Items where Author is "Shuhaimi, M."
Izyan, Z.N. and Shuhaimi, M. (2014) Exergy analysis for fuel reduction strategies in crude distillation unit. Energy, 66. pp. 891-897. ISSN 03605442
Faisal, A. and Ramasamy, M. and Shuhaimi, M. and Rahim, M. (2014) Identification of multi-input multi-output systems using combined direct and indirect methods. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 625. pp. 414-417. ISSN 16609336
Babiker, O.E. and Shuhaimi, M. and Mutalib, M.I.A. (2014) Molecular simulation for piperazinium based ILS: Effects of alkyl chain, concentration and anions on Henry�s constants. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 625. pp. 448-453. ISSN 16609336
Siraj, K.M. and Yusoff, N. and Shuhaimi, M. and Ali, S.F. (2014) An integrated framework for refinery scheduling and operational optimization. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 625. pp. 390-393. ISSN 16609336
Prihatin, T. and Shuhaimi, M. and Mutalib, M.I.A. and Bustan, M.D. (2013) Synthesis of optimum water polygeneration system in ethylene glycol production. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (22). pp. 7066-7073. ISSN 08885885
Mahmoud, A. and Shuhaimi, M. (2013) Systematic methodology for optimal enterprise network design between Bio-Refinery and petroleum refinery for the production oftransportation fuels. Energy, 59. pp. 224-232. ISSN 03605442
Khoa, T.D. and Shuhaimi, M. and Nam, H.M. (2012) Application of three dimensional exergy analysis curves for absorption columns. Energy, 37 (1). pp. 273-280. ISSN 03605442
Tiew, B.J. and Shuhaimi, M. and Hashim, H. (2012) Carbon emission reduction targeting through process integration and fuel switching with mathematical modeling. Applied Energy, 92. pp. 686-693. ISSN 03062619
Tiew, B.J. and Shuhaimi, M. and Haslenda, H. (2011) CO2 emissions reduction targeting for existing plant through heat exchanger network retrofit and fuel switching with MINLP. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Tufa, L.D. and Ramasamy, M. and Shuhaimi, M. (2011) Improved method for development of parsimonious orthonormal basis filter models. Journal of Process Control, 21 (1). pp. 36-45. ISSN 09591524
Usama, M.N. and Sherine, A. and Shuhaimi, M. (2011) Technology review of natural gas liquefaction processes. Journal of Applied Sciences, 11 (21). pp. 3541-3546. ISSN 18125654
Tufa, L.D. and Ramasamy, M. and Shuhaimi, M. (2010) Closed-loop system identification using OBF-ARMAX model. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (24). pp. 3175-3182. ISSN 18125654
Tufa, L.D. and Ramasamy, M. and Patwardhan, S.C. and Shuhaimi, M. (2010) Development of Box-Jenkins type time series models by combining conventional and orthonormal basis filter approaches. Journal of Process Control, 20 (1). pp. 108-120. ISSN 09591524
Khoa, T.D. and Shuhaimi, M. and Hashim, H. and Panjeshahi, M.H. (2010) Optimal design of distillation column using three dimensional exergy analysis curves. Energy, 35 (12). pp. 5309-5319. ISSN 03605442
Lemma, D.T. and Ramasamy, M. and Shuhaimi, M. (2010) System Identification using Orthonormal Basis Filters. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10 (21). pp. 2516-2522. ISSN 18125654
Eisa, O. and Shuhaimi, M. (2010) Thermodynamic study of hot potassium carbonate solution using aspen plus. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 62. pp. 704-708. ISSN 2010376X
Mesfin, G. and Shuhaimi, M. (2010) A chance constrained approach for a gas processing plant with uncertain feed conditions. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 34 (8). pp. 1256-1267. ISSN 00981354
Mesfin, G. and Shuhaimi, M. (2010) A probabilistic optimization approach for a gas processing plant under uncertain feed conditions and product requirements. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 62. pp. 585-590. ISSN 2010376X
Tufa, L.D. and Ramasamy, M. and Shuhaimi, M. (2009) Closed loop identification using Orthonormal Basis Filter (OBF) and noise models. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Osman, A. and Abdul Mutalib, M.I. and Shuhaimi, M. and Amminudin, K.A. (2009) Paths combination for HENs retrofit. Applied Thermal Engineering, 29 (14-15). pp. 3103-3109. ISSN 13594311
Mahmoud, A. and Shuhaimi, M. and Abdel Samed, M. (2009) A combined process integration and fuel switching strategy for emissions reduction in chemical process plants. Energy, 34 (2). pp. 190-195. ISSN 03605442
Tufa, L.D. and Ramasamy, M. and Shuhaimi, M. and Patwardhan, S.C. (2007) Control relevant system identification using orthonormal basis filters. In: UNSPECIFIED.