4The WMO Challenge to Develop and Demonstrate the Best New User-Oriented Forecast Verification Metricby Elizabeth Ebert, Barbara Brown, Martin Göber, Thomas Haiden, Marion Mittermaier, Pertti Nurmi, Laurie Wilson, Sarah Jackson, Peter Johnston, Dieter SchusterGet full text
Published 2018-12-01
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5by Kathryn M Emmerson, Jeremy D Silver, Marcus Thatcher, Alan Wain, Penelope J Jones, Andrew Dowdy, Edward J Newbigin, Beau W Picking, Jason Choi, Elizabeth Ebert, Tony BannisterGet full text
Published 2021-01-01
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6by Prof Francis Thien, MD, Paul J Beggs, PhD, Danny Csutoros, MPH, Jai Darvall, MBBS, Mark Hew, PhD, Janet M Davies, PhD, Prof Philip G Bardin, PhD, Tony Bannister, BSc, Sara Barnes, MBBS, Prof Rinaldo Bellomo, MD, Timothy Byrne, MBBS, Andrew Casamento, MBBS, Matthew Conron, MD, Anthony Cross, MBBS, Ashley Crosswell, MBBS, Prof Jo A Douglass, MD, Matthew Durie, MBBS, John Dyett, MBBS, Elizabeth Ebert, PhD, Bircan Erbas, PhD, Craig French, MBBS, Ben Gelbart, MBBS, Andrew Gillman, MBBS, Nur-Shirin Harun, MBBS, Alfredo Huete, PhD, Louis Irving, MBBS, Dharshi Karalapillai, MBBS, David Ku, MBBS, Philippe Lachapelle, MD, David Langton, MPH, Joy Lee, MBChB, Clare Looker, MBBS, Christopher MacIsaac, PhD, Joseph McCaffrey, MBBS, Prof Christine F McDonald, PhD, Forbes McGain, PhD, Edward Newbigin, PhD, Prof Robyn O'Hehir, PhD, David Pilcher, MBBS, Shivonne Prasad, MBChB, Kanishka Rangamuwa, MBBS, Laurence Ruane, BSc, Vineet Sarode, MD, Jeremy D Silver, PhD, Anne Marie Southcott, MBBS, Ashwin Subramaniam, MMed, Cenk Suphioglu, PhD, Nugroho Harry Susanto, MD, Michael F Sutherland, PhD, Gopal Taori, MBBS, Philip Taylor, PhD, Paul Torre, PhD, Joseph Vetro, MBBS, Geoffrey Wigmore, MBBS, Alan C Young, PhD, Prof Charles Guest, PhDGet full text
Published 2018-06-01