Items where Author is "Mohshim, D.F."
Adnan, N. and Amir, M.B.S. and Mohshim, D.F. and Aji, A.Q.M. (2024) Carbon Dioxide Gas Adsorption on Eagle Ford Shale for Assessing CO2 Storage Potential. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Izman, I. and Mohshim, D.F. (2024) Isothermal Adsorption of CO2 in Shale as a Caprock at Different TOC. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nasir, R. and Sharif, R. and Mohshim, D.F. and Mannan, H.A. and Qadir, D. and Suleman, H. (2024) Membrane technologies for condensate recovery from natural gas. Elsevier, pp. 93-109. ISBN 9780443192234; 9780443192241
Abdullah, A.H. and Ridha, S. and Mohshim, D.F. and Maoinser, M.A. (2024) An experimental investigation into the rheological behavior and filtration loss properties of water-based drilling fluid enhanced with a polyethyleneimine-grafted graphene oxide nanocomposite. RSC Advances, 14 (15). pp. 10431-10444.
Mohshim, D.F. and Nasir, R. and Mannan, H.A. and Abdulrahman, A. and Mukhtar, H. (2023) Challenges of industries in dealing with oily wastewater release and treatments. Elsevier, pp. 49-70. ISBN 9780323999168; 9780323985420
Aji, A.Q.M. and Mohshim, D.F. and Maulianda, B. and Elraeis, K.A. (2023) Experimental Study on the Methane Adsorption Behaviour in Shale Gas Reservoir. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nashed, O. and Talib, N.K. and Lal, B. and Ghanem, O.B. and Mohshim, D.F. and Sabil, K.M. and Shariff, A.M. (2023) Measurement of physicochemical properties of green aqueous amino acid-based ionic liquids and their correlation with temperature and concentration. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18 (2).
Mohd Aji, A.Q. and Mohshim, D.F. and Maulianda, B. and El-Raeis, K.A. (2023) Molecular Simulation Study on Methane Adsorption in Amorphous Shale Structure. Minerals, 13 (2).
Masor, A.E. and Nasir, R. and Mannan, H.A. and Qadir, D. and Sharif, R. and Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Muhammad, A. (2023) Performance optimization of polyetherimide-zeolite 4A mixed matrix membranes for carbon dioxide/methane separation process using response surface methodology Leistungsoptimierung von Polyetherimid-Zeolith-4A-Mischmatrixmembranen für die Abscheidung von Kohlenstoffdioxid und Methan mit Hilfe der Antwortflächenmethode. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 54 (5). pp. 571-585.
Ameen, M. and Mohshim, D.F. and Sharif, R. and Nasir, R. and Mukhtar, H. (2022) Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Carbon Capture. CRC Press, pp. 341-357. ISBN 9781000537413; 9780367755140
Yazid, A.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Nasir, R. and Mohshim, D.F. (2022) Incorporating Carbon Nanotubes in Nanocomposite Mixed-Matrix Membranes for Gas Separation: A Review. Membranes, 12 (6). ISSN 20770375
Coomarasamy, P. and Mohshim, D.F. and Basri, A.H. and Nasir, R. and Mukhtar, H. (2022) Performance evaluation of reusing produced water as fracking fluid in Angsi field. Chemical Papers, 76 (3). pp. 1567-1578. ISSN 03666352
Nasir, R. and Suhaimi, A.S. and Mohshim, D.F. and Maqsood, K. and Alsaadi, A. (2022) Screening of forward osmosis membrane potential to treat produced water Screening des Potenzials von Vorwärtsosmosemembranen zur Behandlung von produziertem Wasser. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 53 (6). pp. 686-697. ISSN 09335137
Krishnan, A. and Mohd Aji, A.Q. and Maulianda, B. and Mohshim, D.F. and Barati, R. (2022) Study of D-limonene as novel green hydraulic fracturing surfactant in shale gas reservoir. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 103. ISSN 18755100
Mohd Aji, A.Q. and Maulianda, B. and Mohshim, D.F. and Elraeis, K.A. and Ku Ishak, K.E.H. (2022) Supercritical Methane Adsorption in Shale: Isothermal Adsorption and Desorption of Eagle Ford Shale Gas. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohd Aji, A.Q. and Mohshim, D.F. and Maulianda, B. and Elraeis, K.A. (2022) Supercritical methane adsorption measurement on shale using the isotherm modelling aspect. RSC Advances, 12 (32). pp. 20530-20543. ISSN 20462069
Abdullah, A.H. and Ridha, S. and Mohshim, D.F. and Yusuf, M. and Kamyab, H. and Krishna, S. and Maoinser, M.A. (2022) A comprehensive review of nanoparticles: Effect on water-based drilling fluids and wellbore stability. Chemosphere, 308. ISSN 00456535
Aji, A.Q.M. and Farahana, W.N. and Nadhari, W. and Savitri, C.D. and Mohshim, D.F. and Maulianda, B. and Krishnan, A. (2021) Application of D-Limonene as the Green High Viscosity Friction Reducer in Hydraulic Fracturing. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Aji, A.Q.M. and Nadhari, W.N.F.W. and Savitri, C.D. and Mohshim, D.F. and Maulianda, B. and Krishnan, A. (2021) Application of D-Limonene as the Green High Viscosity Friction Reducer in Hydraulic Fracturing. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Chee, S.C. and Hidayat, B.M. and Mohshim, D.F. and Md Zain, Z. and Chai, I.C.H. and Borhan, N. and Ismail, H.H. and Adam, M. (2021) Evaluation of anionic and non-ionic surfactant performance for Montney shale gas hydraulic fracturing fluids. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production, 11 (4). pp. 1973-1991. ISSN 21900558
