management, 74. pp. 377-385. ISSN 01968904
Al-Wakeel, H.B. and Karim, Z.A.A. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Fawad, H. (2013) Numerical simulation of high frequency electromagnetic wave in microwave cavity for soot oxidation. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 459. pp. 310-318. ISSN 16609336
Alashloo, M.M. and Lim, H.-S. and Asadpour, R. and Safarpour, S. (2013) Total Suspended Sediments Mapping by Using ALOS Imagery Over the Coastal Waters of Langkawi Island, Malaysia. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 41 (3). pp. 663-673. ISSN 0255660X
Alhassan, A.M. and Badruddin, N. and Saad, N.M. and Aljunid, S.A. (2013) Performance analysis of wavelength multiplexed SAC OCDMA codes in beat noise mitigation in SAC OCDMA systems. Journal of the European Optical Society, 8. ISSN 19902573
Alhassan, A.M. and Badruddin, N. and Saad, N.M. and Aljunid, S.A. (2013) A divided spectrum balanced detection technique for intensity noisereduction in SAC OCDMA systems. Optik, 124 (23). pp. 5994-5999. ISSN 00304026
Ali, A.S.O. and Asirvadam, V.S.A. and Malik, A.S. and Aziz, A. (2013) A geometrical approach for age-invariant face recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8237 L. pp. 81-96. ISSN 03029743
Ali, H.O. and Rozan, M.Z. and Abubakar, A. and Zeki, A.M. and Sharif, A.M. and Uddin, M. and Memon, J. (2013) Assessing issues of change impact analysis process for a software projects. World Applied Sciences Journal, 28 (10). pp. 1366-1374. ISSN 18184952
Ali, S. and Mohd Zabidi, N.A. and Abdul Aziz, M.A. and Ahmad, K. and Sidik, M.I. and Muin, M.A. (2013) Effects of synthesis technique on the physical properties of co-fe nanoparticles on cnts support. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, 9 (1). pp. 47-51. ISSN 18237010
Ali, S. and Zabidi, N.A.M. and Aziz, M.A.A. and Ahmad, K. and Sidik, M.I. and Muin, M.A. (2013) Effects of synthesis technique on the physical properties of co-fe nanoparticles on cnts support. Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, 9 (1). pp. 5-9. ISSN 18237010
Ali, T. and Jung, L.T. and Faye, I. (2013) An angle based flooding protocol for underwater wireless sensor networks. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 8 (9). pp. 295-303. ISSN 1816949X
Alimanesh, M. and Rouhi, J. and Zainal, N. and Kakooei, S. and Hassan, Z. (2013) Growth of vertically aligned ZnO nanorods arrays by hydrothermal method. Advanced Materials Research, 795. pp. 616-619. ISSN 10226680
Alirr, O. and Jumari, K. (2013) Digital Image Watermarking and Encryption Using DWT and RSA. International Review on Computers and Software, 8 (4). pp. 958-963. ISSN 18286003
Alisjabana, J.M.M. and Shoushtari, M.A. and Ismail, A.P. and Saaid, M. (2013) Improved lifetime pressure drop management for subsurface safety valves in oil and gas wells. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5 (3). pp. 727-737. ISSN 20407459
Alser, M.H. and Assaad, M.M. and Hussin, F.A. (2013) A wide-range programmable frequency synthesizer based on a finite state machine filter. International Journal of Electronics, 100 (11). pp. 1546-1556. ISSN 00207217
Altaf, K. and Majdi Abdul Rani, A. and Raghavan, V.R. (2013) Prototype production and experimental analysis for circular and profiled conformal cooling channels in aluminium filled epoxy injection mould tools. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 19 (4). pp. 220-229. ISSN 13552546
Amear, S. and Ariffin, S. and Nordin, A. and Buyamin, N. and Amin, M. and Majid, A. (2013) Performance analysis of absorption and electric chillers at a gas district cooling plant. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 6 (2). pp. 299-306. ISSN 19921454
Amila, W.A.Z.N. and Alias, A. (2013) Evaluating stakeholders' preferences: Reconciling heritage and sustainability. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 5 (4). pp. 336-349. ISSN 17562538
Amin, H. and Malik, A.S. (2013) Human memory retention and recall processes: A review of EEG and fMRI studies. Neurosciences, 18 (4). pp. 330-334. ISSN 13196138
