Characterization of Stand Chopped Basalt Fiber Self – Compacting Reinforced Concrete (SCB-SCC) Academic Article uri icon


  • In the world today, producers of high performance concrete usually look for locally available material to provide low cost concrete. To reduce the total cost of concrete, it is recommended to use a mineral admixture by replacing the cement content while the improvement in the strength of concrete can be achieved by implementing the fibers as a discrete material in the concrete mix. Within this study, a attempt has been given to analyze the properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) with microwave incinerated rice husk ash (MIRHA) and fly ash as a two types of filler. This was to enhance the properties of SCC with the Stand Chopped Basalt (SCB) fiber having been added to the concrete mix. The experimental work was a fresh and a hardened test with the trend of the result showing the possibility to increase the properties of SCC by using MIRHA and SCB fiber.


  • Shafiq, Nasir
  • Nuruddin, Muhd Fadhil
  • Salih, Ahmed Fathi Mohamed
  • Elshekh, Ali Elheber Ahmed

publication date

  • 2014

number of pages

  • 5

start page

  • 356

end page

  • 361


  • 567