Items where Author is "Arshad, N.I."
Ariff, M.I.M. and Salim, R.M.Z.R. and Azizan, A. and Ahmad, S. and Arshad, N.I. and Abdullah, M.N. (2024) Exploring public sentiments towards courier services in Malaysia through Twitter: a sentiment analysis approach. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 33 (3). pp. 1966-1973.
Yadav, A.K. and Singh, K. and Arshad, N.I. and Ferrara, M. and Ahmadian, A. and Mesalam, Y.I. (2024) MADM-based network selection and handover management in heterogeneous network: A comprehensive comparative analysis. Results in Engineering, 21.
Ariff, M.I.M. and Zubir, N.E.S. and Azizan, A. and Ahmad, S. and Arshad, N.I. (2024) Malaysian views on COVID-19 vaccination program: a sentiment analysis study using Twitter. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 13 (1). pp. 436-443.
Zulkifli, F. and Abidin, R.Z. and Ariff, M.I.M. and Ahmad, N.A. and Arshad, N.I. and Ependi, U. and Razak, M.S.A. (2024) Measuring the National Digital Identity Initiative in Malaysia: A Pilot Study with Rasch Measurement. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 38 (2). pp. 153-164.
Hashim, A.S. and Aminu Muazu, A. and Yusof, M.A.Md. and Arshad, N.I. (2023) Development of Robot to Improve Learning of Programming Skills among Students. Iraqi Journal for Computer Science and Mathematics, 4 (3). pp. 1-11.
Hassan, N.H. and Arshad, N.I. (2023) Information technology personnel competency towards organizational agility: Study at Malaysia automotive. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 32 (1). pp. 312-317. ISSN 25024752
Liao, J. and Yang, D. and Arshad, N.I. and Venkatachalam, K. and Ahmadian, A. (2023) MEMS: An automated multi-energy management system for smart residences using the DD-LSTM approach. Sustainable Cities and Society, 98.
Gu, J. and Zhao, L. and Yue, X. and Arshad, N.I. and Mohamad, U.H. (2023) Multistage quality control in manufacturing process using blockchain with machine learning technique. Information Processing and Management, 60 (4).
Salimipour, A. and Mehraban, T. and Ghafour, H.S. and Arshad, N.I. and Ebadi, M.J. (2023) Retraction notice to �SIR model for the spread of COVID-19: A case study� Operations Research Perspectives 10 (2023) 100265(S2214716022000367)(10.1016/j.orp.2022.100265). Operations Research Perspectives, 10. ISSN 22147160
Salimipour, A. and Mehraban, T. and Ghafour, H.S. and Arshad, N.I. and Ebadi, M.J. (2023) SIR model for the spread of COVID-19: A case study. Operations Research Perspectives, 10.
Norman, A.A. and Marzuki, A.H. and Faith, F. and Hamid, S. and Ghani, N.A. and Ravana, S.D. and Arshad, N.I. (2023) Technology Dependency and Impact during COVID-19: A Systematic Literature Review and Open Challenges. IEEE Access. p. 1. ISSN 21693536
Kang, D. and Jaisankar, R. and Murugesan, V. and Suvitha, K. and Narayanamoorthy, S. and Omar, A.H. and Arshad, N.I. and Ahmadian, A. (2023) A novel MCDM approach to selecting a biodegradable dynamic plastic product: a probabilistic hesitant fuzzy set-based COPRAS method. Journal of Environmental Management, 340.
Jeon, J. and Suvitha, K. and Arshad, N.I. and Kalaiselvan, S. and Narayanamoorthy, S. and Ferrara, M. and Ahmadian, A. (2023) A probabilistic hesitant fuzzy MCDM approach to evaluate India's intervention strategies against the COVID-19 pandemic. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 89.
