%P 227-231 %I Trans Tech Publications Ltd %T Investigation of the bubble effect in lightweight PMMA polymer %J Defect and Diffusion Forum %R 10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.380.227 %V 380 %L scholars9024 %K Automobile manufacture; Vehicle transmissions, Gamma transmission; High precision processing; High volumes; PMMA; PMMA polymers; Porous structures; Weight reduction, Polymers %X The modification of PMMA materials was provided by the application of a suitable degass process to obtain the porous structure. The application of a suitable degass process has enhanced the affordable weight reduction. The gamma transmission technique was used in order to examine the details on high precision processing and fabrication of the modified PMMA polymer as the affordable weight reduction of PMMA polymer supported for their use in high-volume vehicles and components. © 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland %O cited By 2 %D 2017 %A T. Bel %A H. Cakar %A N. Yahya %A C. Arslan %A N. Baydogan