Analysis of Mobile Robot Indoor Mapping using GMapping Based SLAM with Different Parameter Academic Article uri icon


  • Abstract Mapping is one of the elemental application of the mobile robot. The map is created using the mobile robot by employing sensors such as camera, sonar and laser sensor. One of the most popular mapping methods is the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). SLAM allows the map to be created while localizing the robot location in the map at the same time. GMapping is one of the widely used algorithms in SLAM which will be used in this project. The mobile robot is equipped with a Hokuyo Laser Range Finder sensor and netbook. The router is used for wireless communication between the mobile robot and the user. The GMapping is done in two different locations of different lab size and amount of features in the area. Three trial is conducted to investigate the effects of different parameters such as robot speed, mapping delay and particle filter on the mapping quality. The results show a significant difference in terms of mapping accuracy and the time taken to complete the process as the parameter changed from the three trial. As a result, the parameter used in the second trial, robot speed 0.1333m/s, mapping delay 1s and particle filter 30 is considered as the best based on the time taken and the map accuracy.

publication date

  • 2019

start page

  • 012037


  • 705


  • 1