Amin, R. and Senu, N. and Hafeez, M.B. and Arshad, N.I. and Ahmadian, A.L.I. and Salahshour, S. and Sumelka, W. (2022) A COMPUTATIONAL ALGORITHM for the NUMERICAL SOLUTION of NONLINEAR FRACTIONAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS. Fractals, 30 (1). ISSN 0218348X
Mohamed Ariff, M.I. and Mohamad Fadzir, F.D. and Arshad, N.I. and Ahmad, S. and Salleh, K.A. and Wahab, J.A. (2022) Design and Development of a smart garage door system. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ariff, M.I.M. and Khalil, F.M. and Rahman, R.A. and Masrom, S. and Arshad, N.I. (2022) Developing mobile game application for introduction to financial accounting. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 27 (3). pp. 1721-1728. ISSN 25024752
Thi Cam, H.N. and Sarlan, A. and Arshad, N.I. and Thanh, V.V.T. (2022) Machine Learning Strategy for Enhancing Academic Achievement in Private University. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ariff, M.I.M. and Annuar, N.I.K. and Najmuddin, A.F. and Ibrahim, I.M. and Arshad, N.I. and Ahmad, S. and Salleh, K.A. (2022) Mobile development: learn du�a for early childhood learners. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 11 (4). pp. 2253-2261. ISSN 20893191
Navanitha, M. and Savita, K.S. and Arshad, N.I. and Isawasan, P. and Adams, D. and Ahmat, N.H.C. and Shariman, T.P.N.B.T. (2022) The Preliminary Investigation on Micro-Credentials Practices in Malaysia. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Arshad, N.I. and Sarlan, A.B.T. (2022) USING DATA MINING TECHNIQUES TO MEASURE STUDENTS� ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEARNING METHODS: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 100 (7). pp. 2300-2312. ISSN 19928645
Rawat, G.S. and Singh, K. and Arshad, N.I. and Hadidi, K. and Ahmadian, A. (2022) A lightweight authentication scheme with privacy preservation for vehicular networks. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 100. ISSN 00457906
Arshad, N.I. and Bosua, R. and Milton, S. and Mahmood, A.K. and Zainal-Abidin, A.I. and Ariffin, M.M. and Aszemi, N.M. (2022) A sustainable enterprise content management technologies use framework supporting agile business processes. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 20 (1). pp. 123-140. ISSN 14778238
Fouladi, S. and Safaei, A.A. and Arshad, N.I. and Ebadi, M.J. and Ahmadian, A. (2022) The use of artificial neural networks to diagnose Alzheimer�s disease from brain images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81 (26). pp. 37681-37721. ISSN 13807501
Kamal, R. and Kamran and Rahmat, G. and Ahmadian, A. and Arshad, N.I. and Salahshour, S. (2021) Approximation of linear one dimensional partial differential equations including fractional derivative with non-singular kernel. Advances in Difference Equations, 2021 (1). ISSN 16871839
Ahmad, M.N. and Mahmood, A.K. and Hashim, K.F. and Mustakim, F.B. and Selamat, A. and Bajuri, M.Y. and Arshad, N.I. (2021) Artificial intelligence model and correlation for characterization and viscosity measurements of mono & hybrid nanofluids concerned graphene oxide/silica. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 145 (4). pp. 2209-2224. ISSN 13886150
Ariff, M.I.M. and Rohaizi, M.L.H. and Salleh, K.A. and Wahab, J.A. and Adam, N.L. and Arshad, N.I. (2021) Augmented Reality Application for Solar System Learning: A Research in Progress. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mohamed Ariff, M.I. and Hanum Kamaruzzaman, N.K. and Zulkiflie, E.I. and Mohamad Fadzir, F.D. and Salleh, K.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2021) Design and Development for Smart Home via IoT Technology: A Work in Progress. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nasharuddin, N.A. and Sharef, N.M. and Mansor, E.I. and Samian, N. and Murad, M.A.A. and Omar, M.K. and Arshad, N.I. and Shahbodin, F. and Marhaban, M.H. (2021) Designing an Educational Chatbot: A Case Study of CikguAIBot. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nordin, M. and Sugathan, S.K. and Arshad, N.I. and Zaffar, M. (2021) E-WASTE from TECHNOLOGY USE in the OIL and GAS SECTOR: The SNEAK PEEK. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 99 (24). pp. 6210-6221. ISSN 19928645
Mohamed Ariff, M.I. and Salleh, K.A. and Mat Yaqin Fadzil, N.A. and Wahab, J.A. and Arshad, N.I. and Azmi, A.Z. (2021) Mobile application recommendation system for mobile data plan research in progress. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Omar, M.K. and Sharef, N.M. and Murad, M.A.A. and Mansor, E.I. and Nasharuddin, N.A. and Samian, N. and Nawi, N.R.C. and Arshad, N.I. and Ismail, W. and Shahbodin, F. and Marhaban, M.H. (2021) Students' Expectations Toward Features of Learning Analytics System. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Tian, S. and Arshad, N.I. and Toghraie, D. and Eftekhari, S.A. and Hekmatifar, M. (2021) Using perceptron feed-forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for predicting the thermal conductivity of graphene oxide-Al2O3/water-ethylene glycol hybrid nanofluid. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 26. ISSN 2214157X
