%I Nova Science Publishers, Inc. %P 43-56 %T Characterization and kinetic modeling of the pyrolysis of sugar cane trash %J International Journal of Energy, Environment and Economics %V 25 %K activation energy; alternative energy; biomass; moisture; pyrolysis; reaction kinetics; sugar cane, Pakistan, Saccharum %L scholars9021 %O cited By 1 %X Sugar cane trash is an agricultural residue that can be used as renewable energy source. In this work, sugar cane trash from Pakistan is characterized using proximate and ultimate analyses. Its decomposition is also investigated in a thermogravimetric analyzer. The kinetic parameters of sugar cane pyrolysis are determined using the iso-conversional method assuming a first order reaction. The results reveal that the sample contains low moisture (8.00), high ash (11.66), low carbon (41.10) and hydrogen (5.64) and its calorific value is 15.30 MJ/kg. The activation energy and frequency factor are 24.4 kJ/mol and 2522.93/min, respectively. © Nova Science Publishers, Inc. %N 1 %A A. Basit %A M.S. Akram %A M. Saleem %A J.A. Awan %A J.-N. Jaubert %D 2017