Operating Characteristics of Gasifier Cookstove Using Different Biomass Materials Academic Article uri icon


  • Biomass energy technology such as gasifier is increasingly receiving attention as a promising renewable energy source because of the ever rising costs of fossils fuels especially diesel and kerosene. Gaseous products of gasifier based cookstove are relatively clean and environmental friendly than direct combustion cookstove. The objective of this workwas to characterize the basic operating properties of a gasifier-based biomass cookstove using different types of biomass fuels. The main characteristics evaluated were the efficiencyof the stove. The biomass considered were oil palm fronds, dry leaves and pressed sugarcane. The efficiency of the stove was tested using water boiling tests.Other characteristics such as its ignition duration and the time required to boil 2.5 kg of water were also observed. The performance of each fuel was studied by analyzing the parameters involved during water boiling tests. It was found that oil palm frond has the highest thermal efficiency among all the fuels tested.

publication date

  • 2013

number of pages

  • 5

start page

  • 516

end page

  • 521


  • 393