Amin, H.U. and Malik, A.S. and Subhani, A.R. and Badruddin, N. and Chooi, W.-T. (2013) Dynamics of scalp potential and autonomic nerve activity during intelligence test. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8226 L (PART 1). pp. 9-16. ISSN 03029743
Aminu, M. and Ludin, A.N.B.M. and Matori, A.-N. and Wan Yusof, K. and Dano, L.U. and Chandio, I.A. (2013) A spatial decision support system (SDSS) for sustainable tourism planning in Johor Ramsar sites, Malaysia. Environmental Earth Sciences, 70 (3). pp. 1113-1124. ISSN 18666280
Aminu, M. and Matori, A.-N. and Yusof, K.W. and Zainol, R.B. (2013) A Framework for sustainable tourism planning in johor Ramsar sites, Malaysia: A geographic information system (GIS) based analytic network process (ANP) approach. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 6 (3). pp. 417-422. ISSN 20407459
Amir, N. and Ahmad, F. and Megat-Yusoff, P.S.M. (2013) Char strength of wool fibre reinforced epoxy-based intumescent coatings (FRIC). Advanced Materials Research, 626. pp. 504-508. ISSN 10226680
Ansari, A. and Bt Shafie, A. and Ansari, S. and Md Said, A.B. and Nyamasvisva, E.T. (2013) Filtration of airwave in seabed logging using principal component analysis. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 414. pp. 56-64. ISSN 18650929
Anuar, M.S. and Aljunid, S.A. and Arief, A.R. and Junita, M.N. and Saad, N.M. (2013) PIN versus Avalanche photodiode gain optimization in zero cross correlation optical code division multiple access system. Optik, 124 (4). pp. 371-375. ISSN 00304026
Ariyanti, S. and Zakaria, M. and Azmi, B.M. (2013) Improvement of hydrophobicity of urea modified tapioca starch film with lignin for slow release fertilizer. Advanced Materials Research, 626. pp. 350-354. ISSN 10226680
Arnirtham, V. and Nagarajan, T. and Krishnan, S. and Hashim, F.M. (2013) SMA Actuation for wrist motion with split-tube flexures. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 6 (3). pp. 615-620. ISSN 19921454
Arpit and Shafie, A. and Ahmad, W.F. (2013) Automata for modeling reversible probabilistic processes. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 422. pp. 185-190. ISSN 16609336
Arumuggam, K. and Singh, B.S.M. (2013) Optimization of hybrid solar and wind power generation. Journal of Applied Sciences, 13 (6). pp. 869-875. ISSN 18125654
Asfaw, T.D. and Yusof, K.W. and Ahmad, M.H. (2013) Sensitivity analysis of hydroelectric power generation from cascading reservoirs. Advanced Materials Research, 622. pp. 1152-1156. ISSN 10226680
Asfaw, T.D. and Yusof, K.W. and Hashim, A.M. (2013) Competence-oriented decision model for optimizing the operation of a cascading hydroelectric power reservoir. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 6 (10). pp. 1895-1901. ISSN 20407459
Ashraf, K. and Md Khir, M.H. and Dennis, J.O. and Baharudin, Z. (2013) Erratum: A wideband, frequency up-converting bounded vibration energy harvester for a low frequency environment (Smart Materials and Structures (2013) 22 (025018)). Smart Materials and Structures, 22 (4). ISSN 09641726
Ashraf, K. and Md Khir, M.H. and Dennis, J.O. and Baharudin, Z. (2013) Improved energy harvesting from low frequency vibrations by resonance amplification at multiple frequencies. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 195. pp. 123-132. ISSN 09244247
Ashraf, K. and Md Khir, M.H. and Dennis, J.O. and Baharudin, Z. (2013) A wideband, frequency up-converting bounded vibration energy harvester for a low-frequency environment. Smart Materials and Structures, 22 (2). ISSN 09641726
Asmelash, G.M. and Mamat, O. and Ahmad, F. (2013) Investigation on the effect of silica sand addition in densification of Al2O3-SiO2-ZrO2 composite. Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, 14 (1). pp. 22-26. ISSN 12299162
Asnawi, R. and Wan Ahmad, W.F. and Awang Rambli, D.R. (2013) Robust synchronization models for Presentation System using SMIL-driven approach. Computers and Education, 60 (1). pp. 273-287. ISSN 03601315
Asrul, M. and Othman, M. and Zakaria, M. and Fauzi, M.S. (2013) Surface morphology and tensile strength of natural rubber films filled with sulphur free lignin derived from rubberwood. Journal of Rubber Research, 16 (2). pp. 118-133. ISSN 15111768
