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Samsudin, M.F.R. and Sufian, S. (2021) Emerging semiconductor photocatalysts for antibiotic removal from water/wastewater. CRC Press, pp. 447-464. ISBN 9781000485325; 9780367633073
Jawaid, M. and Ahmad, A. and Reddy, A.V.B. (2021) Ionic liquid-based technologies for environmental sustainability. Elsevier, pp. 1-402. ISBN 9780128245453
Ganesan, T. and Elamvazuthi, I. (2021) Bilevel optimization of taxing strategies for carbon emissions using fuzzy random matrix generators. IGI Global, pp. 210-234. ISBN 9781799871781; 9781799871767
Raja, P.B. and Munusamy, K.R. and Perumal, V. and Ibrahim, M.N.M. (2021) Characterization of nanomaterial used in nanobioremediation. Elsevier, pp. 57-83. ISBN 9780128239629; 9780128241684
Yusuf, M. and Alnarabiji, M.S. and Abdullah, B. (2021) Clean hydrogen production technologies. Springer International Publishing, pp. 159-169. ISBN 9783030744069; 9783030744052
Rizal, A.R.A. and Nordin, S.M. and Hussin, S.H. (2021) Measuring deliberative attitude and attributes in political corporate social responsibility: Instrument development and validation. IGI Global, pp. 72-88. ISBN 9781799869610; 9781799869603
Abdullahi, A.U. and Ahmad, R. and Zakaria, N.M. (2021) Big data analytics: Partitioned b+-tree-based indexing in mapreduce. Springer International Publishing, pp. 217-239. ISBN 9783030662882; 9783030662875
Abdullahi, A.U. and Ahmad, R. and Zakaria, N.M. (2021) Indexing in big data mining and analytics. Springer International Publishing, pp. 123-143. ISBN 9783030662882; 9783030662875
Chai, M.T. and Malik, A.S. and Saad, M.N.M. and Rahman, M.A. (2021) Application of digital technologies, multimedia, and brain-based strategies: Nurturing adult education and lifelong learning. IGI Global, pp. 837-860. ISBN 9781799887348; 9781799885986
Elgharbawy, A.A.M. and Moniruzzaman, M. and Ismail, N. and Motlagh, S.R. (2021) Ionic Liquids-Based Antibiotics for Resistant Microbial Strains and Drug Polymorphism. Springer Nature, pp. 195-215. ISBN 9789811643651; 9789811643644
Goto, M. and Moniruzzaman, M. (2021) Application of Ionic Liquids in Drug Delivery. Springer Nature, pp. 1-242. ISBN 9789811643651; 9789811643644
Rahim, A.R.A. and Johari, K. and Saman, N. and Mat, H. (2021) Sustainable Conversion of Coconut Wastes into Useful Adsorbents. Springer International Publishing, pp. 631-668. ISBN 9783030362683; 9783030362676
Rao, T.V.V.L.N. and Abdul Rani, A.M. and Awang, M. and Baharom, M. and Uemur, Y. (2021) Biolubricants with Additives in Malaysia for Tribological Applications. Springer International Publishing, pp. 1541-1554. ISBN 9783030362683; 9783030362676
Elgharbawy, A.A.M. and Putra, S.S.S. and Alam, M.Z. and Moniruzzaman, M. and Kabbashi, N.A. and Jamal, P. (2021) Role of Ionic Liquids in the Processing of Lignocellulosic Biomass. Springer International Publishing, pp. 35-62. ISBN 9783030755799; 9783030755782
Elgharbawy, A.A.M. and Alam, M.Z. and Moniruzzaman, M. and Kabbashi, N.A. and Jamal, P. (2021) Role of Ionic Liquids in the Enzyme Stabilization: A Case Study with Trichoderma Ressie Cellulase. Springer International Publishing, pp. 23-34. ISBN 9783030755799; 9783030755782
Lal, B. (2021) Methane Carbon Sink Distribution and Stability in Permafrost and Deep Marine Soils. Springer Nature, pp. 277-305. ISBN 9789813367654; 9789813367647
Abdullah, L. and Goh, P. and Othman, M. and Khalif, K.M.N.K. (2021) Choquet Integral Under Pythagorean Fuzzy Environment and Their Application in Decision Making. Springer Nature, pp. 193-208. ISBN 9789811619892; 9789811619885
Amen, R. and Mukhtar, A. and Saqib, S. and Ullah, S. and Al-Sehemi, A.G. and Mehdi, S.E.H. and Babar, M. and Bustam, M.A. (2021) History and development of nanomaterials. Elsevier, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9780128238233
