Items where Year is 2008
Ab. Rahim, L. (2008) Mapping from OCL/UML metamodel to PVS metamodel. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Abbas, M.K. and Abdullah, A.B. (2008) Remote mobile nodes service delivery via VANET. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Abdalla, O.A. and Zakaria, M.N. and Sulaiman, S. and Ahmad, W.F.W. (2008) Predictions of isolate and normal pentene of debutanizer catalytic reforming unit by using artificial neural network. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Abdelgadir, Y. and Abdullah, A. (2008) Biologically inspired model for securing hybrid mobile ad hoc networks. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Aburas, A.A. and Gumah, M.E. (2008) Arabic handwriting recognition: Challenges and solutions. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Adam, A.B. and Sakrani, S. and Wahab, Y. (2008) Structural studies of Snx-Sb15-Se85-x chalcogenide glasses. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Agil, N.A.M. and Saaid, I.M. and Ibrahim, J. and Harun, M.F. (2008) Utilizing acidized NH2 for mitigating formation damage and improving oil recovery: Case Study of Penara Field, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Agil, N.A.M. and Saaid, I.M. and Ibrahim, J. and Harun, M.F. (2008) Utilizing acidized NH2 for mitigating formation damage and improving oil recovery: Case study of Penara Field, Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, F. and Goudah, G. and Mamat, O. and Muti, N. and German, R.M. (2008) Development of carbon nanotubes-reinforced copper composites for heat sinking applications. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M.M. and Chugani, L.M. and Khor, C.S. and Yusup, S. (2008) Simulation of pyrolytic bio-oil upgrading into hydrogen. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, R. and Kareem, S.A. (2008) Recommending database query terms for mobile phone users. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, W.F.Bt.W. and Sarlan, A.Bt. and Zolkana, N.Z.I.B. (2008) University Technology Petronas health, safety & environment system. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad Fadzil, M.H. and Ihtatho, D. (2008) Modeling psoriasis lesion colour for PASI erythema scoring. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad Fadzil, M.H. and Nugroho, H. and Norashikin, S. and Suraiya, H.H. (2008) Assessment of therapeutic response in skin pigment disorder treatment. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmed, A. and Abdullah, A. and Dominic, P.D.D. (2008) A multi-agent based replication strategy for improving availability and maintaining consistency of data in large scale mobile traffic control environments. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmed, A. and Dominic, P.D.D. and Ibrahim, H. (2008) A binary hybrid replication strategy for improving availability and maintaining consistency of data in large scale mobile environments. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmed, A.Y. and Dennis, J.O. and Saad, M.N.M. and Talah, W.A. (2008) Design and simulation of a high temperature MEMS microhotplate for application in trace gas detection. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmed Jad Elrab, A.M. and Kamel, N.S. (2008) Comparative study of Pilot Symbol Assisted (PSA) beamforming techniques for (3G) WCDMA reverse link. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmed Jad Elrab, A.M. and Kamel, N.S. (2008) Performance analysis of non-blind adaptive beamforming techniques for (3G) WCDMA uplink. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ali, A.A. and Dominic, P.D.D. and Oi, M.F. (2008) A case study of linear weightage model for supplier selection process. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Altahir, A.A. and Asirvadam, V.S. and Sebastian, P. and Abdalwhab, A. (2008) Knowledge extraction from human motion. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Anggraeni, S. and Jeoti, V. (2008) Efficient code construction of (3, k) regular LDPC codes. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arrofiq, M. and Saad, N. (2008) A PLC-based self-tuning PI-fuzzy controller for linear and non-linear drives control. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arrofiq, M. and Saad, N. (2008) A simulation of PLC-based self-tuning PI-fuzzy logic controller for DC motor. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arshad, N.I. and Imran, M. and Ariff, M. and Taib, S.Mohd. and Khou, S.L. (2008) A preliminary study on knowledge management & data mining: A focus on sales and financial management. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arshad, N.I. and Kasbon, R. and Imran, M. and Ariff, M. and Bahari, H.F. (2008) Framework to customize a Document Management System (DMS) using web services technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Asirvadam, V.S. (2008) Adaptive regularizer for recursive neural network training algorithms. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Awaludin, I. and Saad, N. and Agustiawan, H. (2008) A prediction of oil demand in Malaysia using time series modeling approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Aziz, A.-R.A. and M-Adlan, A. and Muthalib, M.-F.A. (2008) Performance and emission comparison of a direct-injection (DI) internal combustion engine using hydrogen and compressed natural gas as fuels. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Aziz, I.A. and Hamizan, I.A. and Haron, N.S. and Mehat, M. (2008) Cooperative flood detection using GSMD via SMS. