Effect of reaction time and microwave power on coil temperature during microwave-metal interaction pyrolysis of plastics Academic Article uri icon


  • Abstract Rapid rise in production of plastic waste has posed a threat to environment due to its nonbiodegradable nature. In recent years, microwave assisted pyrolysis of plastic waste has emerged as a promising solution toward reduction of waste and recovery of value-added products and fuels. Previous works on microwave-metal interaction pyrolysis estimated only the peak value of coil temperature at a constant microwave power without monitoring complete reaction. The current study was directed toward investigating the effect of reaction time and variable microwave power on the coil temperature during microwave-metal interaction pyrolysis of plastics. The experiment was performed on individual plastics PS (polystyrene), PP (polypropylene) and LDPE (low density polyethylene) for comparative analysis. Pyrolysis was carried out for a reaction time of 30 minutes at different values of microwave power in the range of 500-2500 W. Type K thermocouple was used to monitor temperature of metal coil. Fluctuation in temperature of coil was found to be a consequence of interaction of coil and thermocouple with the microwaves. Maximum heating rate was observed in the first 5 minutes of microwave exposure. The slopes of average temperature versus microwave power were found to be nearly equal estimated as: PS = 0.24 °C/W, PP = 0.20 °C/W, LDPE = 0.18 °C/W, which indicated consistency in heating process for each plastic, achieved by the current set-up. Further, it was inferred that nature of plastic pyrolyzed had insignificant influence on coil temperature due to absence of direct contact between plastic and the coil.

publication date

  • 2020

start page

  • 012007


  • 863


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