Items where Year is 2008

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Number of items: 74.


Abraham, A. and Vasant, P. and Bhattacharya, A. (2008) Neuro-fuzzy approximation of multi-criteria decision-making QFD methodology. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 16. pp. 301-321. ISSN 19316828

Adji, T.B. and Baharudin, B. and Zamin, N. (2008) Applying link grammar formalism in the development of English-Indonesian machine translation system. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5144 L. pp. 17-23. ISSN 03029743

Ahmad, F. (2008) Control of defects in powder injection molded aluminum matrix composites. International Journal of Powder Metallurgy (Princeton, New Jersey), 44 (3). pp. 69-76. ISSN 08887462

Ahmad, F. and Mukhtar, H. and Man, Z. and Dutta, Binay.K. (2008) A theoretical analysis of non-chemical separation of hydrogen sulfide from methane by nano-porous membranes using capillary condensation. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 47 (12). pp. 2203-2208. ISSN 02552701

Ahmad, I. and Mosadeghzad, Z. and Daik, R. and Ramli, A. (2008) The effect of alkali treatment and filler size on the properties of sawdust/UPR composites based on recycled PET wastes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 109 (6). pp. 3651-3658. ISSN 00218995

Ahmad Fadzil, M.H. and Ihtatho, D. and Affandi, A.M. and Hussein, S.H. (2008) Objective assessment of psoriasis erythema for PASI scoring. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference. pp. 4070-4073. ISSN 1557170X

Amaresh, S.P. and Murugesan, S. and Regupathi, I. and Murugesan, T. (2008) Liquid-liquid equilibrium of poly(ethylene glycol) 4000 + diammonium hydrogen phosphate + water at different temperatures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53 (7). pp. 1574-1578. ISSN 00219568

Amminudin, K.A. and Sofian, M.N. and Hawari, H. and Putra, Z.A. and Khamaruddin, P.N.F.M. and Buang, A. (2008) Consider water reuse options for your facility. Hydrocarbon Processing, 87 (12). pp. 99-102. ISSN 00188190

Arunagiri, A. and Regupathi, I. and Murugesan, T. (2008) Gas holdup and energy dissipation in liquid-gas ejectors. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 83 (7). pp. 1064-1071. ISSN 02682575

Asim, M. and Jeoti, V. (2008) Efficient and simple method for designing chaotic S-boxes. ETRI Journal, 30 (1). pp. 170-172. ISSN 12256463

Awang, M. and Seng, G.M. (2008) Sulfonation of phenols extracted from the pyrolysis oil of oil palm shells for enhanced oil recovery. ChemSusChem, 1 (3). pp. 210-214. ISSN 18645631


Bahrum, E.S. and Su'ud, Z. and Waris, A. and Wahjoedi, B.A. and Fitriyani, D. (2008) Reactor core design optimization of the 200 MWt Pb-Bi cooled fast reactor for hydrogen production. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 50 (2-6). pp. 434-437. ISSN 01491970

Begam, K.M. and Michael, M.S. and Prabaharan, S.R.S. (2008) Nanostructured lithium-free oxyanion cathode, Li x Co 2(MoO4)3 0�x�<3 for 3 v class lithium batteries. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 12 (7-8). pp. 971-977. ISSN 14328488

Bhattacharya, A. and Abraham, A. and Vasant, P. (2008) FMS selection under disparate level-of-satisfaction of decision making using an intelligent fuzzy-MCDM model. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 16. pp. 263-280. ISSN 19316828

Bhattacharya, A. and Vasant, P. and Sarkar, B. and Mukherjee, S.K. (2008) A fully fuzzified, intelligent theory-of-constraints product-mix decision. International Journal of Production Research, 46 (3). pp. 789-815. ISSN 00207543


Chakrabarti, S. and Banerjee, S. and Chaudhuri, B. and Bhattacharjee, S. and Dutta, B.K. (2008) Application of biodegradable natural polymers for flocculated sedimentation of clay slurry. Bioresource Technology, 99 (8). pp. 3313-3317. ISSN 09608524

Chakrabarti, S. and Chaudhuri, B. and Bhattacharjee, S. and Das, P. and Dutta, B.K. (2008) Degradation mechanism and kinetic model for photocatalytic oxidation of PVC-ZnO composite film in presence of a sensitizing dye and UV radiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 154 (1-3). pp. 230-236. ISSN 03043894

Chakrabarti, S. and Chaudhuri, B. and Dutta, B.K. (2008) Adsorption of model textile dyes from aqueous solutions using agricultural wastes as adsorbents: Equilibrium, kinetics and fixed bed column study. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 34 (1-4). pp. 261-274. ISSN 09574352

