%I EDP Sciences %J MATEC Web of Conferences %T Identification of Good China Steel Manufacturer for Industry %R 10.1051/matecconf/201820302009 %V 203 %K Behavioral research; Contractors; Decision making; Environmental engineering; Manufacture; Offshore oil well production; Offshore pipelines; Steel metallurgy; Surveys, Annual production; Assurance of qualities; Decision making process; Literature reviews; Questionnaire surveys; Research studies; Safety enhancement; Technical requirement, Steel research %L scholars9969 %O cited By 0; Conference of 2018 International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering 2018, ICCOEE 2018 ; Conference Date: 13 August 2018 Through 14 August 2018; Conference Code:140464 %X The purpose of this research study was to identify Good China Steel Manufacturer for Industry. Since 1990s, China's Steel manufacture rapidly improve the output of the Steel Supply. In 2003, accumulated annual production by China's Steel Manufacture exceeding 200million tons of Steel surpass others traditional Steel Manufacture likely Western Europe, India and Japanese Steel Manufacture. In China, there are Steel Manufacture that capable to produce the Steel Material follow World Class quality similar with reputable steel manufacture in Japan and Western Europe, however due to people general sceptical opinion on the China product, people perception that all China product is low quality without proper investigate on their capability and ability to supply the Steel Material for industry. In the project that related to steel product i.e Steel Bridge, offshore steel Jacket and Platform, pipeline, 40-50 of Contract price is liaise with procurement of material. Utilizing China Steel Product envisage potential cost saving of 10-20 to the overall Project cost that give advantage for both Contractor and Customer in reducing the overall cost of project. This paper aims to outline a research project for developing both information and technical requirements to identify good China Steel Manufacture via literature review, questionnaire survey, focus group, and audit report by reputable organization. The project results, will act as solid platform for Contractor and vendor to identify potential Steel Vendor for their project. It will support the decision-making process with respect to, quality, safety enhancement and assurance of quality to utilize China Steel Product for a project. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018. %A I. Othman %A M.H. Azlam %A H. Mohamad %A N. Shafiq %A M. Napiah %D 2018