Assaad, M. and Alser, M.H. and Bermak, A. (2013) Design and characterization of low power and low noise truly all-digital clock and data recovery circuit for SERDES devices. Journal of Low Power Electronics, 9 (1). pp. 63-72. ISSN 15461998
Assaad, M. and Yohannes, I. and Bermak, A. (2013) Two-stage interface circuit design for a 32-color resolution optical sensor. IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (2). pp. 610-617. ISSN 1530437X
Atiq-Ur-Rahman and Hasbullah, H. and Najm-Us-Sama (2013) Sub-balanced energy consumption through engineered gaussian deployment strategies in corona-based wireless sensor network. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 6 (2). pp. 213-222. ISSN 20407459
Atnaw, S.M. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Yusup, S. (2013) Syngas production from downdraft gasification of oil palm fronds. Energy, 61. pp. 491-501. ISSN 03605442
Azam, M.R. and Tan, I.M. and Ismail, L. and Mushtaq, M. and Nadeem, M. and Sagir, M. (2013) Static adsorption of anionic surfactant onto crushed Berea sandstone. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 3 (3). pp. 195-201. ISSN 21900558
Azeemuddin and Al-Kayiem, H.H. and Gilani, S.I. (2013) Simulation of a collector using waste heat energy in a solar chimney power plant system. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 179 VO. pp. 933-944. ISSN 17433541
Aziz, A.A. and �ekercioǧlu, Y.A. and Fitzpatrick, P. and Ivanovich, M. (2013) A survey on distributed topology control techniques for extending the lifetime of battery powered wireless sensor networks. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 15 (1). pp. 121-144. ISSN 1553877X
Azizan, N.A. and Lai, F.-W. (2013) Depth penetration of enterprise risk management model in Malaysian government sector. Journal for Global Business Advancement, 6 (2). pp. 138-151. ISSN 1746966X
Azmarini, A.N. and Majid, S.A. and Zakaria, S.H. and Sulaiman, S.A. (2013) A study on IAQ in a welding laboratory. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 393. pp. 947-952. ISSN 16609336
Azmi, A. and Balasubramanian, P. and Abdullah, B. and Zhalehrajabi, E. (2013) Sensitivity of the CFD mesh for a single rising bubble in a hallimond tube. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 372. pp. 26-29. ISSN 16609336
Baba, A.A. and Zakariya, M.A. and Baharudin, Z. and Khir, M.H.M. and Ur Rehman, M.Z. and Ahmad, Z.A. and Qasaymeh, Y.M. (2013) Aperture and mutual coupled cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna array. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 37. pp. 223-233. ISSN 19378718
Baba, A.A. and Zakariya, M.A. and Baharudin, Z. and Rehman, M.Z.U. and Ain, M.F. and Ahmad, Z.A. (2013) Equivalent lumped-element circuit of aperture and mutually coupled cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna array. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 45. pp. 15-31. ISSN 19378718
Badri, T.M. and Al-Kayiem, H.H. (2013) Analytical solution for simply supported and multilayered magneto-thermo-electro-elastic plates. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 6 (2). pp. 236-244. ISSN 19921454
Baharom, M.B. and Hussain, K. and Day, A.J. (2013) Design of full electric power steering with enhanced performance over that of hydraulic power-assisted steering. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 227 (3). pp. 390-399. ISSN 09544070
Baheta, A.T. and Woldeyohannes, A.D. (2013) Effect of particle size on effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 6 (2). pp. 339-345. ISSN 19921454
Baig, I. and Ayaz, M. and Jeoti, V. (2013) On the peak-to-average power ratio reduction in mobile WiMAX: A discrete cosine transform matrix precoding based random-interleaved orthogonal frequency division multiple access uplink system. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 36 (1). pp. 466-475. ISSN 10848045
Baig, I. and Ayaz, M. and Jeoti, V. (2013) A SLM based localized SC-FDMA uplink system with reduced PAPR for LTE-A. Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences, 25 (2). pp. 119-123. ISSN 10183639