Low, H.L. and Maulianda, B. and Mohshim, D.F. and Prakasan, A. and Mohamad, H. and Barati, R. (2021) Geomechanics Numerical Simulation of Stress Changes for Permanent Plug and Abandonment in Montney Shale Formation, British Columbia. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nasir, R. and Rashid, T. and Maqsood, K. and Qadir, D. and Mohshim, D.F. and Ali, A. and Suleman, H. and Mannan, H.A. and Mukhtar, H. and Abdulrahman, A. (2021) Lignin Nanoparticles and Their Biodegradable Composites. Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials. pp. 295-327. ISSN 25245384
Savitri, C.D. and Maulianda, B.T. and Mohshim, D.F. and Elraies, K.A. (2021) A Novel Estimation Approach of Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and Improved Rock Mechanical Properties Correlations by Considering The Effect of Overpressure Condition, Mineralogy, and Shale Composition in Montney Shale Gas, British Columbia, Canada. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nawi, N.I.M. and Sait, N.R. and Bilad, M.R. and Shamsuddin, N. and Jaafar, J. and Nordin, N.A.H. and Narkkun, T. and Faungnawakij, K. and Mohshim, D.F. (2021) Polyvinylidene fluoride membrane via vapour induced phase separation for oil/water emulsion filtration. Polymers, 13 (3). pp. 1-17. ISSN 20734360
Md Saad, N.A. and Mohshim, D.F. and Malik, A.A. (2021) Temperature effects on anionic/nonionic surfactant mixture and silica nanofluid dispersion for foam-EOR. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nasir, R. and Mohshim, D.F. and Mannan, H.A. and Qadir, D. and Mukhtar, H. and Maqsood, K. and Ali, A. and Maulianda, B. and Abdulrahman, A. and Mahfouz, A.B. (2021) A perspective on ionic liquid-based membranes for CO2 separation. Chemical Papers, 75 (3). pp. 839-852. ISSN 03666352
Syed, A.H. and Yekeen, N. and Padmanabhan, E. and Idris, A.K. and Mohshim, D.F. (2020) Characterization of lauryl betaine foam in the Hele-Shaw cell at high foam qualities (80�98). Petroleum Science, 17 (6). pp. 1634-1654. ISSN 16725107
Mohamed, M.J.B.G. and Mannan, H.A. and Nasir, R. and Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Abdulrahman, A. and Ahmed, A. (2020) Composite mixed matrix membranes incorporating microporous carbon molecular sieve as filler in polyethersulfone for CO2/CH4 separation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 137 (12). ISSN 00218995
Fazil, N. and Mukhtar, H. and Mohshim, D.F. and Nasir, R. (2020) Gas permeation properties of multiwalled carbon nanotubes on polyether block amide (Pebax-1657)/polyethersulfone (pes) blend mixed matrix membrane for co2/ch4 separation. Solid State Phenomena, 307 SS. pp. 258-263. ISSN 10120394
Ganie, K. and Mohshim, D.F. and Saaid, I.M. and Sulaiman, W.R.W. and Idris, A.K. (2020) Synthesis and characterization of a new surface-modified nanoparticle using fluoroalkanoic acids as a wettability alteration agent. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2020. ISSN 16874110
Aziz, U.A. and Adnan, N. and Sohri, M.Z.R. and Mohshim, D.F. and Idris, A.K. and Azman, M.A. (2019) Characterization of Anionic�Nonionic Surfactant Mixtures for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 48 (11-12). pp. 1617-1637. ISSN 00959782
Abdul Mannan, H. and Yih, T.M. and Nasir, R. and Muhktar, H. and Mohshim, D.F. (2019) Fabrication and characterization of polyetherimide/polyvinyl acetate polymer blend membranes for CO2/CH4 separation. Polymer Engineering and Science, 59. E293-E301. ISSN 00323888
Syed, A.H. and Idris, A.K. and Mohshim, D.F. and Yekeen, N. and Buriro, M.A. (2019) Influence of lauryl betaine on aqueous solution stability, foamability and foam stability. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 9 (4). pp. 2659-2665. ISSN 21900558
Wee, S.C. and Maulianda, B. and Harolanuar, N.H. and Lee, D. and Mohshim, D.F. and Zaid, H.F.M. and Liew, M.S. and Ayoub, M.A. and Elraies, K.A. and Barati, R. (2019) Numerical modelling of free energy for methanol and water mixtures for biodiesel production. Fuel, 255. ISSN 00162361
Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Dutta, B.K. and Man, Z. (2019) Predicting CO2 Permeation through an Enhanced Ionic Liquid Mixed Matrix Membrane (IL3M). International Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019. ISSN 1687806X
Mannan, H.A. and Nasir, R. and Mukhtar, H. and Mohshim, D.F. and Shaharun, M.S. (2019) Role of ionic liquids in eliminating interfacial defects in mixed matrix membranes. Elsevier, pp. 269-309. ISBN 9780081026656
