%0 Conference Paper %A Khan, M.S. %A Bavoh, C.B. %A Lal, B. %A Keong, L.K. %A Mellon, N.B. %A Bustam, M.A. %A Shariff, A.M. %D 2018 %F scholars:9446 %I Institute of Physics Publishing %K Digital storage; Electrolytes; Hydration; Ionic liquids; Methane; Process engineering, Accurate prediction; Ionic liquid (ils); Literature data; Methane hydrates; Natural gas recoveries; Predictive modeling; Thermodynamic predictions; Vapour liquid equilibria, Gas hydrates %N 1 %R 10.1088/1757-899X/458/1/012073 %T Application of Electrolyte Based Model on Ionic Liquids-Methane Hydrates Phase Boundary %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/9446/ %V 458 %X In the current study, the phase behaviour of selected methane (CH 4 ) hydrate-Ionic Liquids (ILs) systems were predicted via Dickens and Quinby-Hunt model. The model chosen is an electrolyte-based model; therefore easily accommodate ILs that are molten salts. The experimental hydrate vapour liquid Equilibrium (HL w VE) data of ILs was extracted from various literature sources for validation of the applied model. The overall predicted results suggested that the studied predictive model found in line with the experimental literature data for almost all the studied systems. The maximum deviation observed from the pyrrolidinium family of IL which also found to less than 0.67 K. Apparently it can be concluded that the selective model could applicable for accurate prediction of thermodynamic hydrate phase boundaries of methane hydrates in the presence of ILs. Since hydrate experimentations are very time-consuming, accurate thermodynamic predictions of hydrate phase are very crucial for exploring various hydrate-based technologies like flow assurance, natural gas recovery and gas storage and transportations. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. %Z cited By 8; Conference of 5th International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials, ICPEAM 2018 ; Conference Date: 13 August 2018 Through 14 August 2018; Conference Code:143521