2by Shi J., Park J.-H., Duan J., Berndt S.T., Moy W., Yu K., Song L., Wheeler W., Hua X., Silverman D., Garcia-Closas M., Hsiung C.A., Figueroa J.D., Cortessis V.K., Malats N., Karagas M.R., Vineis P., Chang I.-S., Lin D., Zhou B., Seow A., Matsuo K., Hong Y.-C., Caporaso N.E., Wolpin B., Jacobs E., Petersen G.M., Klein A.P., Li D., Risch H., Sanders A.R., Hsu L., Schoen R.E., Brenner H., MGS (Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia) GWAS Consortium, GECCO (The Genetics and Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Consortium), The GAME-ON/TRICL (Transdisciplinary Research in Cancer of the Lung) GWAS Consortium, PRACTICAL (PRostate cancer AssoCiation group To Investigate Cancer Associated aLterations) Consortium, PanScan Consortium, The GAME-ON/ELLIPSE Consortium, Stolzenberg-Solomon R., Gejman P., Lan Q., Rothman N., Amundadottir L.T., Landi M.T., Levinson D.F., Chanock S.J., Chatterjee N.Get full text
Published 2018