%0 Conference Paper %A Abdulmalek, S.H. %A Al-Kayiem, H.H. %A Baheta, A.T. %A Gitan, A.A. %D 2018 %F scholars:9806 %I EDP Sciences %K Biogas; Driers (materials); Heat transfer coefficients; Iterative methods; MATLAB; Tubes (components); Waste heat, Heat exchanger design; Heat transfer area; Heat transfer correlation; Iteration techniques; Logarithmic-mean temperature differences; Overall heat transfer coefficient; Thermal characteristics; Tube diameters, Heat exchangers %R 10.1051/matecconf/201822505006 %T Design of Flue Gas-Air Heat Exchanger for Regeneration of Desiccant System %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/9806/ %V 225 %X Heat recovering from biogas waste energy requires robust heat exchanger design. This paper presents the design of fuel gas-air heat exchanger (FGAHE) for recovering waste heat from biogas burning to regenerate desiccant material. Mathematical model was built to design the FGAHE based on logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) and staggered tube bank heat transfer correlations. MATLAB code was developed to solve the algorithm based on overall heat transfer coefficient iteration technique. The effect on tube diameter on design and thermal characteristics of FGAHE is investigated. The results revealed that the smaller tube diameter leads to smaller heat transfer area and tube. On the other hand, the overall heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt numbers have larger rates at smaller tube diameter. In conclusion, the nominated tube diameter for FGAHE is the smaller diameter of 0.0127 m due to the high thermal performance. © 2018 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. %Z cited By 3; Conference of 2018 UTP-UMP-VIT Symposium on Energy Systems, SES 2018 ; Conference Date: 18 September 2018 Through 19 September 2018; Conference Code:141921