Items where Author is "Mustafa, M.R.U."
Abdullah, N.D.B. and Isa, M.H. and Juani, R.H.M. and Sultan, A.M.S.B.H.M. and Nayan, Z.B.H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. (2024) Organic Matter Removal from Sanitary Landfill Leachate Through Chemical Oxidation. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 324. pp. 479-487.
Baig, M.F. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Saputra, A. and Shah, M.M. and Takaijudin, H.B. (2023) Assessment of hydrogeological parameters in a tropical region using GIS and AHP. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Khurshid, H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Kilic, Z. (2023) Removal of Naphthalene, Fluorene and Phenanthrene by Recyclable Oil Palm Leaves� Waste Activated Carbon Supported Nano Zerovalent Iron (N-OPLAC) Composite in Wastewater. Water (Switzerland), 15 (5).
Khan, M.M.H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Hossain, M.S. and Shams, S. and Julius, A.D. (2023) Short-Term and Long-Term Rainfall Forecasting Using ARIMA Model. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 14 (5). pp. 292-298.
Razak, N.A. and Nasir, R. and Azmi, N. and Mukhtar, H. and Mohsim, D.F. and Mustafa, M.R.U. (2023) Utilization and performance evaluation of mixed matrix membranes for the treatment of produced water: A review. Water Environment Research, 95 (6).
Khan, M.M. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Hossain, M.S. and Kundai, T.C. (2022) ASSESSMENT OF WATER SUPPLY AND DEMAND IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 16 (2). pp. 101-109. ISSN 19823932
Khurshid, H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Isa, M.H. (2022) Adsorption of chromium, copper, lead and mercury ions from aqueous solution using bio and nano adsorbents: A review of recent trends in the application of AC, BC, nZVI and MXene. Environmental Research, 212. ISSN 00139351
Khurshid, H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Ho, Y.-C. (2022) Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy (ANFIS) Techniques for the Modelling and Optimization of COD Adsorption Process. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 758. pp. 525-537. ISSN 18761100
Moria, K.M. and Khurshid, H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Alhothali, A. and Bamasag, O.O. (2022) Application of the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in the Optimization of Acenaphthene (ACN) Removal from Wastewater by Activated Carbon. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (14). ISSN 20711050
Baig, M.F. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Baig, I. and Takaijudin, H.B. and Zeshan, M.T. (2022) Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Changes and Future Predictions Using CA-ANN Simulation for Selangor, Malaysia. Water (Switzerland), 14 (3). ISSN 20734441
Khurshid, H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Isa, M.H. (2022) A Comprehensive Insight on Adsorption of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Pharmaceuticals, and Chemical Dyes in Wastewaters Using Biowaste Carbonaceous Adsorbents. Adsorption Science and Technology, 2022. ISSN 02636174
Alhothali, A. and Khurshid, H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Moria, K.M. and Rashid, U. and Bamasag, O.O. (2022) Evaluation of Contemporary Computational Techniques to Optimize Adsorption Process for Simultaneous Removal of COD and TOC in Wastewater. Adsorption Science and Technology, 2022. ISSN 02636174
Hanif, M.F. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Liaqat, M.U. and Hashim, A.M. and Yusof, K.W. (2022) Evaluation of Long�Term Trends of Rainfall in Perak, Malaysia. Climate, 10 (3). ISSN 22251154
Khurshid, H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Isa, M.H. (2022) Modified Activated Carbon Synthesized from Oil Palm Leaves Waste as a Novel Green Adsorbent for Chemical Oxygen Demand in Produced Water. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (4). ISSN 20711050
Attique, R. and Zafar, M. and Ahmad, M. and Zafar, S. and Ghufran, M.A. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Yaseen, G. and Ahmad, L. and Sultana, S. and Nabila and Zafar, A. and Majeed, S. (2022) Pollen morphology of selected melliferous plants and its taxonomic implications using microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique, 85 (7). pp. 2361-2380. ISSN 1059910X
Khurshid, H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Rashid, U. and Isa, M.H. and Ho, Y.C. and Shah, M.M. (2021) Adsorptive removal of COD from produced water using tea waste biochar. Environmental Technology and Innovation, 23. ISSN 23521864
Zeshan, M.T. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Baig, M.F. (2021) Article monitoring land use changes and their future prospects using gis and ann-ca for perak river basin, malaysia. Water (Switzerland), 13 (16). ISSN 20734441
