Browse by Type
Elmolla, E.S. and Chaudhuri, M. (2009) Degradation of the antibiotics amoxicillin, ampicillin and cloxacillin in aqueous solution by the photo-Fenton process. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 172 (2-3). pp. 1476-1481. ISSN 03043894
Ahmad, N. and Maitra, S. and Dutta, B.K. and Ahmad, F. (2009) Remediation of sulfidic wastewater by catalytic oxidation with hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21 (12). pp. 1735-1740. ISSN 10010742
Elamvazuthi, I. and Kamaruddin, S. and Azmi, M.S. (2009) Automation of nesting and cutting processes of leather furniture production: A case study. International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (10). pp. 25-29. ISSN 22272771
Woldemichael, D.E. and Hashim, F.M. (2009) Development of conceptual design support tool for subsea process equipment design. International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (10). pp. 12-17. ISSN 22272771
Regupathi, I. and Govindarajan, R. and Amaresh, S.P. and Murugesan, T. (2009) Densities and viscosities of polyethylene glycol 6000 + triammonium citrate + water systems. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (12). pp. 3291-3295. ISSN 00219568
Ismoyo, D. and Awan, M. and Yahya, N. (2009) Harmonic analysis of 240 V AC power supply using TMS320C6713 DSK. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 32. pp. 812-814. ISSN 2010376X
Kutty, S.R.M. and Ngatenah, S.N.I. and Isa, M.H. and Malakahmad, A. (2009) Nutrients removal from municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent using Eichhornia Crassipes. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 36. pp. 828-833. ISSN 2010376X
Malakahmad, A. and Zain, S.M. and Ahmad Basri, N.E. and Mohamed Kutty, S.R. and Isa, M.H. (2009) Identification of anaerobic microorganisms for converting kitchen waste to biogas. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 36. pp. 884-887. ISSN 2010376X
Nerma, M.H.M. and Kamel, N.S. and Jagadish, V.J. (2009) On DT-CWT based OFDM: PAPR analysis. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 41 LNE. pp. 207-217. ISSN 18761100
Oxley, A. (2009) Detecting the phenomenon of strange non-chaotic attractors. ANZIAM Journal, 51 (SUPPL.). C612-C624. ISSN 14461811
Shah, S.N.M. and Mahmood, A.K.B. and Oxley, A. (2009) Development and performance analysis of grid scheduling algorithms. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 55 CCI. pp. 170-181. ISSN 18650929
Ahmad Fadzil, M.H. and Ihtatho, D. and Mohd Affandi, A. and Hussein, S.H. (2009) Objective assessment of psoriasis erythema for PASI scoring. Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology, 33 (7). pp. 516-524. ISSN 03091902
Narahari, M. (2009) Comment on "Exact solutions of incompressible Couette flow with constant temperature and constant heat flux on walls in the presence of radiation", R. C. Chaudhary, Preeti Jain Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci., 31(2007), 297-304. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 33 (4). pp. 295-298. ISSN 13000160
Jabal, A.A. and Tan, I.M. and Man, Z. and Maitra, S. (2009) A kinetic anaysis of the degradation of grafted anionic polyacrylamide gel under nonisothermal condition. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4 (4). pp. 364-373. ISSN 18234690
Asirvadam, V.S. (2009) Separable recursive training algorithms with switching module. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5863 L (PART 1). pp. 126-134. ISSN 03029743
Adi, W. and Sulaiman, S. (2009) Haptic texture rendering based on visual texture information: A study to achieve realistic haptic texture rendering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 279-287. ISSN 03029743
Karim, S.A.A. and Hussain, M.Z. (2009) Erratum to: Visualization of positive and monotone data by rational quadratic spline (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. E1. ISSN 03029743
Al-Absi, H.R.H. and Abdullah, A.B. (2009) A proposed biologically inspired model for object recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 213-222. ISSN 03029743
Subhan, F. and Hasbullah, H.B. (2009) Designing of roaming protocol for bluetooth equipped multi agent systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 759-769. ISSN 03029743
Asnawi, R. and Bt Wan Ahmad, W.F. and Bt Awang Rambli, D.R. (2009) Design architecture for IMPlayer as a tool for supporting visual education presentation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 78-89. ISSN 03029743
