%X This paper presents an approach to model Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS). For simplicity, the model is separated into three channels: vertical, horizontal, and cross-coupling channels. A hybrid method, a cooperation between first principle method and optimal algorithm, is used to analyse and model the system. Unknown parameters of the model are estimated by physical experiments and Genetic Algorithm. The pith and yaw outputs of the identified model in simulation and the real system with the same several types of inputs are compared with each other. © 2016 IEEE. %L scholars8844 %D 2017 %A T. Dang Huu %A I.B. Ismail %J 2016 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing Automation, ROMA 2016 %T Modelling of Twin Rotor MIMO system %R 10.1109/ROMA.2016.7847803 %K Genetic algorithms; Manufacture; Models; Robotics, Cross-couplings; First principle method; Hybrid method; Optimal algorithm; Physical experiments; Three channel; Twin Rotor MIMO System; Twin rotor MIMO system (TRMS), MIMO systems %O cited By 14; Conference of 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing Automation, ROMA 2016 ; Conference Date: 25 September 2016 Through 27 September 2016; Conference Code:126431 %I Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.