%I American Institute of Physics Inc. %J AIP Conference Proceedings %T A review on accessible design requirement for mobile application among physically impaired users %R 10.1063/1.5055509 %V 2016 %L scholars9939 %X This paper presents a review on accessibility design requirement for mobile application among people with impairments. Accessibility is an important element for social inclusion in our society. However, there is lack of a proper set of accessibility guideline for researchers and designers in designing a suitable user interface focusing on physical impairment disabilities. This paper review is conducted based on literature analysis. The research method involves of four online databases (IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, Springer, and Science Direct). All the keywords of the papers were searched as follows: l) "usability", "accessibility", "learnability" and similar search terms; 2) "physical impairment", "physical disabilities", and synonyms for this term; 3) search terms that are related to "technology", "computer" and similar to "mobile application" that will lead to "assistive technology". The paper review helped to extract the accessibility guidelines in designing user interface of mobile application for people with impairments. These guidelines are: a) customization user interface; b) simple and unclutter interface design; c) use color contrast; d) customization fonts, color, and size; e) appropriate guidance. Therefore, these accessibility design requirement will help researchers to design a suitable accessible environment for these special users to interact with mobile application. © 2018 Author(s). %O cited By 2; Conference of 3rd International Conference on Applied Science and Technology, ICAST 2018 ; Conference Date: 10 April 2018 Through 12 April 2018; Conference Code:140017 %D 2018 %A N.H. Musthafa %A S. Sulaiman