Wan Abd Arif, W.N. and Wan Ahmad, W.F. and Nordin, S.Md. and Abdullah, A. and Sivapalan, S. (2009) Designing 3 dimensional virtual reality using panoramic image. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 404-414. ISSN 03029743
Masri, M. and Wan Ahmad, W.F. and Nordin, S.Md. and Sulaiman, S. (2009) The effect of visual of a courseware towards pre-university students' learning in literature. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 822-831. ISSN 03029743
Farooq, H. and Zakaria, M.N. and Hassan, Mohd.F. and Sulaiman, S. (2009) An approach to derive parametric L-system using genetic algorithm. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 455-466. ISSN 03029743
Ahmad Fadzil, M.H. and Fitriyah, H. and Prakasa, E. and Nugroho, H. and Hussein, S.H. and Mohd. Affandi, A. (2009) Thickness characterization of 3D skin surface images using reference line construction approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 448-454. ISSN 03029743
Iznita Izhar, L. and Sagayan Asirvadam, V. and Lee, S.N. (2009) Segmentation of sinus images for grading of severity of sinusitis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 202-212. ISSN 03029743
Mean Foong, O. and Low, T.J. and La, W.W. (2009) V2S: Voice to sign language translation system for Malaysian deaf people. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 868-876. ISSN 03029743
Hani, A.F.M. and Eltegani, N.M. and Hussein, S.H. and Jamil, A. and Gill, P. (2009) Assessment of ulcer wounds size using 3D skin surface imaging. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 243-253. ISSN 03029743
Bt Shafie, A. and Barnachea Janier, J. and Bt Wan Ahmad, W.F. (2009) Visual learning in application of integration. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 832-843. ISSN 03029743
Sairuni, N. and Awang Rambli, D.R. and Zakaria, N. (2009) Design framework for sketch based technique in 3D navigation of cluttered virtual environment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 415-426. ISSN 03029743
Daud, H. and Sagayan, V. and Yahya, N. and Najwati, W. (2009) Modeling of electromagnetic waves using statistical and numerical techniques. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 686-695. ISSN 03029743
Adi, W. and Sulaiman, S. (2009) Using wavelet extraction for haptic texture classification. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5857 L. pp. 314-325. ISSN 03029743
Siddiqi, M.H. and Sulaiman, S. and Faye, I. and Ahmad, I. (2009) A Real time specific weed discrimination system using multi-Level wavelet decomposition. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 11 (5). pp. 559-565. ISSN 15608530
Abdullah, M.A. and Chiang, L. and Nadeem, M. (2009) Corrigendum to "Comparative evaluation of adsorption kinetics and isotherms of a natural product removal by Amberlite polymeric adsorbents" Chem. Eng. J. 146 (2009) 370-376 (DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2008.06.018). Chemical Engineering Journal, 155 (1-2). p. 551. ISSN 13858947
Minh, V.T. and Abdul Rani, A.M. (2009) Modeling and control of distillation column in a petroleum process. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2009. ISSN 1024123X
Triwiyanto, A. and Mridha, S. and Haruman, E. and Bin Sudin, M. (2009) Thermochemical treatments of austenitic stainless steel in fluidised bed furnace for improved mechanical and ribological properties. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, 4 (2). pp. 197-203. ISSN 18230334
Shaharun, M.S. and Dutta, B.K. and Mukhtar, H. (2009) Ab initio energy calculations and macroscopic rate modeling of hydroformylation of higher alkenes by Rh-based catalyst. AIChE Journal, 55 (12). pp. 3221-3233. ISSN 00011541
Das, R. and Dutta, B.K. and Maurino, V. and Vione, D. and Minero, C. (2009) Suppression of inhibition of substrate photodegradation by scavengers of hydroxyl radicals: The solvent-cage effect of bromide on nitrate photolysis. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 7 (4). pp. 337-342. ISSN 16103653
Roy, P. and Vashishtha, M. and Khanna, R. and Subbarao, D. (2009) Size-dependent coalescence kernel in fertilizer granulation-A comparative study. Particuology, 7 (6). pp. 445-450. ISSN 16742001
Hani, A.F.M. and Younis, M.S. and Halim, M.F.M. (2009) A HOS-based blind deconvolution algorithm for the improvement of time resolution of mixed phase low SNR seismic data. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 87-100. ISSN 17422132
Lau, K.K. and Abu Bakar, M.Z. and Ahmad, A.L. and Murugesan, T. (2009) Feed spacer mesh angle: 3D modeling, simulation and optimization based on unsteady hydrodynamic in spiral wound membrane channel. Journal of Membrane Science, 343 (1-2). pp. 16-33. ISSN 03767388
