%N 1 %D 2018 %A D.K.W. Gan %A B.L.F. Chin %A A.C.M. Loy %A S. Yusup %A M.N. Acda %A P. Unrean %A E. Rianawati %A Z.A. Jawad %A R.J. Lee %L scholars9458 %K Activation energy; Calcite; Calcium carbonate; Catalysts; Heating rate; Process engineering; Pyrolysis, Activation energies (Ea); Alkali catalysts; Catalytic pyrolysis; Degradation behaviours; Pyrolysis experiments; Pyrolysis reaction; Syngas production; Thermogravimetric studies, Thermogravimetric analysis, Activation Energy; Calcium Carbonate; Catalysts; Documents; Gravimetry; Pyrolysis; Rice; Thermal Analysis %X Pyrolysis of rice hull (RH) with the presence of CaCO 3 catalyst was carried out in this study to understand the effect of alkali catalyst in the thermal degradation behaviour and evaluate the kinetic parameter of rice hull for bio-oil or syngas production. Five different heating rates of the pyrolysis experiments at 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 Kmin -1 were carried out in thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) equipment. Model fitting kinetic Coats Redfern integral method was applied in this study to estimate the activation energy (EA) and pre-exponential (A) value of catalytic pyrolysis in RH. The results showed that the maximum degradation increased from 6.69 to 52.67 wt min -1 as heating rates increases from 10 to 100 Kmin -1 . Besides that, the EA of the catalytic pyrolysis for RH using CaCO 3 catalyst 60.86 kJmol -1 which is lower than other similar pyrolysis reaction reported in literature i.e. 77.4 kJ/mol. Meanwhile, the A value for the catalytic pyrolysis for RH using CaCO 3 catalyst was 4.68�10 10 min -1 which is significantly higher than 1.1�10 6 min -1 as reported in literature for non-catalytic pyrolysis of rice husk. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. %O cited By 11; Conference of 5th International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials, ICPEAM 2018 ; Conference Date: 13 August 2018 Through 14 August 2018; Conference Code:143521 %T An In-Situ Thermogravimetric Study of Pyrolysis of Rice Hull with Alkali Catalyst of CaCO 3 %J IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering %R 10.1088/1757-899X/458/1/012085 %V 458 %I Institute of Physics Publishing