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Aziz, I.A. and Ismail, M.J. and Haron, N.S. and Mehat, M. (2008) Remote monitoring using sensor in greenhouse agriculture. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Aziz, I.A. and Mahamad, S. and Mehat, M. and Haron, N.S. (2008) Blind echolocation using ultrasonic sensors. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Aziz, I.A. and Mazelan, N.A. and Haron, N.S. and Mehat, M. (2008) 3-D seismic visualization using SEG-Y data format. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Aziz, I.A. and Sandran, T. and Haron, N.S. and Mehat, M. (2008) A proposed design for noise reduction algorithm in seismograph on high performance computing using F-K filter. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Baharudin, Z. and Kamel, N. (2008) AR modified covariance in one week ahead short term load forecast. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Baharudin, Z. and Kamel, N. (2008) Autoregressive method in short term load forecast. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Baloch, T.M. and Kae, T.T.C. (2008) Design and modelling a prototype of a robotic lawn mower. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Bhakti, M.A.C. and Abdullah, A. and Low, T.J. (2008) Simulation of EAP method selection and negotiation mechanism. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Bukhari, N.I. and Kang, Y.B. and Hay, Y.K. and Majeed, A.B.A. and Nadeem, M. and Bai, S.H. (2008) Effect of Surfactants on the size-distribution of starch nanoparticles during wet grinding. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Chandrasekaran, K. and Venkatachalam, P.A. and Karsiti, M.N. (2008) Dynamic voltage restorer as a sag mitigator and harmonic restorer. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Daud, H.B. and Low, T.J. and Ahmad, R. (2008) Online Islamic Medication Expert Systems (OIMES). In: UNSPECIFIED.
Desta, Z.F. and Rao, K.S.R. (2008) Taguchi's method for optimized neural network based autoreclosure in extra high voltage lines. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Dominic, P.D.D. and Aziz, I.A. and Goh, K.N. (2008) A decision support system for performance appraisal. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Dominic, P.D.D. and Parthiban, P. and Goh, K.N. (2008) A SCM framework to describe CRM. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Duvvuri, S. and Mukhtar, H. (2008) Units of chemical engineering operations. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Elamin, M.J.O. and Asirvadam, V.S. (2008) Instantaneous modeling of linear network on simulated wireless environment. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Elarafi, M.G.M.K. and Hisham, S.B. (2008) Modeling and control of pH neutralization using neural network predictive controller. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Elhadi, M. and Abdullah, A. (2008) Layered biologically inspired self-healing software system architecture. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Elmaleeh, M.A.A. and Saad, N. (2008) Acoustic emission techniques for early detection of bearing faults using LabVIEW. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Elmaleeh, M.A.A. and Saad, N. (2008) Development of acoustic emission diagnostic system for condition monitoring of rotating machines. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Elmaleeh, M.A.A. and Saad, N.B. (2008) A study of acoustic emission technique on incipient detection of rotating machine faults. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Elsadig, M. and Abdullah, A. (2008) Biological inspired approach in parallel immunology system for network security. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Elshiekh, A.A. and Dominic, P.D.D. (2008) A new auditing scheme for securing statistical databases. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Emelia Akashah, P.A. and Sugathan, S.K. and Ho, A.T.S. (2008) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) graph to determine the most suitable pairs analysis threshold value. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Fadzil, M.H.A. and Ihtatho, D. and Affandi, A.M. and Hussein, S.H. (2008) Objective assessment of psoriasis erythema for PASI scoring. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Fadzil, M.H.A. and Nugroho, H.A. and Venkatachalam, P.A. and Nugroho, H. and Izhar, L.I. (2008) Determination of retinal pigments from fundus images using independent component analysis. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hamdani, H.Y. and Shukri, S.R.M. (2008) Gene prediction system. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Haron, N.S. and Mahamad, M.K.B. and Aziz, I.A. and Mehat, M. (2008) A system architecture for water quality monitoring system using wired sensors. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hasan, K.N. and Rao, K.S.R. and Mokhtar, Z. (2008) Analysis of load flow and short circuit studies of an offshore platform using ERACS software. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hasbullah, H. and Ismail, M. and Jumari, K. (2008) The dimensioning of non-token-bucket parameters for efficient and reliable QoS routing decisions in bluetooth ad hoc network. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hassan, K.N. and Mani, N.A. and Sari'at, S.S. and Yahaya, N.Z. (2008) Comparative study of CoolMOS and MOSFET in high frequency circuit design. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hassan, M.I. and Abdulah, A. (2008) Scalable self-organizing model for grid resource discovery. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hassan, M.I. and Abdullah, A. (2008) Self-organizing Grid resource discovery. