%A Z. Hamdi %A M. Awang %A M. Bataee %A M. Vatanparast %J Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, RCSC 2017 %T Proposing low temperature CO2 for enhancing miscibility in high temperature reservoirs %L scholars9050 %D 2017 %X For several decades, CO2 injection has been used as a successful recovery method in enhanced oil recovery. The main impact of CO2 is on lowering minimum miscibility pressure (MMP). Reaching the miscibility pressure is often limited by the reservoir pressure and temperature. Based on the earlier studies, lowering the temperature of the medium by the injection fluid may help in a decrease of MMP, resulting in miscible flooding. However, the proposed method should be determined by experimental procedures and numerical calculation. For the evaluation of MMP reduction and the limitations involved, the slimtube displacement experiments were used along with simulation runs. Then the results were compared with empirical correlations. The results showed that injection of low temperature CO2 (LCO2) has a direct impact on the MMP of a high temperature system. However, it limited when the injection temperature is below the critical temperature of CO2. A modification equation was presented to be applied on available empirical correlations. In terms of MMP, LCO2 injection is more beneficial than CO2 when it enters the reservoir at lower temperatures with respect to injection limitations. Copyright 2017, Society of Petroleum Engineers. %I Society of Petroleum Engineers %O cited By 2; Conference of SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, RCSC 2017 ; Conference Date: 8 May 2017 Through 10 May 2017; Conference Code:133014 %P 1279-1288 %K Carbon dioxide; Enhanced recovery; Numerical methods; Oil well flooding; Solubility; Temperature, Critical temperatures; Displacement experiments; Empirical correlations; Experimental procedure; High temperature reservoirs; High-temperature systems; Minimum miscibility pressure; Numerical calculation, Petroleum reservoir evaluation