Baig, I. and Jeoti, V. (2013) A ZCMT precoding based multicarrier OFDM system to minimize the high PAPR. Wireless Personal Communications, 68 (3). pp. 1135-1145. ISSN 09296212
Baig, I. and Jeoti, V. (2013) Zadoff-Chu Matrix Transform Precoding-Based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Uplink Systems: A Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Performance. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 38 (3). pp. 613-620. ISSN 2193567X
Baig, I. and Jeoti, V. and Drieberg, M. (2013) On the PAPR Reduction in LTE-Advanced: Precoding-Based SLM-LOFDMA Uplink Systems. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 38 (5). pp. 1075-1086. ISSN 2193567X
Bakhit, A. and Wong, P.W. (2013) Switchable microwave band-stop to all pass filter using stepped impedance resonator. Progress In Electromagnetics Research B (52). pp. 99-115. ISSN 19376472
Bakhsh, M. and Ahmad, I. and Iqbal, M.J. and Alelaiwi, A.A. (2013) An assessment of authentication and key management protocol of IEEE 802.16d (WIMAX) Wireless Mesh Networks. Information (Japan), 16 (5). pp. 3005-3012. ISSN 13434500
Batcha, M.F.M. and Nawi, M.A.M. and Sulaiman, S.A. and Raghavan, V.R. (2013) Numerical investigation of airflow in a swirling fluidized bed. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 6 (2). pp. 157-166. ISSN 19921454
Ben-Awuah, J. and Adda, G.W. and Mijinyawa, A. and Andriamihaja, S. and Siddiqui, N. (2013) 2D Basin modelling and petroleum system analysis of the triassic play in the hammerfest basin of the norwegian barents sea. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 6 (17). pp. 3137-3150. ISSN 20407459
Bhaskoro, P.T. and Gilani, S.I.U.H. and Aris, M.S. (2013) Simulation of energy saving potential of a centralized HVAC system in an academic building using adaptive cooling technique. Energy Conversion and Management, 75. pp. 617-628. ISSN 01968904
Binti Hasan, N.A.S. and Balasubramanian, P. (2013) Exact solution for the kinetic equations of first order reversible reaction systems through flow graph theory approach. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (31). pp. 10594-10600. ISSN 08885885
Boo Kean, K. and Ovinis, M. and Nagarajan, T. (2013) Thermal and magnetisms design of an inductor using finite element method. Advanced Materials Research, 622. pp. 130-135. ISSN 10226680
Bustam, M.A. and Man, Z. and Maitra, S. and Ishihara, T. (2013) Electrochemical Performance of Cathode LiVOPO4 Doped with Mo and W. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society, 72 (2). pp. 108-112. ISSN 0371750X
Chandio, I.A. and Matori, A.N.B. and WanYusof, K.B. and Talpur, M.A.H. and Balogun, A.-L. and Lawal, D.U. (2013) GIS-based analytic hierarchy process as a multicriteria decision analysis instrument: A review. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 6 (8). pp. 3059-3066. ISSN 18667511
Chatterjee, K. and Dhara, P. and Ganguly, S. and Kargupta, K. and Banerjee, D. (2013) Morphology dependent ammonia sensing with 5-sulfosalicylic acid doped nanostructured polyaniline synthesized by several routes. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 181. pp. 544-550. ISSN 09254005
Chatterjee, K. and Mitra, M. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. (2013) Synthesis, characterization and enhanced thermoelectric performance of structurally ordered cable-like novel polyaniline-bismuth telluride nanocomposite. Nanotechnology, 24 (21). ISSN 09574484
Chaudhuri, M. and Hui, C.X. (2013) Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf powder: A plant-based adsorbent for removal of textile acid azo dye from aqueous solution. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, 12 (2). pp. 199-202. ISSN 09726268
Chaudhuri, M. and Wahap, M.Z.B.A. and Affam, A.C. (2013) Treatment of aqueous solution of antibiotics amoxicillin and cloxacillin by modified photo-Fenton process. Desalination and Water Treatment, 51 (37-39). pp. 7255-7268. ISSN 19443994
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