Ghazali, Z. and Zahid, M. (2021) The Awareness and Impact of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) on Climate Change in Malaysia. IGI Global, pp. 1303-1319. ISBN 9781668436875; 9781668436868
Yusup, S. and Rashidi, N.A. (2021) Preface. Elsevier, xxi-xxi. ISBN 9780128243886; 9780323858991
Wen, A.L.K. and Chew, J.J. and Yiin, C.L. and Lock, S.S.M. (2021) Thermal degradation behavior and kinetic modeling of green solvents-delignified biomass: a sustainable biomass-to-energy approach. Elsevier, pp. 89-103. ISBN 9780128243886; 9780323858991
Barambu, N.U. and Bilad, M.R. and Marbelia, L. and Arahman, N. (2021) Gravity-driven membrane filtration for decentralized water and wastewater treatment. Elsevier, pp. 177-185. ISBN 9780128206447; 9780128208779
Hii, S.W. and Chin, B.L.F. and Majing, F.R.S.A. and Lim, H.Y. and Loy, A.C.M. and Yiin, C.L. and Yusup, S. and Quitain, A.T. and Acda, M.N. and Unrean, P. and Rianawati, E. (2021) Iso-conversional kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of catalytic pyrolysis for palm oil wastes. Elsevier, pp. 277-300. ISBN 9780128243886; 9780323858991
Yusup, S. and Rashidi, N.A. (2021) Value-Chain of Biofuels: Fundamentals, Technology, and Standardization. Elsevier, pp. 1-584. ISBN 9780128243886; 9780323858991
Arif Hakimi Saadon, S.Z. and Osman, N.B. and Yusup, S. (2021) Pretreatment of fiber-based biomass material for lignin extraction. Elsevier, pp. 105-135. ISBN 9780128243886; 9780323858991
Mansoor, M. and Khan, M.W. and Rizvi, S.S.H. and Hashmani, M.A. and Zubair, M. (2021) Adaptation of Modern Agile Practices in Global Software Engineering. IGI Global, pp. 280-299. ISBN 9781668437032; 9781668437025
Gilal, A.R. and Tunio, M.Z. and Waqas, A. and Almomani, M.A. and Khan, S. and Gilal, R. (2021) Task Assignment and Personality: Crowdsourcing Software Development. IGI Global, pp. 1795-1809. ISBN 9781668437032; 9781668437025
Memon, M.S. and Bhatti, M.N. and Hashmani, M.A. and Malik, M.S. and Dahri, N.M. (2021) Techniques and Trends Towards Various Dimensions of Robust Security Testing in Global Software Engineering. IGI Global, pp. 1245-1271. ISBN 9781668437032; 9781668437025
Adnan, N. and Md Nordin, S. and Saleh, M.F. and Sanyal, S. (2021) Smart Charging Management for Autonomous Vehicles: A Smart Solution for Smart Cities and Societies: COVID 19. wiley, pp. 341-359. ISBN 9781119771739; 9781119768951
Shahbaz, M. and Al-Ansari, T. and Inayat, A. and Inayat, M. (2021) Technical readiness level of biohydrogen production process and its value chain. Elsevier, pp. 335-355. ISBN 9780128243886; 9780323858991
Goyal, S. and Agarwal, S. and Mathur, T. and Mathur, N. (2021) Assessing the Radial Effciency Performance of Bus Transport Sector Using Data Envelopment Analysis. CRC Press, pp. 71-87. ISBN 9781000455670; 9780367685423
Jain, V. and Juneja, S. and Juneja, A. and Kannan, R. (2021) Handbook of Machine Learning for Computational Optimization: Applications and Case Studies. CRC Press, pp. 1-280. ISBN 9781000455670; 9780367685423
Dasa, Y.K. and Lam, M.-K. and Yusup, S. and Lim, J.-W. and Ho, Y.C. and Show, P.L. and Tan, I.-S. and Kiew, P.L. (2021) Microalgae Cultivation in Open Pond and Photobioreactor. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 27-49. ISBN 9781685071592; 9781685071165
Tan, H.L. and Cheng, Y.W. and Lam, M.-K. and Lim, J.-W. and Shamsuddin, M.R. and Show, P.L. and Tan, I.-S. (2021) Microalgae Cultivation Modes and Systems. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 1-25. ISBN 9781685071592; 9781685071165
Abd Rahman, N.J. and Ramli, A. (2021) Kinetic Study and Characterization of Nannochloropsis sp. Methyl Ester Produced Using 5Bi2O3/ZrO2 Heterogeneous Catalyst. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 111-132. ISBN 9781685071592; 9781685071165
Vadivelu, J. and Dasan, Y.K. and Suparmaniam, U. and Lam, M.-K. and Lim, J.-W. and Ho, Y.C. and Tan, I.-S. and Yew Foo, H.C. (2021) The Potential of Using Macroalgae Biomass to Harvest Microalgae for Lipid and Bioethanol Production. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 159-173. ISBN 9781685071592; 9781685071165