Zeshan, M.T. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Yusof, K.W. (2021) Impact of Coir Geotextiles to Reduce Soil Erosion and Surface Runoff. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 139 LN. pp. 93-100. ISSN 23662557
Alhothali, A. and Haneef, T. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Moria, K.M. and Rashid, U. and Rasool, K. and Bamasag, O.O. (2021) Optimization of micro-pollutants� removal from wastewater using agricultural waste-derived sustainable adsorbent. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (21). ISSN 16617827
Chua, S.-C. and Chong, F.-K. and Malek, M.A. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Ismail, N. and Sujarwo, W. and Lim, W. and Ho, Y.-C. (2020) Optimized use of ferric chloride and sesbania seed gum (SSG) as sustainable coagulant aid for turbidity reduction in drinkingwater treatment. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12 (6). ISSN 20711050
Haneef, T. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Yasin, H.M.F. and Farooq, S. and Isa, M.H. (2020) Study of ferrate(vi) oxidation for cod removal from wastewater. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Jian, B.T.P. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Isa, M.H. and Yaqub, A. and Chia, H.Y. (2020) Study of the water quality index and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon for a river receiving treated landfill leachate. Water (Switzerland), 12 (10). pp. 1-29. ISSN 20734441
Ayaz, S. and Ahmad, M. and Zafar, M. and Ali, M.I. and Sultana, S. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Kilic, O. and �obano�lu, D.N. and Demirpolat, A. and Ghani, A. and Afza, R. and Ahmad, K. and Munir, M. and Kalsoom, N. and Raza, J. (2020) Taxonomic significance of cypsela morphology in tribe Cichoreae (Asteraceae) using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique, 83 (3). pp. 239-248. ISSN 1059910X
Mustafa, M.R.U. and Isa, M.H. and Borhanuddin, F.F. and Mannan, H.A. and Haneef, T. (2020) Water quality monitoring along Kinta River in peninsular Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Sholagberu, A.T. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Yusof, K.W. and Hashim, A.M. and Shah, M.M. and Khan, M.W.A. and Isa, M.H. (2019) Multivariate logistic regression model for soil erosion susceptibility assessment under static and dynamic causative factors. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 28 (5). pp. 3419-3429. ISSN 12301485
Arshad, S. and Ahmad, M. and Saboor, A. and Ibrahim, F.H. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Zafar, M. and Ashfaq, S. (2019) Role of trees in climate change and their authentication through scanning electron microscopy. Microscopy Research and Technique, 82 (2). pp. 92-100. ISSN 1059910X
Hussain, M. and Yusof, K.W. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Mahmood, R. and Jia, S. (2018) Evaluation of CMIP5 models for projection of future precipitation change in Bornean tropical rainforests. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 134 (1-2). pp. 423-440. ISSN 0177798X
Mustafa, M.R.U. and Sholagberu, A.T. and Yusof, K.W. and Hashim, A.M. and Khan, M.W.A. and Shahbaz, M. (2018) SVM-Based Geospatial Prediction of Soil Erosion under Static and Dynamic Conditioning Factors. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Khan, T. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Isa, M.H. and Manan, T.S.B.A. and Ho, Y.-C. and Lim, J.-W. and Yusof, N.Z. (2017) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for Modelling Adsorption of Lead (Pb (II)) from Aqueous Solution. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 228 (11). ISSN 00496979
Babangida, N.M. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Yusuf, K.W. and Isa, M.H. (2016) Prediction of pore-water pressure response to rainfall using support vector regression Prédiction de la réponse de la pression de l�eau interstitielle à la pluie en utilisant la régression à vecteurs de support Predição da resposta da pressão da água no poro à chuva usando regressão por vetores de suporte Predicción de la respuesta de la presión del agua intersticial a la precipitación mediante regresión de vectores de soporte. Hydrogeology Journal, 24 (7). pp. 1821-1833. ISSN 14312174
Muhammad, M.M. and Alias, M.N. and Yusof, K.W. and Mustafa, M.R.U. and Ghani, A.A. (2016) Suitability of bioengineering channels in erosion control: Application to urban stormwater drainage systems. Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics, 19 (4). pp. 765-785. ISSN 09734686
Mustafa, M.R.U. and Isa, M.H. and Bhuiyan, R.R. (2011) Prediction of river suspended sediment load using radial basis function neural network-a case study in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.