%J International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology %T Effect of water-binder ratio and naoh molarity on the properties of high calcium fly ash geopolymer mortars at outdoor curing %V 9 %P 1339-1352 %I IAEME Publication %N 10 %D 2018 %A S. Haruna %A B.S. Mohammed %A M. Shahir-Liew %A W.S. Alaloul %A A. Haruna %L scholars9895 %X In this article, strength development high calcium fly ash geopolymer mortar cured at ambient temperature was investigated. The outcome of HCFA fly ash geopolymer mortars on the flow ability and strength improvement of geopolymer mortars were predicted by an established statistical models using response surface methodology (RSM). The ambient cured geopolymer mortars were triggered with a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate. The investigation reveals that increase in alkaline solution to binder ratio reduces the compressive strength of the mortars and subsequently improves the workability. All the geopolymer mortars were able to achieve more than 15 N/mm2 at an early age. At 28 days curing, the compressive strength of outdoor curing range between 30 to 70 N/mm2 for all the mixes. All the models developed appeared to be significant with percentage error of less than 5. The predicted and real data's were found to be in good agreement. It was also observed that the setting time of the designed geopolymer mortar increases at higher concentration of NaOH for both final and initial setting time. This makes high calcium fly ash suitable for repair and cast in situ applications as it exhibit enhanced early age strength growth in comparison with low calcium fly ash geopolymers. © 2018 IAEME Publication.All right reserved. %O cited By 11