Chakrabarti, S. and Dutta, B.K. (2008) Dye-sensitised photocatalytic degradation of PVC-ZnO composite film. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 9 (1). pp. 34-46. ISSN 14662132


Dominic, P.D.D. and Mahmood, A.K. and Murugesh, V. and Sridevi, P. (2008) Multiattribute analysis of the offshore outsourcing location decision using a decision support system framework. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 3 (5). pp. 445-463. ISSN 17460972


Elfadel, N. and Aziz, A.A. and Saad, N.M. (2008) New receiver architecture based on optical parallel interference cancellation for the optical CDMA. Journal of Communications, 3 (1). pp. 64-70. ISSN 17962021


Ganesapillai, M. and Regupathi, I. and Murugesan, T. (2008) Characterization and process optimization of microwave drying of plaster of Paris. Drying Technology, 26 (12). pp. 1484-1496. ISSN 07373937

Ganesapillai, M. and Regupathi, I. and Murugesan, T. (2008) An empirical model for the estimation of moisture ratio during microwave drying of plaster of Paris. Drying Technology, 26 (7). pp. 963-978. ISSN 07373937


Hamid, N.H. and Murray, A.F. and Roy, S. (2008) Time-domain modeling of low-frequency noise in deep-submicrometer MOSFET. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 55 (1). pp. 245-257. ISSN 10577122

Hassan, M.F. and Robertson, D. (2008) Addressing the brittleness of agent interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5357 L. pp. 214-221. ISSN 03029743

Hassan, M.F. and Robertson, D. (2008) Constraint relaxation approach for over-constrained agent interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5351 L. pp. 668-677. ISSN 03029743

Huong, V.T. and Mukhtar, H. and Murugesan, T. (2008) Simulation of hydrate dissociation equilibrium for carbon dioxide - Methane mixture. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, 22 (4). pp. 475-479. ISSN 03529568


Iqbal, M. and Man, Z. and Mukhtar, H. and Dutta, B.K. (2008) Solvent effect on morphology and CO2/CH4 separation performance of asymmetric polycarbonate membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 318 (1-2). pp. 167-175. ISSN 03767388

Isa, M.H. and Ibrahim, N. and Aziz, H.A. and Adlan, Mohd.N. and Sabiani, N.H.Md. and Zinatizadeh, A.A.L. and Kutty, S.R.M. (2008) Removal of chromium (VI) from aqueous solution using treated oil palm fibre. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 152 (2). pp. 662-668. ISSN 03043894

Izgec, O. and Demiral, B. and Bertin, H. and Akin, S. (2008) CO2 injection into saline carbonate aquifer formations II: Comparison of numerical simulations to experiments. Transport in Porous Media, 73 (1). pp. 57-74. ISSN 01693913

Izzatdin, A. and Nazleeni, H. and Low, T.J. and Wan, R. and Wan, D. (2008) Parallelization of prime number generation using message passing interface. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 7 (4). pp. 291-303. ISSN 11092750


Jaafar, A.R. and Isa, M.H. and Kutty, S.R.M. (2008) Adsorption of zinc, cadmium and nickel from aqueous solutions using ground water sludge (GWS). WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 111. pp. 247-253. ISSN 17433541

Jha, V. and Hon, A.A. and Thomas, A.G. and Busfield, J.J.C. (2008) Modeling of the effect of rigid fillers on the stiffness of rubbers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 107 (4). pp. 2572-2577. ISSN 00218995

Jiménez, F. and Sánchez, G. and Vasant, P. and Verdegay, J.L. (2008) Fuzzy optimization via multi-objective evolutionary computation for chocolate manufacturing. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 16. pp. 523-537. ISSN 19316828


Kamel, N.S. and Sayeed, S. (2008) SVD-based signature verification technique using data glove. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 22 (3). pp. 431-443. ISSN 02180014

Karuppanan, S. and Hills, D.A. (2008) Frictional complete contacts between elastically similar bodies subject to normal and shear load. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45 (17). pp. 4662-4675. ISSN 00207683

Karuppanan, S. and Hills, D.A. (2008) Sliding of general frictional complete contacts. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 50 (9). pp. 1404-1410. ISSN 00207403

Khanra, S. and Minero, C. and Maurino, V. and Pelizzetti, E. and Dutta, B.K. and Vione, D. (2008) Phenol transformation induced by UVA photolysis of the complex FeCl2+. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 6 (1). pp. 29-34. ISSN 16103653

