Daniel Goulet
| birth_place = Bretoncelles, France | death_date = | death_place = Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | death_cause = Brain hemorrhage |resting_place = Le Mêle-sur-Sarthe | nationality = French | party = RPRUMP | spouse = Nathalie Goulet }}
Daniel Goulet (28 October 1928 – 25 February 2007) was a French politician. He served as a member of the French Senate and the National Assembly representing the department of Orne.
When he died he was posthumously awarded the insignia of the Order of Independence of the first rank by the United Arab Emirates. Provided by Wikipedia
1by Azucena Ramos, Catherine E. Koch, Yunpeng Liu-Lupo, Riley D. Hellinger, Taeyoon Kyung, Keene L. Abbott, Julia Fröse, Daniel Goulet, Khloe S. Gordon, Keith P. Eidell, Paul Leclerc, Charles A. Whittaker, Rebecca C. Larson, Audrey J. Muscato, Kathleen B. Yates, Juan Dubrot, John G. Doench, Aviv Regev, Matthew G. Vander Heiden, Marcela V. Maus, Robert T. Manguso, Michael E. Birnbaum, Michael T. HemannGet full text
Published 2023-12-01