P. Michael Conneally
P. Michael Conneally, Ph.D., (December 4, 1931 – February 17, 2017) was the Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the Indiana University School of Medicine in the Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics. He was certified in medical genetics by the American Board of Medical Genetics and a founding fellow of the American College of Medical Genetics. He was a human geneticist interested in discovering the location of human genes that cause disease, specifically the mapping of Mendelian and complex inherited diseases including the study of Huntington's disease, genetics of alcoholism, diabetes and manic depressive illness. In collaboration with researchers from Columbia University and James F. Gusella of Harvard University, he was the first to use DNA techniques to map a human gene. In the past twenty years he has helped map approximately 20 human genes and his work has resulted in the identification of 20% of the human genome. Conneally received his bachelor's degree in Agriculture with Honors from University College Dublin in 1954 and Master’s and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.Conneally’s research interests were in the mapping of Mendelian and complex inherited diseases including the study of Huntington's disease, genetics of alcoholism, diabetes and manic depressive illness. Provided by Wikipedia
1by Gillis Tammy, Mysore Jayalakshmi, Djoussé Luc, Xu Gang, Prakash Ranjana, Wheeler Vanessa C, Lazzarini Alice, Ashizawa Tetsuo, Jones Randi, Paulsen Jane S, Frontali Marina, Novelletto Andrea, McCusker Elizabeth, Trent Ronald JA, Klimek Mary, Suchowersky Oksana, García Carmen, Gómez-Tortosa Estrella, Frati Luigi, Squitieri Ferdinando, Rosenblatt Adam, Margolis Russell L, Ross Christopher A, Nance Martha, Morrison Patrick J, Durr Alexandra, Warby Simon C, Hayden Michael R, Li Jian-Liang, Hakky Michael, Cupples L Adrienne, Saint-Hilaire Marie H, Cha Jang-Ho J, Hersch Steven M, Penney John B, Harrison Madaline B, Perlman Susan L, Zanko Andrea, Abramson Ruth K, Lechich Anthony J, Duckett Ayana, Marder Karen, Conneally P Michael, Gusella James F, MacDonald Marcy E, Myers Richard HGet full text
Published 2006-08-01
Article -
2by Bierut, Laura Jean, Saccone, Nancy L, Rice, John P, Goate, Alison, Foroud, Tatiana, Edenberg, Howard, Almasy, Laura, Conneally, P Michael, Crowe, Raymond, Hesselbrock, Victor, Li, TK, Nurnberger, John, Porjesz, Bernice, Schuckit, Marc A, Tischfield, Jay, Begleiter, Henri, Reich, TheodoreGet full text
Published 2002
Article -
3by Li, Jian-Liang, Hayden, Michael, Warby, Simon, Durr, Alexandra, Morrison, Patrick, Nance, Martha, Ross, Christopher, Margolis, Russell, Rosenblatt, Adam, Squitieri, Ferdinando, Frati, Luigi, Gómez-Tortosa, Estrella, García, Carmen, Suchowersky, Oksana, Klimek, Mary, Trent, Ronald, McCusker, Elizabeth, Novelletto, Andrea, Frontali, Marina, Paulsen, Jane, Jones, Randi, Ashizawa, Tetsuo, Lazzarini, Alice, Wheeler, Vanessa, Prakash, Ranjana, Xu, Gang, Djoussé, Luc, Mysore, Jayalakshmi, Gillis, Tammy, Hakky, Michael, Cupples, L. Adrienne, Saint-Hilaire, Marie, Cha, Jang-Ho, Hersch, Steven, Penney, John, Harrison, Madaline, Perlman, Susan, Zanko, Andrea, Abramson, Ruth, Lechich, Anthony, Duckett, Ayana, Marder, Karen, Conneally, P. Michael, Gusella, James, MacDonald, Marcy, Myers, RichardGet full text
Published 2006
Articles -
4by Li, Jian-Liang, Hayden, Michael R, Warby, Simon C, Durr, Alexandra, Morrison, Patrick J, Nance, Martha, Ross, Christopher A, Margolis, Russell L, Rosenblatt, Adam, Squitieri, Ferdinando, Frati, Luigi, Gómez-Tortosa, Estrella, García, Carmen Ayuso, Suchowersky, Oksana, Klimek, Mary Lou, Trent, Ronald JA, McCusker, Elizabeth, Novelletto, Andrea, Frontali, Marina, Paulsen, Jane S, Jones, Randi, Ashizawa, Tetsuo, Lazzarini, Alice, Prakash, Ranjana, Djoussé, Luc, Mysore, Jayalakshmi Srinidhi, Gillis, Tammy, Hakky, Michael, Cupples, L Adrienne, Saint-Hilaire, Marie H, Penney, John B, Harrison, Madaline B, Perlman, Susan L, Zanko, Andrea, Abramson, Ruth K, Lechich, Anthony J, Duckett, Ayana, Marder, Karen, Conneally, P Michael, Wheeler, Vanessa Chantal, Xu, Gang, Cha, Jang-Ho J., Hersch, Steven M., Gusella, James Francis, MacDonald, Marcy Elizabeth, Myers, Richard HepworthGet full text
Published 2011