Hafeez, S. and Arshad, N.I. and Rahim, L.B.A.B. and Shabbir, M.F. and Iqbal, J. (2020) Innovation in Chinese internet companies: A meta-frontier analysis. PLoS ONE, 15 (5). ISSN 19326203
Sharef, N.M. and Azmi Murad, M.A. and Mansor, E.I. and Nasharuddin, N.A. and Omar, M.K. and Samian, N. and Arshad, N.I. and Ismail, W. and Shahbodin, F. (2020) Learning-Analytics based Intelligent Simulator for Personalised Learning. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Zulkifli, M.Z.A. and Savita, K.S. and Arshad, N.I. (2020) Review on personality types and learning styles in team-based learning for information systems students. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 11 (6). pp. 330-334. ISSN 2158107X
Arshad, N.I. and Hashim, A.S. and Mohd Ariffin, M. and Mohd Aszemi, N. and Low, H.M. and Norman, A.A. (2020) Robots as Assistive Technology Tools to Enhance Cognitive Abilities and Foster Valuable Learning Experiences among Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. IEEE Access, 8. pp. 116279-116291. ISSN 21693536
Hafeez, S. and Arshad, N.I. and Rahim, L.B.A. and Ariffin, M.M. and Ariff, M.I.M. and Shabbir, M.F. (2020) The role of ICT ecosystem for sustainable innovation: Evidence from the gaming industry of China. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 13 (5). pp. 293-306. ISSN 22011315
Ariffin, M.M. and Halim, F.A.A. and Arshad, N.I. and Mehat, M. and Hashim, A.S. (2019) Calculic kids© mobile app: The impact on educational effectiveness of dyscalculia children. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8 (8). pp. 701-705. ISSN 22783075
Balakrishnan, V. and Govindan, V. and Arshad, N.I. and Shuib, L. and Cachia, E. (2019) Facebook User Reactions And Emotion: An Analysis Of Their Relationships Among The Online Diabetes Community. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 2019 (Specia). pp. 87-97. ISSN 01279084
Zamin, N. and Norwawi, N.M. and Arshad, N.I. and Ismail, M.A.A. (2019) Jawi alphabot: A jawi teaching robot for children with autism. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8 (1.4 S1). pp. 363-367. ISSN 22783091
Hassan, N.H. and Arshad, N.I. (2019) Linking agility, information technology flexibility and learning. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 11 (1 Spec). pp. 1403-1407. ISSN 1943023X
Zamin, N. and Norwawi, N.M. and Nursyafira and Arshad, N.I. and Rambli, D.R.A. (2019) Make me speak: A mobile app for children with cerebral palsy. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 8 (1.4 S1). pp. 368-373. ISSN 22783091
Hassan, N.H. and Arshad, N.I. (2019) Proposing construct for organizational agility model in Malaysian automotive organization. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Akhir, E.A.P. and Bachok, R. and Arshad, N.I. and Aiman Zamri, A. (2018) Conceptual Framework for SIDS Alert System. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Zamin, N. and Arshad, N.I. and Rafiey, N. and Hashim, A.S. (2018) Development of a robotic teaching aid for disabled children in Malaysia. wiley, pp. 191-201. ISBN 9781119509875; 9781119509851
Dominic, P.D.D. and Jaafar, J.B. and Arshad, N.I. (2018) Editorial. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 29 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 17460972
Arshad, N.I. and Bosua, R. and Milton, S.K. (2018) Understanding technology-use through the lens of technology-in-practice. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Ab. Rahim, L. and Arshad, N.I. (2017) Applying interpretive hermeneutic approach to interrelate the game environment and learner�s interaction. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 95 (24). pp. 7030-7048. ISSN 19928645
Arshad, N.I. and Bosua, R. and Milton, S.K. and Mehat, M. (2017) Exploring modes of ECMS-use supporting organizational business processes. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Fadzilah, F.M. and Arshad, N.I. (2017) Towards the development of criteria to assess stuttering mobile apps. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2017) Understanding relationships between learners and game environment of educational games: Hermeneutic approach. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Nurhadi, N.A. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2016) Analysis of domain specific modeling languages for strategy educational games design. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Alwi, A. and Mehat, M. and Arshad, N.I. (2016) E-Semai Teaching Portal (ESTP): A preliminary study in assisting the teaching of Bahasa Semai. International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications, 8 (1). pp. 57-69. ISSN 20748523
