%X Dengue incidence prediction models are very important at present as the dengue cases becoming a major health issue in tropical and subtropical countries. Dengue fever is one of the major health related issues as reported in World Health Organization (WHO). In order to curb this problem, it is important for the government to create a predictive system so that precaution steps could be taken. This study builds a dengue incidence prediction model to avoid epidemic using climate models in real time. Data mining techniques such as clustering and multiple regression are used to model the data in order to get the best fitting regression curve. In the next step, a real time adaptive computation software will be developed that could predict the dengue incidences immediately. © 2016 IEEE. %O cited By 6; Conference of 6th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2016 ; Conference Date: 25 November 2016 Through 27 November 2016; Conference Code:127246 %L scholars8722 %K Control systems; Curve fitting; Data mining; Forecasting; Health; Learning systems; Regression analysis, Adaptive computations; Dengue Incidences; K-means clusters; Multiple regressions; Predictive systems; Real time; Subtropical countries; World Health Organization, Climate models %D 2017 %A S.S. Mathulamuthu %A V.S. Asirvadam %A S.C. Dass %A B.S. Gill %A T. Loshini %P 245-250 %I Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. %R 10.1109/ICCSCE.2016.7893579 %T Predicting dengue incidences using cluster based regression on climate data %J Proceedings - 6th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, ICCSCE 2016