Wiryoatmojo, A.S. and Mannan, H.A. and Nasir, R. and Mukhtar, H. and Mohshim, D.F. and Abdulrahman, A. and Man, Z. (2019) Surface modification effect of carbon molecular sieve (CMS) on the morphology and separation performance of mixed matrix membranes. Polymer Testing, 80. ISSN 01429418
Ganie, K. and Idris, A.K. and Mohshim, D.F. and Wan Sulaiman, W.R. and Mohd Saaid, I. and Abdul Malik, A. (2019) A review on the wettability alteration mechanism in condensate banking removal. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 183. ISSN 09204105
Nasir, R. and Ahmad, N.N.R. and Mukhtar, H. and Mohshim, D.F. (2018) Effect of ionic liquid inclusion and amino-functionalized SAPO-34 on the performance of mixed matrix membranes for CO2/CH4 separation. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 6 (2). pp. 2363-2368. ISSN 22133437
Ahmad, M.S. and Mohshim, D.F. and Nasir, R. and Mannan, H.A. and Mukhtar, H. (2018) Effect of solvents on the morphology and performance of Polyethersulfone (PES) polymeric membranes material for CO2/CH4 separation. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Man, Z. (2018) A study on carbon dioxide removal by blending the ionic liquid in membrane synthesis. Separation and Purification Technology, 196. pp. 20-26. ISSN 13835866
Mannan, H.A. and Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Murugesan, T. and Man, Z. and Bustam, M.A. (2017) Synthesis, characterization, and CO2 separation performance of polyether sulfone/EMIMTf2N ionic liquid-polymeric membranes (ILPMs). Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 54. pp. 98-106. ISSN 1226086X
Eltahir Mustafa, S.G.E. and Mannan, H.A. and Nasir, R. and Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. (2017) Synthesis, characterization, and performance evaluation of PES/EDA-functionalized TiO2 mixed matrix membranes for CO2/CH4 separation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134 (39). ISSN 00218995
Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Man, Z. (2016) Composite blending of ionic liquid�poly(ether sulfone) polymeric membranes: Green materials with potential for carbon dioxide/methane separation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133 (39). ISSN 00218995
Ahmad, N.N.R. and Mukhtar, H. and Mohshim, D.F. and Nasir, R. and Man, Z. (2016) Effect of different organic amino cations on SAPO-34 for PES/SAPO-34 mixed matrix membranes toward CO2/CH4 separation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133 (18). ISSN 00218995
Rosyadah Ahmad, N.N. and Mukhtar, H. and Mohshim, D.F. and Nasir, R. and Man, Z. (2016) Surface modification in inorganic filler of mixed matrix membrane for enhancing the gas separation performance. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 32 (2). pp. 181-200. ISSN 01678299
Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Man, Z. (2015) Ionic liquid embedded in polymeric membrane for high pressure CO2 separation. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45. pp. 1423-1428. ISSN 22839216
Ahmad, N.N.R. and Mukhtar, H. and Man, Z. and Mohshim, D.F. (2015) Synthesis and characterization of EDA-functionalized polyethersulfone/SAPO-34 mixed matrix membrane. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10 (15). pp. 6192-6195. ISSN 18196608
Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Man, Z. (2014) Effects of ionic liquid blending in polymeric membrane: Physical properties and performance evaluation. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 625. pp. 680-684. ISSN 16609336
Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Man, Z. (2014) Ionic liquid polymeric membrane: Synthesis, characterization & performance evaluation. Key Engineering Materials, 594-59. pp. 18-23. ISSN 10139826
Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H. and Man, Z. (2014) The effect of incorporating ionic liquid into polyethersulfone-SAPO34 based mixed matrix membrane on CO2 gas separation performance. Separation and Purification Technology, 135. pp. 252-258. ISSN 13835866
Mohshim, D.F. and Mukhtar, H.B. and Man, Z. and Nasir, R. (2013) Latest Development on Membrane Fabrication for Natural Gas Purification: A Review. Journal of Engineering (United Kingdom), 2013. ISSN 23144904
Nasir, R. and Mukhtar, H. and Man, Z. and Mohshim, D.F. (2013) Material Advancements in Fabrication of Mixed-Matrix Membranes. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 36 (5). pp. 717-727. ISSN 09307516
Mannan, H.A. and Mukhtar, H. and Murugesan, T. and Nasir, R. and Mohshim, D.F. and Mushtaq, A. (2013) Recent applications of polymer blends in gas separation membranes. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 36 (11). pp. 1838-1846. ISSN 09307516