%R 10.1108/IJSI-11-2017-0066 %V 9 %J International Journal of Structural Integrity %T Influence of sulfuric and hydrochloric acid on the resistance of geopolymer cement with nano-silica additive for oil well cement application %P 616-624 %I Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. %D 2018 %A S. Ridha %A A.I. Abd Hamid %A R.A. Setiawan %A A.R. Shahari %N 5 %X Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the resistivity of geopolymer cement with nano-silica additive toward acid exposure for oil well cement application. Design/methodology/approach: An experimental study was conducted to assess the acid resistance of fly ash-based geopolymer cement with nano-silica additive at a concentration of 0 and 1 wt. to understand its effect on the strength and microstructural development. Geopolymer cement of Class C fly ash and API Class G cement were used. The alkaline activator was prepared by mixing the proportion of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions of 8 M and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) using ratio of 1:2.5 by weight. After casting, the specimens were subjected to elevated curing condition at 3,500 psi and 130°C for 24 h. Durability of cement samples was assessed by immersing them in 15 wt. of hydrochloric acid and 15 wt. sulfuric acid for a period of 14 days. Evaluation of its resistance in terms of compressive strength and microstructural behavior were carried out by using ELE ADR 3000 and SEM, respectively. Findings: The paper shows that geopolymer cement with 1 wt. addition of nano-silica were highly resistant to sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. The strength increase was contributed by the densification of the microstructure with the addition of nano-silica. Originality/value: This paper investigates the mechanical property and microstructure behavior of emerging geopolymer cement due to hydrochloric and sulfuric acids exposure. The results provide potential application of fly ash-based geopolymer cement as oil well cementing. © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited. %O cited By 6 %L scholars9903 %K Acid resistance; Acids; C (programming language); Compressive strength; Concretes; Fly ash; Geopolymers; Hydrochloric acid; Inorganic polymers; Microstructure; Oil well cementing; Silica; Silicates; Sodium hydroxide; Sulfuric acid, Alkaline activators; Class C fly ashes; Curing condition; Design/methodology/approach; Geopolymer cement; Microstructural development; Microstucture; Strength increase, Cements