Items where Author is "Stephen, K.D."
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. and Alsulaiman, F. (2023) Fracture conductivity effect in dfn modelling using carbonate outcrop data. IOS Press, pp. 36-49. ISBN 9781643684192; 9781643684185
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2023) The impact of contact area and fracture surface roughness on fluid flow in fractured reservoirs. IOS Press, pp. 50-64. ISBN 9781643684192; 9781643684185
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. and Memon, M.K. (2022) Modelling the transient effect in naturally fractured reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. ISSN 21900558
Soleimani, H. and Hamza, M.F. and Merican, Z.M.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2022) Sol-gel Synthesis of Silicadioxide/Organopolymer Nanocomposite for Potential Applications in EOR Nanotechnology. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 383. pp. 357-365. ISSN 21984182
Jaber, A.K. and Awang, M.B. and Stephen, K.D. (2021) Proxy modelling for rapid optimisation of miscible CO2-WAG injection in heterogeneous clastic reservoirs: A case study from Southern Iraqi oil fields. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 26 (3). pp. 263-280. ISSN 17533309
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2021) Using statistical approaches in permeability prediction in highly heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs. Carbonates and Evaporites, 36 (3). ISSN 08912556
Irfan, M. and Stephen, K.D. and Lenn, C.P. (2021) An experimental study to investigate novel physical mechanisms that enhance viscoelastic polymer flooding and further increase desaturation of residual oil saturation. Upstream Oil and Gas Technology, 6. ISSN 26662604
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2021) The impact of diagenesis precipitation on fracture permeability in naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs. Carbonates and Evaporites, 36 (1). ISSN 08912556
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2020) Effect of fracture characteristics on history matching in the Qamchuqa reservoir: a case study from Iraq. Carbonates and Evaporites, 35 (3). ISSN 08912556
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2020) Effect of gravity drainage models on production efficiency of naturally fractured reservoirs. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hamza, M.F. and Soleimani, H. and Merican, Z.M.A. and Sinnathambi, C.M. and Stephen, K.D. and Ahmad, A.A. (2020) Nano-fluid viscosity screening and study of in situ foam pressure buildup at high-temperature high-pressure conditions. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 10 (3). pp. 1115-1126. ISSN 21900558
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2020) Using low salinity waterflooding to improve oil recovery in naturally fractured reservoirs. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10 (12). pp. 1-21. ISSN 20763417
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2020) The effectiveness of low salinity waterflooding in naturally fractured reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 191. ISSN 09204105
Aljuboori, F.A. and Lee, J.H. and Elraies, K.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2019) Gravity drainage mechanism in naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs; review and application. Energies, 12 (19). ISSN 19961073
Hamza, M.F. and Soleimani, H. and Sinnathambi, C.M. and Merican, Z.M.A. and Stephen, K.D. (2018) Laboratory characterization of crude oil and sandstone reservoir for chemical enhanced oil recovery. World Journal of Engineering, 15 (3). pp. 354-361. ISSN 17085284
Hamza, M.F. and Soleimani, H. and Merican, Z.M.A. and Sinnathambi, C.M. and Stephen, K.D. (2018) One-pot Synthesis and Static Bulk Foam Studies of C 18 -conjugated Zwitterionic Surfactant. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hamza, M.F. and Merican, Z.M.A. and Soleimani, H. and Abghari, S.Z. and Sinnathambi, C.M. and Stephen, K.D. (2018) A laboratory study of chemical enhanced oil recovery (CEOR) in compartmentalized sandstone reservoir: A case study of a 2-D phase macro-model reservoir. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13 (3). pp. 893-901. ISSN 18196608