Ahmad, R. and Abdul-Kareem, S. (2009) Free-form query for cell phones. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 59. pp. 11-16. ISSN 2010376X
Shariff, A.M. and Leong, C.T. (2009) Inherent risk assessment-A new concept to evaluate risk in preliminary design stage. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 87 (6). pp. 371-376. ISSN 09575820
Nugroho, G. and Ali, A.M.S. and Abdul Karim, Z.A. (2009) On a special class of analytical solutions to the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Applied Mathematics Letters, 22 (11). pp. 1639-1644. ISSN 08939659
Elmolla, E. and Chaudhuri, M. (2009) Optimization of Fenton process for treatment of amoxicillin, ampicillin and cloxacillin antibiotics in aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 170 (2-3). pp. 666-672. ISSN 03043894
Oumer, A.N. and Ali, A.M.S. and Mamat, O.B. (2009) Numerical simulation of fibre orientation in simple injection molding processes. International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 9 (9). pp. 361-367. ISSN 22272771
Sabil, K.M. and Witkamp, G.-J. and Peters, C.J. (2009) Phase equilibria of mixed carbon dioxide and tetrahydrofuran hydrates in sodium chloride aqueous solutions. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 284 (1). pp. 38-43. ISSN 03783812
Potty, N.S. and Mohd Akram, M.K.B. (2009) Structural Integrity Management for fixed offshore platforms in Malaysia. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 58. pp. 1079-1087. ISSN 2010376X
Mahmoud, L. and Shafiq, N. and Nureldin, M.F. and Thanoon, A.M.W. (2009) Fatigue behaviour of CFRP concrete joints under shear. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, 162 (5). pp. 355-364. ISSN 09650911
YIN, C.-Y. and Mohanad, E.-H. (2009) Simulation of Liquid Argon Flow along a Nanochannel: Effect of Applied Force. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17 (5). pp. 734-738. ISSN 10049541
Malik, A.S. (2009) Simulation-based analysis of the resolution and SNR properties of partial k-space EPI. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering, 35 (4). pp. 232-237. ISSN 15525031
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Kurnia, K.A. and Harris, F. and Wilfred, C.D. and Abdul Mutalib, M.I. and Murugesan, T. (2009) Thermodynamic properties of CO2 absorption in hydroxyl ammonium ionic liquids at pressures of (100-1600) kPa. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 41 (10). pp. 1069-1073. ISSN 00219614
Sakidin, H. and Abu Bakar, M.R. and Mohamed Shariff, A.R. and Md Noorani, M.S. and Matori, Abd.N. and Mohamed, A. (2009) Effect of GPS tropospheric delay Neill mapping function simplification. Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 95-107. ISSN 18238343
Goh, K.N. and Chen, Y.Y. and Mustapha, E.E. and Sivapalan, S. and Nordin, S. (2009) Design of a web intervention to change youth smoking habits. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 5613 L (PART 4). pp. 488-494. ISSN 03029743
Aziz, I.A. and Haron, N. and Mehat, M. and Jung, L.T. and Mustapa, A.N. and Akir, E.A.P. (2009) Solving traveling salesman problem on cluster compute nodes. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 8 (6). pp. 1020-1029. ISSN 11092750
Sarkar, S. and Maitra, S. (2009) Properties of carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposites: A review, part 2. InterCeram: International Ceramic Review, 58 (5). pp. 280-286. ISSN 00205214
Lwin, Y. and Abdullah, F. (2009) High temperature adsorption of carbon dioxide on Cu-Al hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxides: Kinetics and equilibria by thermogravimetry. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 97 (3). pp. 885-889. ISSN 13886150
Loke, S. and Sambasivan, M. and Downe, A.G. (2009) Strategic alliances outcomes in supply chain environments: Malaysian case studies. European Journal of Social Sciences, 9 (3). pp. 371-386. ISSN 14502267
Zabiri, H. and Ramasamy, M. (2009) NLPCA as a diagnostic tool for control valve stiction. Journal of Process Control, 19 (8). pp. 1368-1376. ISSN 09591524
Sufian, S. and Yusup, S. and Walker, G.S. and Shariff, A.M. (2009) Synthesis of graphitic nanofibres using iron (III) oxide catalyst for hydrogen storage application. Materials Research Innovations, 13 (3). pp. 221-224. ISSN 14328917
