Rui Diogo
Rui Diogo is a Portuguese American biologist, researcher, speaker, and writer at Howard University with several published scientific books, whose research (including those of his lab ) covers social issues such as racism, sexism, etc., using scientific data from many different fields of science (interdisciplinarity). His studies regarding evolutionary remnants in human babies in the womb has been widely reported. In 2017, he proposed Organic Nonoptimal Constrained Evolution. Provided by Wikipedia-
9by Ryan M. Campbell, Gabriel Vinas, Maciej Henneberg, Maciej Henneberg, Rui DiogoGet full text
Published 2021-07-01
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11by Rui Diogo, Borja Esteve-Altava, Christopher Smith, Julia C Boughner, Diego Rasskin-GutmanGet full text
Published 2015-01-01
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14by Andrew R Deans, Suzanna E Lewis, Eva Huala, Salvatore S Anzaldo, Michael Ashburner, James P Balhoff, David C Blackburn, Judith A Blake, J Gordon Burleigh, Bruno Chanet, Laurel D Cooper, Mélanie Courtot, Sándor Csösz, Hong Cui, Wasila Dahdul, Sandip Das, T Alexander Dececchi, Agnes Dettai, Rui Diogo, Robert E Druzinsky, Michel Dumontier, Nico M Franz, Frank Friedrich, George V Gkoutos, Melissa Haendel, Luke J Harmon, Terry F Hayamizu, Yongqun He, Heather M Hines, Nizar Ibrahim, Laura M Jackson, Pankaj Jaiswal, Christina James-Zorn, Sebastian Köhler, Guillaume Lecointre, Hilmar Lapp, Carolyn J Lawrence, Nicolas Le Novère, John G Lundberg, James Macklin, Austin R Mast, Peter E Midford, István Mikó, Christopher J Mungall, Anika Oellrich, David Osumi-Sutherland, Helen Parkinson, Martín J Ramírez, Stefan Richter, Peter N Robinson, Alan Ruttenberg, Katja S Schulz, Erik Segerdell, Katja C Seltmann, Michael J Sharkey, Aaron D Smith, Barry Smith, Chelsea D Specht, R Burke Squires, Robert W Thacker, Anne Thessen, Jose Fernandez-Triana, Mauno Vihinen, Peter D Vize, Lars Vogt, Christine E Wall, Ramona L Walls, Monte Westerfeld, Robert A Wharton, Christian S Wirkner, James B Woolley, Matthew J Yoder, Aaron M Zorn, Paula MabeeGet full text
Published 2015-01-01
Article -
15by Diogo, Rui
Published 2010Book