Nicolas Dreux
During the Aristide period Dreux was so traumatized by the violence that he suffered a breakdown. With the 2004 departure of Aristide, and his government, Dreus started a slow battle to regain his mental balance and revive his ability to create fine art. His first efforts were childlike but, over the intervening years, Dreux has regained his position as a master in the Haitian art community.
His work is displayed in many of Haiti's finest art galleries.
He works with acrylics and oil – using a razor blade to create his pieces. Provided by Wikipedia
1by Nicolas Dreux, Jérémy Denizot, Margarita Martinez-Medina, Alexander Mellmann, Maria Billig, Dagmara Kisiela, Sujay Chattopadhyay, Evgeni Sokurenko, Christel Neut, Corinne Gower-Rousseau, Jean-Frédéric Colombel, Richard Bonnet, Arlette Darfeuille-Michaud, Nicolas BarnichGet full text
Published 2013-01-01