Bashir, M.J.K. and Isa, M.H. and Kutty, S.R.M. and Awang, Z.B. and Aziz, H.A. and Mohajeri, S. and Farooqi, I.H. (2009) Landfill leachate treatment by electrochemical oxidation. Waste Management, 29 (9). pp. 2534-2541. ISSN 0956053X
Zabiri, H. and Samyudia, Y. (2009) MIQP-based MPC in the presence of control valve stiction. Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 4 (3). ISSN 19342659
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Muhammad, A. and Mutalib, M.I.A. and Murugesan, T. and Shafeeq, A. (2009) Thermophysical properties of aqueous piperazine and aqueous (N-methyldiethanolamine + piperazine) solutions at temperatures (298.15 to 338.15) K. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (8). pp. 2317-2321. ISSN 00219568
Abou-Hamad, E. and Babaa, M.-R. and Goze-Bac, C. (2009) NMR evidence of the diamagnetic interaction between carbon nanotubes functionalized with polymer chains. Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (2). ISSN 00218979
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Ghafir, M.F.A. and Batcha, M.F.M. and Raghavan, V.R. (2009) Prediction of the thermal conductivity of metal hydrides - The inverse problem. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 (16). pp. 7125-7130. ISSN 03603199
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Zabiri, H. and Maulud, A. and Omar, N. (2009) NN-based algorithm for control valve stiction quantification. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, 4 (2). pp. 88-97. ISSN 19918763
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Prasannakumar, B.R. and Regupathi, I. and Murugesan, T. (2009) An optimization study on microwave irradiated, decomposition of phenol in the presence of H2O2. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 84 (1). pp. 83-91. ISSN 02682575
Pillai, M.G. and Regupathi, I. and Kalavathy, M.H. and Murugesan, T. and Miranda, L.R. (2009) Optimization and analysis of nickel adsorption on microwave irradiated rice husk using response surface methodology (RSM). Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 84 (2). pp. 291-301. ISSN 02682575
Mohamed, Y.A. and Abdullah, A.B. (2009) Security mechanism for manets. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4 (2). pp. 231-242. ISSN 18234690
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Sarkar, D. and Chakrabarti, S. and Dutta, B.K. (2009) Diffusion of methylene blue in glass fibers - Application of the shrinking core model. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33 (6). pp. 2874-2881. ISSN 0307904X
Yahaya, N.Z. and BegamK, K.M. and Awan, M. (2009) A review on design considerations & limitations of resonant gate drive circuit in VHF operations. Engineering Letters, 17 (2). ISSN 1816093X
Man, Z. and Stanford, J.L. and Dutta, B.K. (2009) Reaction kinetics of epoxy resin modified with reactive and nonreactive thermoplastic copolymers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112 (4). pp. 2391-2400. ISSN 00218995
Nadeem, M. and Shabbir, M. and Abdullah, M.A. and Shah, S.S. and McKay, G. (2009) Sorption of cadmium from aqueous solution by surfactant-modified carbon adsorbents. Chemical Engineering Journal, 148 (2-3). pp. 365-370. ISSN 13858947
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Zinatizadeh, A.A.L. and Younesi, H. and Bonakdari, H. and Pirsaheb, M. and Pazouki, M. and Najafpour, G.D. and Hasnain Isa, M. (2009) Effects of process factors on biological activity of granular sludge grown in an UASFF bioreactor. Renewable Energy, 34 (5). pp. 1245-1251. ISSN 09601481
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Verma, P. and Chatterjee, D. and Nagarajan, T. (2009) Design and development of a modular valveless micropump on a printed circuit board for integrated electronic cooling. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 223 (4). pp. 953-963. ISSN 09544062
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Kurnia, K.A. and Wilfred, C.D. and Murugesan, T. (2009) Thermophysical properties of hydroxyl ammonium ionic liquids. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 41 (4). pp. 517-521. ISSN 00219614
Yahaya, N.Z. and Raethar, M.B.K. and Awan, M. (2009) Review on magnetic components: Design & consideration in VHF circuit applications. Journal of Power Electronics, 9 (2). pp. 180-187. ISSN 15982092
Regupathi, I. and Murugesan, S. and Govindarajan, R. and Amaresh, S.P. and Thanapalan, M. (2009) Liquid-liquid equilibrium of poly(ethylene glycol) 6000 + triammonium citrate + water systems at different temperatures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (3). pp. 1094-1097. ISSN 00219568
