%D 2018 %A S. Goyal %A M.S. Shaharun %A C.F. Kait %A B. Abdullah %N 1 %X Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), which are self-assembled and can be synthesized by the coordination of metal cation/clusters with organics linkers. Copper/zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (Cu/ZIF-8) MOF catalyst was successfully synthesized by reaction of metal sulfates of Cu with ZIF-8 via hydrothermal method. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) exhibits the excellent thermal stability up to 450°C of the Cu/ZIF-8 catalyst. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) confirmed the ZIF-8 structure and the addition of copper metal. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) images exhibit great morphologies which confirms the synthesis of Cu/ZIF-8 catalyst. UV-Vis (Ultraviolet-visible) spectroscopy and DRS (diffuse reflectance spectroscopy) show more absorbance in the visible region of Cu/ZIF-8 and lower band gap energy respectively, which leads to photocatalytic support. Our discoveries investigated a basic and intense approach to photocatalyst without losing their properties. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. %O cited By 15; Conference of 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, ICFAS 2018 ; Conference Date: 13 August 2018 Through 15 August 2018; Conference Code:142772 %L scholars9608 %K Catalysts; Copper; Crystalline materials; Energy gap; Field emission microscopes; Organometallics; Scanning electron microscopy; Sulfur compounds; Thermogravimetric analysis, Band gap energy; Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy; Field emission scanning electron microscopy; Hydrothermal methods; Metalorganic frameworks (MOFs); Photo-catalytic; Visible region; Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy %V 1123 %R 10.1088/1742-6596/1123/1/012062 %J Journal of Physics: Conference Series %T Effect of monometallic copper on zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 synthesized by hydrothermal method %I Institute of Physics Publishing