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ibrahim, M.N. and Mahamad, S. and Khalid, K.S. and Mazlan, E.M. and Ridzuan, R.S.Md. (2008) Controlling electrical appliances using an open source technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Irijanti, E. and Yap, V.V. and Nayan, M.Y. (2008) Neural network for the best wavelet selection on colour image compression. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Jati, H. and Dominic, D.D. (2008) Human skin detection using defined skin region. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Jati, H. and Dominic, D.D. (2008) Website accessibility performance evaluation in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Jegatheesan, R. and Nor, N.M. and Romlie, M.F. (2008) Newton-raphson power flow solution employing systematically constructed jacobian matrix. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Jung, L.T. and Kasbon, R. and Daud, H. (2008) Mobile islamic medication expert systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Kalid, K.S.B. and Mahmud, A.K.B. (2008) A proposed organization storytelling conceptual framework for the purpose of transferring tacit knowledge. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Kamaruzaman, N.N.S. and Hasbullah, H. (2008) Silent alarm: Path optimization route lifetime for VANET multi-hop routing protocol. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Kamel, N. and Yusoff, M.Z. (2008) A generalized subspace approach for estimating visual evoked potentials. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Kermany, A.R. and Hamid, N.H. and Burhanudin, Z.A. (2008) A study of MRF-based circuit implementation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Khairul Arifin, M.N. and Nawawi, M.N. and Zuhar Zahir, T.H. (2008) Gravity and magnetic data analysis to detect the basement rock structure at sungai pahang delta area. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Khan, M.A. and Asim, M. and Leoti, V. and Manzoor, R.S. (2008) Chaos based constellation scrambling in OFDM systems: Security & interleaving issues. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Khan, S.R.M. and Noorzaei, J. and Kadir, M.R.A. and Jaafar, M.S. and Thanoon, W.A.M. (2008) Predicting strength of concrete using Sclerometer - Reliability of the regression model. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Koko, I.S. and Agustiawan, H. (2008) Pipelined lifting-based VLSI architecture for two-dimensional inverse discrete wavelet transform. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Kumar, G.S. and Nagarajan, T. (2008) Experimental investigations on reconfigurable stewart platform for contour generation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Latif, N.A. and Hassan, M.F. and Hasan, M.H. (2008) Automated notification and document downloading in e-learning -development of an agent-based framework utilizing the push-pull technology interaction policy. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mahadzir, S. and Razik, A.H.A. (2008) Structural and refrigerant modifications study for energy conservation in an LNG plant. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mahjoub, A. and Mukerjee, R. (2008) Modeling of controller for voltage sourced converter based HVDC transmission system. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mahmoud, L. and Shafiq, N. and Fadhil, M. and Thanoon, W. (2008) Interfacial behavior of side plated CFRP-to-concrete joints under cyclic shear loading. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Manzoor, R.S. and Gani, R. and Jeoti, V. and Kamel, N. and Asif, M. (2008) Implementation of FFT using discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) and its application to SNR estimation in OFDM systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Manzoor, R.S. and Jeoti, V. and Kamel, N. and Asif, M. (2008) A novel front-end noise power and snr estimation using wavelet-packets in OFDM systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Manzoor, R.S. and Jeoti, V. and Kamel, N. and Asif, M. (2008) A novel noise power and SNR estimation in WiMAX systems. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Masri, M. and Ahmad, W.F.W. and Nordin, S.M. and Sulaiman, S. (2008) A conceptual framework for english language courseware using storytelling approach: Case study in University Teknologi Petronas. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Matori, A.N. and Dedi Atunggal, S.P. and Cahyono, B.K. (2008) Quality assessment of DTM generated from RTK GPS data on area with various sky views. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohamed, Y.A. and Abdullah, A.B. (2008) Biologically inspired architecture for securing hybrid mobile ad hoc networks. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohamed, Y.A. and Abdullah, A.B. (2008) Biologically inspired model for securing hybrid mobile ad hoc networks. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohamed, Y.A. and Abdullah, A.B. (2008) Security mechanism for MANETs. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mukhlason, A. and Mahmood, A.K. and Arshad, N.I. (2008) Semi automatic ontological knowledge base construction from learning materials in eLearning Management System. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Musmar, A.O. and Abdullah, A.B. and Dominic P, D.D. (2008) Object orientation with business process modeling for successful business process reengineering. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nallagownden, P. and Kanth, K.S.R. and Magumane, A.H. (2008) Performance analysis of surge arrester on high voltage systems using ATP. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nasir, F.M. and Amiruddin, N.A. (2008) Miscible C0 2 injection: Sensitivity to fluid properties. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nasir, F.M. and Amiruddin, N.A. (2008) Miscible CO2 injection: Sensitivity to fluid properties. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nasr, A.A. and Ariffin, M.M. (2008) Blogging as a means of knowledge sharing: Blog communities and informal learning in the blogosphere. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nawi, I.M. and Kordesch, A.V. (2008) Design of a 10 GHz ring oscillator for PDK verification. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nawi, I.M. and Rahim, M.A.S.A. (2008) Autonomous mobile robot: Path planning using backward chaining. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nisar, K. and Hasbullah, H. (2008) The effect of panoramic view of a digital map on user satisfaction - A tourism industry's case study. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nor, N.M. and Jegatheesan, R. (2008) Application of burg's algorithm in state estimation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nordin, S.Bt.Md. and Sulaiman, S. and Rambli, D.R.Bt.A. and Ahmad, W.F.Bt.W. and Mahmood, A.K. (2008) A conceptual framework for teaching technical writing using 3D virtual reality technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Oktiawati, U.Y. and Yap, V.V. (2008) Evaluating the effects of the dual tree complex wavelet transform and the adaptive rood pattern search algorithm on a video codec. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Omar, H.M. and Hooi, Y.K. and Sulaiman, A. (2008) Design, implementation and evaluation of a virtual showroom. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Paputungan, I.V. and Abdullah, A. (2008) Modelling a survivable system through critical service recovery process. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Paputungan, I.V. and Abdullah, A. and Jung, L.T. (2008) Critical service recovery model for system survivability. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Parimi, A.M. and Elamvazuthi, I. and Saad, N. (2008) Damping of inter area oscillations using interline power flow controller based damping controllers. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Parimi, A.M. and Elamvazuthi, I. and Saad, N. (2008) Interline power flow controller (IPFC) based damping controllers for damping low frequency oscillations in a power system. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Permanasari, A.E. and Rambli, D.R.A. and Dominic, D.D. and Ammasai, V.P. (2008) Construction of zoonosis domain relationship as a preliminary stage for developing a zoonosis emerging system. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Purwanto, D. and Agustiawan, H. and Romlie, M.F. (2008) The Taguchi-neural networks approach to forecast electricity consumption. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Raghu Ramulu, M. and Roy, S. and Subbarao, D. (2008) Gas to particle mass transfer in downers. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Rahim, L.A. and Mansoor, S.B.R.S. (2008) Proposed design notation for model transformation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Rahim, L.Ab. (2008) Evaluating different processes of translating OCL to PVS using model transformation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Rahman, A. and Mahmood, A.K. (2008) Agent-based simulation using prometheus methodology in evacuation planning. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Rahman, A. and Mahmood, A.K. (2008) Simulating human cognitive behaviors in pre-evacuation planning. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Rama Rao, K.S. and Md. Hasan, K.N. (2008) Rectifier power transformer design by intelligent optimization techniques. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Rama Rao, K.S. and Nagadeven and Taib, S. (2008) Sensorless control of a BLDC motor with back EMF detection method using DSPIC. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ramli, S.S.M. and Hasbullah, H. (2008) Energy-efficient handover algorithm for Bluetooth network. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Rao, K.S.R. and Nashruladin, K.N. (2008) Artificial neural networks and genetic algorithm for transformer winding/insulation faults. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Rao, K.S.R. and Yahya, M.A. (2008) Neural networks applied for fault diagnosis of AC motors. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Razali, N.M. and Ramachandaramurthy, V.K. and Mukerjee, R.N. (2008) Case studies on suppression of multimodal electromechanical oscillations by statcom's supplementary controller. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Romlie, M.F. and Pesol, M.F. and Hasan, K.N. (2008) PWM technique to control speed of induction motor using matlab/xpc target box. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Roy, P. and Khanna, R. and Subbarao, D. (2008) Granulation time in fluidized bed granulators. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Saeed, I. and Agustiawan, H. (2008) High-speed and power efficient lifting-based VLSI architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Saidin, S. and Sonny, I. and Nuruddin, M.F. (2008) A new approach for optimizing cement design to eliminate microannulus in steam injection wells. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sairuni, N. and Rambli, D.R.A. and Zakaria, N. and Baharuddin, B. (2008) Sketch-based technique for 3D navigation in cluttered virtual environment. