%A A. Abbasi %A F.M. Hashim %T Development of a hydrate formation prediction model for sub-sea pipeline %J Petroleum Science and Technology %R 10.1080/10916466.2016.1263210 %X In this research work, a novel model is developed to the hydrate formation pressure and hydrate formation temperature for a single component of methane (CH4) gas. This research model holds at a temperature and pressure of real-time data for pure water, methane, and other mixtures of gases, respectively. Furthermore, the modelling and statistical analysis conducted in this research were divided into three major segments; the assessment of the computability of the mathematical models, the performance of the proposed optimization techniques, and the comparison of the proposed techniques with real-time data of gas pipeline. Results showed that the improved optimization algorithms are in admirable compliance with the real-time data. These correlations are providing the capability to predict gas-hydrate-forming conditions for a wide range of hydrate formation data. © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. %D 2017 %L scholars8784 %V 35 %N 5 %I Taylor and Francis Inc. %P 443-450 %O cited By 5 %K Forecasting; Hydration; Methane; Optimization; Pipelines; Statistical methods, Deepwater pipelines; Empirical equations; Hydrate formation temperatures; Hydrate forming conditions; Intelligent optimization algorithm; Optimization algorithms; Optimization techniques; Temperature and pressures, Gas hydrates