%T The Examination of the Changes in the Magnetic Properties of the Poly(methyl methacrylate) %J Journal of Physics: Conference Series %V 1123 %R 10.1088/1742-6596/1123/1/012005 %I Institute of Physics Publishing %N 1 %A T. Bel %A N. Yahya %A H. Cimenoglu %A C. Arslan %A N. Baydogan %D 2018 %K Acrylic monomers; Atom transfer radical polymerization; Esters; Free radical reactions; Magnetic materials; Magnetic properties; Magnetism; Oxygen, Ambient conditions; Atom transfer radical polymerization techniques; Excess oxygen; Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA); Polymerization temperature; Thermoplastic polymer, Living polymerization %L scholars9576 %O cited By 3; Conference of 5th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, ICFAS 2018 ; Conference Date: 13 August 2018 Through 15 August 2018; Conference Code:142772 %X Poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA was prepared by using Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization technique. The production of PMMA as thermoplastic polymer was executed as an effective way by using the living polymerization technique. The changes in magnetisation properties of PMMA were determined with the rise of the polymerisation temperature from 45 °C in argon to the room temperature in air. Hence the excess oxygen effect on the magnetic properties was investigated to examine the changes of the magnetic properties depending on the air-sensitivity of the PMMA with the decrease of the temperature. The hysteresis loops indicated that the production ambient conditions of the PMMA has affected the magnetic properties and the magnetic properties variated from diamagnetic to paramagnetic ordering with the decrease of the polymerization temperature in the excess oxygen. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.