Items where Author is "Kargupta, K."
Kulsi, C. and Dhara, P. and Mitra, M. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. (2016) Effect of solvent on nanostructure and thermoelectric properties of bismuth. Indian Journal of Physics, 90 (5). pp. 557-562. ISSN 09731458
Mitra, M. and Banerjee, D. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. (2016) Temperature dependent thermoelectric property of reduced graphene oxide-polyaniline composite. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Kulsi, C. and Mitra, M. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. and Goswami, S. (2015) Effect of different surfactants and thicknesses on electrodeposited films of bismuth telluride and its thermoelectric performance. Materials Research Express, 2 (10). ISSN 20531591
Mitra, M. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. (2015) Improved photoluminescence property of CTAB assisted polyaniline-AlZnO nanocomposite. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Saha, S. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. and Kargupta, K. (2015) Novel bimetallic graphene-cobalt-nickel (G-Co-Ni) nano-ensemble electrocatalyst for enhanced borohydride oxidation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (4). pp. 1760-1773. ISSN 03603199
Mitra, M. and Kulsi, C. and Chatterjee, K. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. and Goswami, S. (2015) Reduced graphene oxide-polyaniline composites - Synthesis, characterization and optimization for thermoelectric applications. RSC Advances, 5 (39). pp. 31039-31048. ISSN 20462069
Paul, T. and Seal, M. and Banerjee, D. and Ganguly, S. and Kargupta, K. and Sandilya, P. (2014) Analysis of drying and dilution in phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) using galvanometric study and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 11 (4). ISSN 1550624X
Maqsood, K. and Mullick, A. and Ali, A. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. (2014) Cryogenic carbon dioxide separation from natural gas: A review based on conventional and novel emerging technologies. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 30 (5). pp. 453-477. ISSN 01678299
Saha, S. and Basak, V. and Dasgupta, A. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. and Kargupta, K. (2014) Graphene supported bimetallic G-Co-Pt nanohybrid catalyst for enhanced and cost effective hydrogen generation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (22). pp. 11566-11577. ISSN 03603199
Sarkar, A.Kr. and Saha, S. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. and Kargupta, K. (2014) Hydrogen storage on graphene using Benkeser reaction. International Journal of Energy Research, 38 (14). pp. 1889-1895. ISSN 0363907X
Ghosh, P. and Halder, D. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. and Kargupta, K. (2014) Phosphosilicate gel-polybenzimidazole nanocomposite novel membrane for fuel cell application. International Journal of Plastics Technology, 18 (3). pp. 403-408. ISSN 0972656X
Chatterjee, K. and Mitra, M. and Ganguly, S. and Kargupta, K. and Banerjee, D. (2014) Thermoelectric performance of electrodeposited nanostructured polyaniline doped with sulfo-salicylic acid. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131 (4). ISSN 00218995
Chatterjee, K. and Dhara, P. and Ganguly, S. and Kargupta, K. and Banerjee, D. (2013) Morphology dependent ammonia sensing with 5-sulfosalicylic acid doped nanostructured polyaniline synthesized by several routes. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 181. pp. 544-550. ISSN 09254005
Ganguly, S. and Das, S. and Kargupta, K. and Banerjee, D. (2013) Reduced order inferential model-based optimization of a phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) stack. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 52 (22). pp. 7104-7115. ISSN 08885885
Mitra, M. and Chatterjee, K. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. (2013) Reduction of graphene oxide through a green and metal-free approach using formic acid. Diamond and Related Materials, 37. pp. 74-79. ISSN 09259635
Chatterjee, K. and Mitra, M. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. and Banerjee, D. (2013) Synthesis, characterization and enhanced thermoelectric performance of structurally ordered cable-like novel polyaniline-bismuth telluride nanocomposite. Nanotechnology, 24 (21). ISSN 09574484
Ganguly, S. and Das, S. and Kargupta, K. and Bannerjee, D. (2012) Optimization of Performance of Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC) Stack using Reduced Order Model with Integrated Space Marching and Electrolyte Concentration Inferencing. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 31. pp. 1010-1014. ISSN 15707946
Kargupta, K. and Saha, S. and Banerjee, D. and Seal, M. and Ganguly, S. (2012) Performance enhancement of phosphoric acid fuel cell using phosphosilicate gel based electrolyte. Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology, 40 (6). pp. 707-713. ISSN 2097213X
Dhole, C.K. and Nanda, A. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. (2012) Synthesis, characterization and performance study of phosphosilicate gel-sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) nanocomposite membrane for fuel cell application. Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 4 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 20776772
Chatterjee, K. and Ganguly, S. and Kargupta, K. and Banerjee, D. (2011) Bismuth nitrate doped polyaniline - Characterization and properties for thermoelectric application. Synthetic Metals, 161 (3-4). pp. 275-279. ISSN 03796779
Majumdar, S. and Kargupta, K. and Ganguly, S. and Ray, P. (2011) Studies on the performance of the conducting polymer-based molecular release system. Polymer Engineering and Science, 51 (10). pp. 2001-2012. ISSN 00323888