Khor, C.S. and Elkamel, A. and Anderson, W.A. (2008) Incorporating the systems approach in future undergraduate chemical engineering education curriculum: Illustration via computer-aided process simulation laboratory exercises. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 5 (3-4). pp. 402-413. ISSN 17412242

Khor, C.S. and Elkamel, A. and Douglas, P.L. (2008) Stochastic refinery planning with risk management. Petroleum Science and Technology, 26 (14). pp. 1726-1740. ISSN 10916466

Khor, C.S. and Elkamel, A. and Ponnambalam, K. and Douglas, P.L. (2008) Two-stage stochastic programming with fixed recourse via scenario planning with economic and operational risk management for petroleum refinery planning under uncertainty. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 47 (9-10). pp. 1744-1764. ISSN 02552701


Lai, M.K. and Mohamed, N.M. and Begam, K.M. (2008) The role of Al2O3 buffer layer in the growth of aligned CNTs. Advanced Materials Research, 32. pp. 29-32. ISSN 10226680

Leong, C.T. and Shariff, A.M. (2008) Inherent safety index module (ISIM) to assess inherent safety level during preliminary design stage. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 86 (2 B). pp. 113-119. ISSN 09575820


Malakahmad, A. and Ahmad Basri, N. and Zain, S.Md. (2008) An application of anaerobic baffled reactor to produce biogas from kitchen waste. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 109. pp. 655-664. ISSN 17433541

Michael, M.S. and Begam, K.M. and Cloke, M. and Prabaharan, S.R.S. (2008) New NASICON type oxyanion high capacity anode, Li2Co 2(MoO4)3, for lithium-ion batteries: Preliminary studies. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 12 (7-8). pp. 1025-1029. ISSN 14328488

Michael, M.S. and Begam, K.M. and Cloke, M. and Prabaharan, S.R.S. (2008) New NASICON type oxyanion high capacity anode, Li2Co2(MoO4)3, for lithium-ion batteries: Preliminary studies (Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry DOI: 10.1007/s10008-007-0456-4)). Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 12 (7-8). p. 1035. ISSN 14328488

Muhammad, A. and Abdul Mutalib, M.I. and Murugesan, T. and Shafeeq, A. (2008) Density and excess properties of aqueous n-methyldiethanolamine solutions from (298.15 to 338.15) K. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53 (9). pp. 2217-2221. ISSN 00219568

Muhammad, A. and Abdul Mutalib, M.I. and Wilfred, C.D. and Murugesan, T. and Shafeeq, A. (2008) Thermophysical properties of 1-hexyl-3-methyl imidazolium based ionic liquids with tetrafluoroborate, hexafluorophosphate and bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide anions. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 40 (9). pp. 1433-1438. ISSN 00219614

Muhammad, A. and Mutalib, M.I.A. and Wilfred, C.D. and Murugesan, T. and Shafeeq, A. (2008) Viscosity, refractive index, surface tension, and thermal decomposition of aqueous N-methyldiethanolamine solutions from (298.15 to 338.15) K. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53 (9). pp. 2226-2229. ISSN 00219568

Mukerjee, R.N. and Abdullah, M.F.B. (2008) Under-reach correction in twin circuits without residual current input from the parallel line. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 23 (3). pp. 1359-1365. ISSN 08858977


Ng, T.F. and Vijayan, V.R. and Chow, W.S. and Sulaiman, A. (2008) Assessment of oil spill vulnerability of Southwest Pulau Pinang shoreline. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia (54). pp. 123-131. ISSN 01266187


Oxley, A. (2008) Will virtual reality ever be immersive? EngineerIT (NOV./D). pp. 56-57. ISSN 19915047


Philipps, A.G. and Karuppanan, S. and Churchman, C.M. and Hills, D.A. (2008) Crack tip stress intensity factors for a crack emanating from a sharp notch. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 75 (18). pp. 5134-5139. ISSN 00137944


Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E.C. and Rezaur, R.B. (2008) Effect of antecedent rainfall on pore-water pressure distribution characteristics in residual soil slopes under tropical rainfall. Hydrological Processes, 22 (4). pp. 506-523. ISSN 08856087

Rahman, A. and Mahmood, A.K. and Schneider, E. (2008) Using agent-based simulation of human behavior to reduce evacuation time. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5357 L. pp. 357-369. ISSN 03029743


Sakidin, H. and Abu Bakar, M.R. and Shariff, A.R.M. and Noorani, M.S.Md. and Matori, Abd.N. and Mohamed, A. and Ahmad, A. (2008) The effect of UNBabc mapping function modification to GPS tropospheric delay. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 18238343