Fadzillah, F.M. and Arshad, N.I. (2016) Evaluating the impact of non-medical m-health application: Towards development of a framework. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Imran, M. and Ariff, M. and Sharma, R. and Arshad, N.I. (2016) Exploring the role of Transactive Memory Systems in virtual teams: Review and synthesis of literature. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Marzuki, N.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2016) Understanding the use of e-Government portal in rural areas in Malaysia: A proposal towards a policy. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2016) A multi-domain framework for modelling educational games: Towards the effective development in perspective of game environment. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2016) A multi-domain framework for modelling educational games: Towards the effective development in perspective of learning theories. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Noordin, N.A.K.N. and Arshad, N.I. and Kalid, K.S. (2016) A preliminary study on reward management system model for encouraging employee�s knowledge sharing behavior. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 91 (1). pp. 107-116. ISSN 19928645
Dominic, P.D.D. and Arshad, N.I. and Sarlan, A. (2015) Editorial. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 20 (3). pp. 271-273. ISSN 17460972
Arshad, N.I. and Mehat, M. and Ariff, M.I.M. (2015) Electronic content management systems support highly integrated business processes. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 20 (3). pp. 362-381. ISSN 17460972
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2015) Modelling educational games through multi-domain framework in light of game play. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arshad, N.I. and Bosua, R. and Milton, S.K. (2015) Towards a Model to Understand ECMS-use in Supporting Business Processes. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2015) Towards an effective modelling and development of educational games with subject-matter: A multi-domain framework. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2015) Understanding game play domain: An interpretive approach towards modelling educational games with multi-domain framework. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A.B. and Arshad, N.I. (2015) An analysis of educational games design frameworks from software engineering perspective. Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 14 (1). pp. 123-151. ISSN 1675414X
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2015) An interpretive approach to model educational games: Learning theories domain using multi-domain framework. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2015) A multi-domain framework: A qualitative study evolving understanding of subject-matter in modelling educational games. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hassan, N.H. and Arshad, N.I. and Mustapha, E.E. (2015) A preliminary study on learning orientation, information technology infrastructure flexibility and agility. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 10 (23). pp. 17816-17823. ISSN 18196608
Arshad, N.I. and Mehat, M. and Ariff, M.I.M. (2014) Electronic Content Management Systems use and implementation in highly integrated businesses. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arshad, N.I. and Milton, S.K. and Bosua, R. and Mehat, M. (2014) Enterprise Content Management technologies supporting unified businesses. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arshad, N.I. and Mehat, M. and Ariff, M.I.M. (2014) Exploring the use of enterprise content management systems in unification types of organizations. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Ahmad, M. and Rahim, L.A. and Arshad, N.I. (2014) A review of educational games design frameworks: An analysis from software engineering. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arshad, N.I. and Milton, S.K. and Bosua, R. (2013) Exploring the use of Enterprise Content Management Systems in replication types of organizations. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mukhlason, A. and Mahmood, A.K. and Arshad, N.I. and Abidin, A.I.Z. (2009) SWA-KMDLS: An enhanced e-learning management system using semantic web and knowledge management technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arshad, N.I. and Kasbon, R. and Imran, M. and Ariff, M. and Bahari, H.F. (2008) Framework to customize a Document Management System (DMS) using web services technology. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Mukhlason, A. and Mahmood, A.K. and Arshad, N.I. (2008) Semi automatic ontological knowledge base construction from learning materials in eLearning Management System. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Arshad, N.I. and Imran, M. and Ariff, M. and Taib, S.Mohd. and Khou, S.L. (2008) A preliminary study on knowledge management & data mining: A focus on sales and financial management. In: UNSPECIFIED.