3by Peter G Passias, Sara Naessig, Ashok Para, Waleed Ahmad, Katherine Pierce, M Burhan Janjua, Shaleen Vira, Daniel Sciubba, Bassel DieboGet full text
Published 2020-01-01
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4by Katherine E Pierce, Oscar Krol, Jordan Lebovic, Nicholas Kummer, Lara Passfall, Waleed Ahmad, Sara Naessig, Bassel Diebo, Peter Gust PassiasGet full text
Published 2022-01-01
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5by Sara Naessig, Bhaveen H Kapadia, Ashok Para, Waleed Ahmad, Katherine Pierce, Burhan Janjua, Shaleen Vira, Bassel Diebo, Daniel Sciubba, Peter Gust PassiasGet full text
Published 2020-01-01
Article -
6by Peter G. Passias, Katherine E. Pierce, Nicholas Kummer, Oscar Krol, Lara Passfall, M. Burhan Janjua, Daniel Sciubba, Waleed Ahmad, Sara Naessig, Bassel DieboGet full text
Published 2021-09-01
Article -
7by Peter Gust Passias, Katherine E Pierce, Bailey Imbo, Oscar Krol, Lara Passfall, Peter Tretiakov, Kevin Moattari, Tyler Williamson, Rachel Joujon-Roche, Brandon Passano, Waleed Ahmad, Sara Naessig, Bassel DieboGet full text
Published 2021-01-01
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8Concurrent Presence of Thoracolumbar Scoliosis and Chiari Malformation: Is Operative Risk Magnified?by Sara Naessig, Peter Tretiakov, Karan Patel, Waleed Ahmad, Katherine Pierce, Nicholas Kummer, Rachel Joujon-Roche, Bailey Imbo, Tyler Williamson, Oscar Krol, Muhammad Burhan Janjua, Shaleen Vira, Bassel Diebo, Daniel Sciubba, Peter PassiasGet full text
Published 2023-08-01
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9by Peter Gust Passias, Katherine E Pierce, Brandon Passano, Muhammad B Tariq, Salman Ahmad, Vivek Singh, Stephane Owusu-Sarpong, Oscar Krol, Bailey Imbo, Lara Passfall, Peter Tretiakov, Tyler Williamson, Rachel Joujon-Roche, Waleed Ahmad, Sara Naessig, Bassel DieboGet full text
Published 2021-01-01
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10by Oluwatobi O Onafowokan, Waleed Ahmad, Kimberly McFarland, Tyler K Williamson, Peter Tretiakov, Jamshaid M Mir, Ankita Das, Joshua Bell, Sara Naessig, Shaleen Vira, Virginie Lafage, Carl Paulino, Bassel Diebo, Andrew Schoenfeld, Hamid Hassanzadeh, Pawel P Jankowski, Aaron Hockley, Peter Gust PassiasGet full text
Published 2024-01-01
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11by Oluwatobi O Onafowokan, Ankita Das, Jamshaid M Mir, Haddy Alas, Tyler K Williamson, Kimberly Mcfarland, Jeffrey Varghese, Sara Naessig, Bailey Imbo, Lara Passfall, Oscar Krol, Peter Tretiakov, Rachel Joujon-Roche, Pooja Dave, Kevin Moattari, Stephane Owusu-Sarpong, Jordan Lebovic, Shaleen Vira, Bassel Diebo, Virginie Lafage, Peter Gust PassiasGet full text
Published 2023-01-01
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12by Peter Gust Passias, Katherine E Pierce, Avery E Brown, Cole A Bortz, Haddy Alas, Renaud Lafage, Virginie Lafage, Breton Line, Eric O Klineberg, Douglas C Burton, Robert Hart, Alan H Daniels, Shay Bess, Bassel Diebo, Themistocles Protopsaltis, Robert Eastlack, Christopher I Shaffrey, Frank J Schwab, Justin S Smith, Christopher AmesGet full text
Published 2021-01-01
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13by Peter Gust Passias, Samantha R Horn, Cheongeun Oh, Gregory W Poorman, Cole Bortz, Frank Segreto, Renaud Lafage, Bassel Diebo, Justin K Scheer, Justin S Smith, Christopher I Shaffrey, Robert Eastlack, Daniel M Sciubba, Themistocles Protopsaltis, Han Jo Kim, Robert A Hart, Virginie Lafage, Christopher P Ames, International Spine Study GroupGet full text
Published 2021-01-01
Article -
14by Peter Gust Passias, Avery E Brown, Haddy Alas, Katherine E Pierce, Cole A Bortz, Bassel Diebo, Renaud Lafage, Virginie Lafage, Douglas C Burton, Robert Hart, Han Jo Kim, Shay Bess, Kevin Moattari, Rachel Joujon-Roche, Oscar Krol, Tyler Williamson, Peter Tretiakov, Bailey Imbo, Themistocles S Protopsaltis, Christopher Shaffrey, Frank Schwab, Robert Eastlack, Breton Line, Eric Klineberg, Justin Smith, Christopher Ames, On behalf of the International Spine Study GroupGet full text
Published 2021-01-01
Article -
15by Peter G. Passias, Tyler K. Williamson, Jamshaid M. Mir, Justin S. Smith, Virginie Lafage, Renaud Lafage, Breton Line, Alan H. Daniels, Jeffrey L. Gum, Andrew J. Schoenfeld, David Kojo Hamilton, Alex Soroceanu, Justin K. Scheer, Robert Eastlack, Gregory M. Mundis, Bassel Diebo, Khaled M. Kebaish, Richard A. Hostin, Munish C. Gupta, Han Jo Kim, Eric O. Klineberg, Christopher P. Ames, Robert A. Hart, Douglas C. Burton, Frank J. Schwab, Christopher I. Shaffrey, Shay Bess, on behalf of the International Spine Study GroupGet full text
Published 2023-08-01