Sen, T.K. and Sarzali, M.V. (2008) Removal of cadmium metal ion (Cd2+) from its aqueous solution by aluminium oxide (Al2O3): A kinetic and equilibrium study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 142 (3). pp. 256-262. ISSN 13858947

Shafeeq, A. and Abdul Mutalib, M.I. and Amminudin, K.A. and Muhammad, A. (2008) More on completion time algorithms for intermediate storage tanks in multiproduct batch process scheduling using matrix representation. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 47 (24). pp. 9957-9970. ISSN 08885885

Shafeeq, A. and Mutalib, M.I.A. and Amminudin, K.A. and Muhammad, A. (2008) Determination of inter-stage idle times in scheduling design of a three stage zero wait batch process. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8 (9). pp. 1706-1712. ISSN 18125654

Shafeeq, A. and Mutalib, M.I.A. and Amminudin, K.A. and Muhammad, A. (2008) New completion time algorithms for sequence based scheduling in multiproduct batch processes using matrix. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 86 (10). pp. 1167-1181. ISSN 02638762

Shafeeq, A. and Mutalib, M.I.A. and Amminudin, K.A. and Muhammad, A. (2008) Scheduling three stage flowshop processes with no intermediate storage using novel matrix approach. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8 (11). pp. 2136-2141. ISSN 18125654

Shafeeq, A. and Mutalib, M.I.A. and Amminudin, K.A. and Muhammad, A. (2008) A novel matrix approach to determine makespan for zero-wait batch processes. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 5 LNEE. pp. 143-153. ISSN 18761100

Shaharun, M.S. and Mukhtar, H. and Dutta, B.K. (2008) Solubility of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in propylene carbonate and thermomorphic multicomponent hydroformylation solvent. Chemical Engineering Science, 63 (11). pp. 3024-3035. ISSN 00092509

Shamshad, A. and Azhari, M.N. and Isa, M.H. and Hussin, W.M.A.W. and Parida, B.P. (2008) Development of an appropriate procedure for estimation of RUSLE EI30 index and preparation of erosivity maps for Pulau Penang in Peninsular Malaysia. Catena, 72 (3). pp. 423-432. ISSN 03418162

Shariff, A.M. and Keng, T.S. (2008) On-line At-Risk Behaviour Analysis and Improvement System (e-ARBAIS). Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 21 (3). pp. 326-335. ISSN 09504230

Shoaib, M. and Steves, B.A. and Széll, A. (2008) Stability analysis of quintuple stellar and planetary systems using a symmetric five-body model. New Astronomy, 13 (8). pp. 639-645. ISSN 13841076

Singh, J. and Jain, V. (2008) Performance analysis of BPPM and M -ary PPM optical communication systems in atmospheric turbulence. IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India), 25 (4). pp. 146-153. ISSN 02564602

Sivapalan, S. and Subramaniam, G. (2008) The incorporation of literature in the english language program for engineering students: Learner interest and perception. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature, 14 (1). pp. 45-73. ISSN 01285157


Thanoon, W.A.M. and Alwathaf, A.H. and Noorzaei, J. and Jaafar, Mohd.S. and Abdulkadir, Mohd.R. (2008) Finite element analysis of interlocking mortarless hollow block masonry prism. Computers and Structures, 86 (6). pp. 520-528. ISSN 00457949


Vasant, P. and Bhattacharya, A. and Abraham, A. (2008) Measurement of level-of-satisfaction of decision maker in intelligent fuzzy-MCDM theory: A generalized approach. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 16. pp. 235-261. ISSN 19316828

Vasant, P.M. and Barsoum, N.N. and Bhattacharya, A. (2008) Possibilistic optimization in planning decision of construction industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 111 (2). pp. 664-675. ISSN 09255273


Yahya, N. and Waje, S.B. and Ramli, I. (2008) Carbon nanopipe catalysed by as-prepared NiO nanoparticles. Sains Malaysiana, 37 (3). pp. 289-293. ISSN 01266039

Yahya, N.B. and Koziol, K.K.K. and Bin Mansor, M.K. (2008) Synthesis and characterization of single crystals Y3Fe 5O12 and Bi3Fe5O12 prepared via sol gel technique. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 283-28. pp. 406-412. ISSN 10120386

Yong, S.P. and Kadir, W.N.W.A. (2008) A meta-search engine with hits redundancies filtering. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 4 LNEE. pp. 589-597. ISSN 18761100

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