%R 10.1051/matecconf/201820302010 %A W.S. Alaloul %A M.S. Liew %A N.A.W.A. Zawawi %A B.S. Mohammed %J MATEC Web of Conferences %T Industry Revolution IR 4.0: Future Opportunities and Challenges in Construction Industry %L scholars9957 %D 2018 %V 203 %X The future of construction industry development is the approach of the component-industrialization, the construction-breakdown, design-identical, construction-assembled, operation-data technique to maximize the life cycle value. This paper presents a general idea of Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0 with the introduction descriptions of important aspects in Construction Industry (CI) development. The aim is to define and show possible research areas connected with the IR 4.0 into the CI. For this purpose, an analysis was made, based on the most recent literature, to point out actual needs in the CI in terms of its evolution into IR 4.0 level. It is shown that multidiscipline approaches are not investigated to create special rules, procedures and methods and know-how designed for introducing the principles of IR 4.0 in the CI. A popular from stakeholders in the CI understand how digitization is affecting each part of their trade, however, its practical applications are still in infancy stage. IR 4.0 concepts should be combined with construction production, novel expertise must be applied to the intellectual engineering of modern construction, enhance the level of incorporation, to achieve the sustainable development. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018. %O cited By 68; Conference of 2018 International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering 2018, ICCOEE 2018 ; Conference Date: 13 August 2018 Through 14 August 2018; Conference Code:140464 %I EDP Sciences %K Construction industry; Life cycle; Offshore oil well production; Technology transfer, Industrial revolutions; Multi disciplines, Sustainable development