%0 Conference Paper %A Elmaleeh, M.A.A. %A Saad, N. %A Awan, M. %D 2010 %F scholars:898 %K Acoustic emission techniques; AE signals; Chemical process; Detection and diagnosis; Frequency domains; Identification algorithms; Industrial processs; Machine failure; Monitoring system; Monitoring techniques; Real time measurements; Rotating machines; Time and frequency domains; Unplanned shutdowns, Acoustic emission testing; Acoustic emissions; Algorithms; Chemical analysis; Condition monitoring; Failure (mechanical); Frequency domain analysis; Industrial emissions; Pilot plants; Plant shutdowns; Rotating machinery; Rotation, Time domain analysis %R 10.1109/ICIAS.2010.5716110 %T Condition monitoring of industrial process plant using acoustic emission techniques %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/898/ %X Numerous condition monitoring techniques and identification algorithms for detection and diagnosis of rotating machinery faults have been proposed for the past few years. Motors are one of the common used elements in almost all rotating machinery. They cause the machine failure upon getting faulty. Therefore advance and effective condition monitoring techniques are required to monitor and detect the motor problems at incipient stages. This avoids catastrophic machine failure and costly unplanned shutdown. In this paper the acoustic emission (AE) monitoring system is established. It discusses a method based on time and frequency domain analysis of AE signals acquired from motors used in chemical process pilot plant. A real time measurement system is developed. It utilizes MatLAB to process and analyze the data to provide valuable information regarding the process being monitored. %Z cited By 13; Conference of 2010 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, ICIAS 2010 ; Conference Date: 15 June 2010 Through 17 June 2010; Conference Code:84196