1by Scientific Committee A. D’Angelo, A. Girolami, C.T. Esmon, M. Cattaneo, A. Spyropoulos, F. PiovellaGet full text
Published 2012-11-01
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3by Pochiero I, Calisti F, Comandini A, Del Vecchio A, Costamagna I, Rosignoli MT, Cattaneo A, Nunna S, Peduto I, Heiman F, Chang HC, Chen CC, Correll CGet full text
Published 2021-07-01
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4by Talamonti M, Russo F, Malara G, Hansel K, Papini M, Cattaneo A, Parodi A, Chiricozzi A, Malagoli P, Bardazzi F, Brazzelli V, Dapavo P, Gisondi P, Zane C, Potenza C, Cantoresi F, Fargnoli MC, Trevisini S, Brianti P, Pescitelli L, Gigante G, Bartezaghi M, Caputo L, Aloisi E, Costanzo AGet full text
Published 2023-04-01
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5by Russo F, Galluzzo M, Stingeni L, Persechino S, Zichichi L, Conti A, Giofrè C, Dini V, Vispi M, Atzori L, Cattaneo A, Parodi A, Bardazzi F, Stinco G, Dapavo P, Girolomoni G, Musumeci ML, Papini M, Venturini M, Dastoli S, Di Nuzzo S, Fargnoli MC, Pagnanelli G, Bernardini N, Gambini DM, Malagoli P, Mazzatenta C, Peris K, Zalaudek I, Fabbrocini G, Loconsole F, Vassallo C, Pietroleonardo L, Prignano F, Franchi C, Offidani AM, Bonifati C, Di Lernia V, Gigante G, Bartezaghi MS, Franchi M, Ursoleo P, Aloisi EGet full text
Published 2023-12-01
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7by Cattaneo, A., Williams, C., Pallas-Alonso, C.R., Hernandez-Aguilar, M.T., Lasarte-Velillas, J.J., Landa-Rivera, L., Rouw, E., Pina, M., Volta, A., Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.Get full text
Published 2012
Article / Letter to editor Article Text -
8by Cattaneo, A., Williams, C., Pallas-Alonso, C.R., Hernandez-Aguilar, M.T., Lasarte-Velillas, J.J., Landa-Rivera, L., Rouw, E., Pina, M., Volta, A., Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M.Get full text
Published 2011
Article / Letter to editor Article Text -
12by Ashby, M., Willner, S., Fazio, G., Huang, J., Arendt, R., Barmby, P., Barro, G., Bell, E., Bouwens, R.J., Cattaneo, A., Croton, D., Davé, R., Dunlop, J., Egami, E., Faber, S., Finlator, K., Grogin, N., Guhathakurta, P., Hernquist, L., Hora, J., Illingworth, G., Kashlinsky, A., Koekemoer, A., Koo, D., Labbé, I.F.L., Li, Y., Lin, L., Moseley, H., Nandra, K., Newman, J., Noeske, K., Ouchi, M., Peth, M., Rigopoulou, D., Robertson, B., Sarajedini, V., Simard, L., Smith, H., Wang, Z., Wechsler, R., Weiner, B., Wilson, G., Wuyts, S., Yamada, T., Yan, H.Get full text
Published 2013
Get full text
Article / Letter to editor Article Text -
13by Ashby, M. L. N., Willner, S. P., Fazio, G. G., Huang, J.-S., Arendt, R., Barmby, P., Barro, G., Bell, E. F., Bouwens, R., Cattaneo, A., Croton, D., Davé, R., Dunlop, J. S., Egami, E., Faber, S., Finlator, K., Grogin, N. A., Guhathakurta, P., Hernquist, L., Hora, J. L., Illingworth, G., Kashlinsky, A., Koekemoer, A. M., Koo, D. C., Labbé, I., Li, Y., Lin, L., Moseley, H., Nandra, K., Newman, J., Noeske, K., Ouchi, M., Peth, M., Rigopoulou, D., Robertson, B., Sarajedini, V., Simard, L., Smith, H. A., Wang, Z., Wechsler, R., Weiner, B., Wilson, G., Wuyts, S., Yamada, T., Yan, H.Get full text
Published 2019
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