Items where Author is "Chandio, I.A."
Memon, I.A. and Soomro, U. and Qureshi, S. and Chandio, I.A. and Talpur, M.A.H. and Napiah, M. (2022) Multilayer Perceptron Modelling of Travelers Towards Park-and-Ride Service in Karachi. Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. pp. 1026-1038. ISSN 23663405
Memon, I.A. and Kalwar, S. and Sahito, N. and Talpur, M.A.H. and Chandio, I.A. and Napiah, M. and Tayyeb, H. (2021) Mode choice modeling to shift car travelers towards park and ride service in the city centre of karachi. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13 (10). ISSN 20711050
Khahro, S.H. and Matori, A.N. and Chandio, I.A. and Talpur, M.A.H. (2019) Data Preparation for GIS based Land Suitability Modelling: A Stepped Approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Talpur, M.A.H. and Napiah, M. and Chandio, I.A. and Qureshi, T.A. and Khahro, S.H. (2014) Development of a regional transport policy support system for rural planning agencies in developing world. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Chandio, I.A. and Matori, A.N. and Yusof, K. and Talpur, M.A.H. and Aminu, M. (2014) GIS-basedland suitability analysis of sustainable hillside development. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Khahro, S.H. and Matori, A.N. and Chandio, I.A. and Talpur, M.A.H. (2014) Land suitability analysis for installing new petrol filling stations using GIS. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Talpur, M.A.H. and Madzlan, N. and Irfan, A. and Chandio, I.A. and Hussain, S. (2014) Time-space geography: A creditable transport accessibility measure for rural dwellers. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 567. pp. 763-768. ISSN 16609336
Talpur, M.A.H. and Napiah, M. and Chandio, I.A. and Qureshi, T.A. (2014) An analysis of Umer Kots' public sector education facilities: A deserted subregion in Southern Pakistan. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7 (9). pp. 1856-1862. ISSN 20407459
Talpur, M.A.H. and Napiah, M. and Chandio, I.A. and Qureshi, T.A. (2014) A comprehensive evaluation of basic health facilities according to local standards and demographic features of umarkot sub-region, Pakistan. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7 (22). pp. 4754-4762. ISSN 20407459
Lawal, D.U. and Matori, A.-N. and Yusof, K.W. and Hashim, A.M. and Aminu, M. and Sabri, S. and Balogun, A.-L. and Chandio, I.A. and Mokhtar, M.R.M. (2014) group-based decision support for flood hazard forecasting: A geospatial technology-based group analytic hierarchy process approach. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7 (23). pp. 4838-4850. ISSN 20407459
Memon, I.A. and Madzlan, N. and Talpur, M.A.H. and Hakro, M.R. and Chandio, I.A. (2014) A review on the factors influencing the park-and-ride traffic management method. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 567. pp. 663-668. ISSN 16609336
Chandio, I.A. and Matori, A.N.B. and WanYusof, K.B. and Talpur, M.A.H. and Balogun, A.-L. and Lawal, D.U. (2013) GIS-based analytic hierarchy process as a multicriteria decision analysis instrument: A review. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 6 (8). pp. 3059-3066. ISSN 18667511
Mokhtar, M.R.M. and Matori, A.N. and Yusof, K.W. and Embong, A.M. and Lawal, D.U. and Chandio, I.A. (2013) Observing landslide occurrence by GIS approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Aminu, M. and Ludin, A.N.B.M. and Matori, A.-N. and Wan Yusof, K. and Dano, L.U. and Chandio, I.A. (2013) A spatial decision support system (SDSS) for sustainable tourism planning in Johor Ramsar sites, Malaysia. Environmental Earth Sciences, 70 (3). pp. 1113-1124. ISSN 18666280
Mokhtar, M.R.M. and Matori, A.N. and Yusof, H.K.H.W. and Chandio, I.A. and Viet, D.T. and Lawal, D.U. (2013) A study of unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry for environment mapping: Preliminary observation. Advanced Materials Research, 626. pp. 440-444. ISSN 10226680
Talpur, M.A.H. and Napiah, M. and Chandio, I.A. and Khahro, S.H. (2012) Transportation planning survey methodologies for the proposed study of physical and socio-economic development of deprived rural regions: A review. Modern Applied Science, 6 (7). pp. 1-16. ISSN 19131844
Chandio, I.A. and Matori, A.N.B. and Lawal, D.U. (2011) GIS-based accessibility analysis using suitable land for public Parksin Larkana city Pakistan. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 3 (6). pp. 553-557. ISSN 20407459
Chandio, I.A. and Matori, A.-N. and Lawal, D.U. and Sabri, S. (2011) GIS-based land suitability analysis using AHP for public parks planning in Larkana City. Modern Applied Science, 5 (4). pp. 177-189. ISSN 19131844
Lawal, D.U. and Matori, A.-N. and Hashim, A.M. and Chandio, I.A. and Sabri, S. and Balogun, A.-L. and Abba, H.A. (2011) Geographic information system and remote sensing applications in flood hazards management: A review. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 3 (9). pp. 933-947. ISSN 20407459