Leong, S.Y. and Mohamed Kutty, S.R. (2021) Breeding of Insects for Biofuels Production. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 205-227. ISBN 9781685071592; 9781685071165
Borhan, F.N. and Lam, M.-K. and Chong, C.C. and Cheng, Y.-W. and Supramaniam, U. and Tan, I.-S. and Yew Foo, H.C. and Lau, S.Y. and Fui Chin, B.L. (2021) Adsorption of Methylene Blue Onto Macroalgae Biomass: Equilibriums and Kinetics Study. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 133-157. ISBN 9781685071592; 9781685071165
Lam, M.-K. and Lim, J.-W. and Cheng, Y.-W. and Tan, I.-S. (2021) BIOFUEL PRODUCTION FROM MICROALGAE, MACROALGAE AND LARVAE PROCESSES AND CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp. 1-252. ISBN 9781685071592; 9781685071165
Chua, S.Y. and Cheng, Y.W. and Lam, M.K. and Dasan, Y.K. and Kadir, W.N.A. and Rosli, S.-S. and Lim, J.W. and Tan, I.S. and Lim, S. (2021) Microalgae cultivation for sustainable biofuel production. Elsevier, pp. 137-158. ISBN 9780128243886; 9780323858991
Reddy, A.V.B. and Shah, M.U.H. and Ahmad, A. and Moniruzzaman, M. (2021) Introduction to ionic liquids and their environment-friendly applications. Elsevier, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9780128245453; 9780128245460
Jawaid, M. and Ahmad, A. and Reddy, A.V.B. (2021) Ionic Liquid-Based Technologies for Environmental Sustainability. Elsevier, pp. 1-402. ISBN 9780128245453; 9780128245460
Reddy, A.V.B. and Ahmad, A. and Jawaid, M. (2021) Preface. Elsevier, xvii-xvii. ISBN 9780128245453; 9780128245460
Inayat, M. and Shahbaz, M. and Naqvi, S.R. and Sulaiman, S.A. (2021) Advance strategies for tar elimination from biomass gasification techniques. Elsevier, pp. 61-88. ISBN 9780128225257
Bera, A. and Kumar, S. and Foroozesh, J. (2021) Biosurfactant role in microbial enhanced oil recovery. Elsevier, pp. 1-33. ISBN 9780128233801
Chandrasekaran, S. and Jain, A.K. and Shafiq, N. and Wahab, M.M.A. (2021) Design Aids for Offshore Topside Platforms Under Special Loads. CRC Press, pp. 1-310. ISBN 9781000482140; 9781032136844
Ali, A. and Nor, N.M. and Ibrahim, T. and Romlie, M.F. and Bingi, K. (2021) Sizing and Placement of Battery-Sourced Solar Photovoltaic (B-SSPV) Plants in Distribution Networks. IGI Global, pp. 1123-1154. ISBN 9781799891536; 9781799891529
Mousazadeh, M. and Naghdali, Z. and Rahimian, N. and Hashemi, M. and Paital, B. and Al-Qodah, Z. and Mukhtar, A. and Karri, R.R. and Mahmoud, A.E.D. and Sillanpää, M. and Dehghani, M.H. and Emamjomeh, M.M. (2021) Management of environmental health to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19: A review. Elsevier, pp. 235-267. ISBN 9780323857802
Shah, M.U.H. and Reddy, A.V.B. and Moniruzzaman, M. (2021) Ionic liquid-based surfactants for oil spill remediation. Elsevier, pp. 257-268. ISBN 9780128245453; 9780128245460
Nurfaizey, A.H. and Jaafar, J. and Mokhtar, N.M. and Nordin, N.A.H. (2021) Electrospinning process for green polymeric nanomaterials. Elsevier, pp. 307-327. ISBN 9780128194829
Behera, A. and Rajak, D.K. and Hussain, P.B. (2021) 3D printing and nanosensors. Elsevier, pp. 183-198. ISBN 9780128233580
Khan, H.W. and Elgharbawy, A.A.M. and Bustam, A. and Moniruzzaman, M. (2021) Design and Selection of Ionic Liquids Via COSMO for Pharmaceuticals and Medicine. Springer Nature, pp. 137-164. ISBN 9789811643651; 9789811643644
Kumar, S. and Foroozesh, J. (2021) Application of nanotechnology in hydrocarbon reservoir exploration and characterization. Elsevier, pp. 115-134. ISBN 9780128213469
Iqbal, F. and Abdullah, B. and Oladipo, H. and Yusuf, M. and Alenazey, F. and Nguyen, T.D. and Ayoub, M. (2021) Recent developments in photocatalytic irradiation from CO2 to methanol. Elsevier, pp. 519-540. ISBN 9780128230077