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Saputra, D. and Rambli, D.R.A. and Mean, F.O. (2008) Sequential pattern mining using PrefixSpan with pseudoprojection and separator database. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sarlan, A.Bt. and Ahmad, W.F.Bt.W. and Bismo, D. (2008) Student Industrial Internship Web Portal. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sathyamoorthy, D. and Hani, A.F.M. and Asirvadam, V.S. (2008) Computation of scale-independent surface roughness via the generation of multiscale digital elevation models. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sayeed, S. and Kamel, N.S. and Besar, R. (2008) Enhancement of glove-based approach to dynamic signature verification by reducing number of sensors. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sebastian, P. and Yap, V.V. and Comley, R. (2008) The effect of colour space on tracking robustness. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Setiawan, N.A. and Venkatachalam, P.A. and Hani, A.F.M. (2008) Missing attribute value prediction based on artificial neural network and rough set theory. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Setiawan, N.A. and Venkatachalam, P.A. and Hani, A.F.M. (2008) A comparative study of imputation methods to predict missing attribute values in coronary heart disease data set. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Shaharun, M.S. and Mukhtar, H. and Yusup, S. and Dutta, B.K. (2008) Kinetics of hydroformylation of higher olefins using rhodiumphosphite catalyst in a thermomorphic solvent system. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sharif, S.A.M. and Jeoti, V. (2008) Configuring video sensor network using a novel vision based technique. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sharif, S.A.M. and Jeoti, V. (2008) Video wireless sensor network: Co-operative vision based localization method. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Shariff, A.M. and Leong, C.T. (2008) Inherent Risk Assessment (IRA). In: UNSPECIFIED.
Shariff, A.M. and Leong, C.T. (2008) Inherent Risk Assessment (IRA). In: UNSPECIFIED.
Shu, H.T. and Sheng, C.L. and Hoh, S. and Chin, C.W. and Han, L.T. (2008) An initial framework for predictive end-user application trigger. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Subbarao, D. (2008) Mass transfer resistance in downer reactors. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sulaiman, S. and Wan Ahmad, W.F. and Awang Rambli, D.R. and Hasbullah, H. and Goh, K.N. (2008) Multi-sensory modalities for music learning. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sumantr, B. and Karsiti, M.N. and Agustiawan, H. (2008) Development of variable ballast mechanism for depth positioning of spherical URV. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Tabe, M. and Burhanudin, Z.A. and Nuryadi, R. and Moraru, D. and Ligowski, M. and Jablonski, R. and Mizuno, T. (2008) Si single-electron SOI-MOSFETs: Interplay with individual dopants and photons. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Thanoon, W.A. and Jaafar, M.S. and Noorzaei, J. (2008) Development of a semi-fabricated composite system for floor slab construction. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Utomo, C. and Idrus, A. (2008) Life cycle cost and function analysis in value based design decision. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Vai Yee, H. and Zainal, S. and Jelani, J. and Saaid, I.M. (2008) Mathematical workflow incorporating PVT/Mass transfer rate models for subsurface data determination. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Vasant, P. and Barsoum, N. (2008) Hybrid genetic agorithms and line search method for industrial production planning with non-linear fitness function. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Wahyunggoro, O. and Saad, N. (2008) Evaluations of fuzzy-logic-based self tuning PI controller and fuzzy-scheduled PID controller for DC servomotor. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Wahyunggoro, O. and Saad, N.B. (2008) Development of fuzzy-logic-based self tuning PI controller for servomotor. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Yahaya, N.Z. and Begam, K.M. and Awan, M. (2008) Simulation of an inductive coupled high frequency resonant gate driver circuit. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Yasri, I. and Hamid, N.H. and Yap, V.V. (2008) Performance analysis of FPGA based Sobel edge detection operator. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Yew, K.H. and Mustapha, E.E. and Chen, Y.Y. and Do, D.K. (2008) Pervasive car pooling system using push strategy. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Yusoff, M.Z. and Kamel, N. and Hani, A.F.M. (2008) Single-trial extraction of visual evoked potentials from the brain. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Zabiri, H. and Maulud, A. and Ramasamy, M. and Thao, T.D.T. (2008) Valve stiction detection using NLPCA. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Zahlay F., D. and Rama Rao, K.S. (2008) Autoreclosure in extra high voltage lines using taguchi's method and optimized neural networks. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Zulkifli, S.A. and Karsit, M.N. and Aziz, A.R.A. (2008) Rectangular current commutation and open-loop control for starting of a free-piston linear engine-generator. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Zulkifli, S.A. and Karsiti, M.N. and Aziz, A.R.A. (2008) Starting of a free-piston linear engine-generator by mechanical resonance and rectangular current commutation. In: UNSPECIFIED.