Regupathi, I. and Murugesan, S. and Amaresh, S.P. and Govindarajan, R. and Thanabalan, M. (2009) Densities and viscosities of poly(ethylene glycol) 4000 + diammonium hydrogen phosphate + water systems. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54 (3). pp. 1100-1106. ISSN 00219568
Idrus, A. and Utomo, C. (2009) Functionality of negotiation agent on value-based design decision. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 39. pp. 394-398. ISSN 2010376X
Rahardjo, H. and Meilani, I. and Leong, E.C. and Rezaur, R.B. (2009) Shear strength characteristics of a compacted soil under infiltration conditions. Geomechanics and Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 35-52. ISSN 2005307X
Nugroho, G. and Ali, A.M.S. and Karim, Z.A.A. (2009) Toward a new simple analytical formulation of Navier-Stokes equations. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 39. pp. 197-201. ISSN 2010376X
Nugroho, G. and Ali, A.M.S. and Karim, Z.A.A. (2009) Toward a new simple analytical formulation of Navier-Stokes equations. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 39. pp. 110-114. ISSN 2010376X
Sarkar, S. and Maitra, S. (2009) Properties of carbon nanotube / epoxy nanocomposites: A review, Part 1. InterCeram: International Ceramic Review, 58 (2-3). pp. 115-120. ISSN 00205214
Murugesan, S. and Rajiv, S. and Thanapalan, M. (2009) Optimization of process variables for a biosorption of nickel(II) using response surface method. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26 (2). pp. 364-370. ISSN 02561115
Leong, C.T. and Shariff, A.M. (2009) Process route index (PRI) to assess level of explosiveness for inherent safety quantification. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 22 (2). pp. 216-221. ISSN 09504230
Kamarulzaman, N. and Yusoff, R. and Kamarudin, N. and Shaari, N.H. and Abdul Aziz, N.A. and Bustam, M.A. and Blagojevic, N. and Elcombe, M. and Blackford, M. and Avdeev, M. and Arof, A.K. (2009) Investigation of cell parameters, microstructures and electrochemical behaviour of LiMn2O4 normal and nano powders. Journal of Power Sources, 188 (1). pp. 274-280. ISSN 03787753
Abdullah, M.A. and Chiang, L. and Nadeem, M. (2009) Comparative evaluation of adsorption kinetics and isotherms of a natural product removal by Amberlite polymeric adsorbents. Chemical Engineering Journal, 146 (3). pp. 370-376. ISSN 13858947
Aziz, I.A. and Mazelan, N.A. and Mehat, M. and Haron, N.S. (2009) The implementation of three dimensional technique to visualization seg-y data. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 768-774. ISSN 2010376X
Aziz, I.A. and Kamel, A.I. and Mehat, M. and Haron, N.S. (2009) Implementation of interactive museum exhibits information via bluetooth. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 775-781. ISSN 2010376X
Zamin, N. and Hashim, M.H. and Taib, S.M. (2009) VXML: Proposing an alternative technology for accessing website contents in Malaysia. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 1119-1124. ISSN 2010376X
Rambli, D.R.A. and Sulaiman, S. and Nayan, M.Y. and Asoruddin, A.R. (2009) A step-wise zoom technique for exploring image-based virtual reality applications. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 197-200. ISSN 2010376X
Haron, N.S. and Zaime, M.K. and Aziz, I.A. and Hasan, M.H. (2009) Performance evaluation of an online text-based strategy game. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 851-855. ISSN 2010376X
Kaushal, H. and Jain, V.K. and Kar, S. (2009) Effect of atmospheric turbulence on acquisition time of ground to deep space optical communication system. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 792-796. ISSN 2010376X
Zakil, D.M.A. and Zamin, N. and Jung, L.T. (2009) I-feeder: An automated fish feeding system for aqua farming. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 1125-1129. ISSN 2010376X
Utomo, C. and Idrus, A. and Napiah, M. and Khamidi, M.F. (2009) Agreement options on multi criteria group decision and negotiation. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 447-451. ISSN 2010376X
Shukur, M.I. and Chyan, L.S. and Yap, V.V. (2009) Wireless sensor networks: Delay guarentee and energy efficient MAC protocols. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 1494-1498. ISSN 2010376X
Aziz, I.A. and Hamizan, I.A. and Mehat, M. and Haron, N.S. (2009) Prototype implementation of flood detection and early warning system via SMS. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 38. pp. 782-786. ISSN 2010376X
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