%O cited By 12 %X Predicting the gas permeability of ionic liquid-polymeric membranes (ILPM) is of great importance for the design of efficient gas separation membrane materials. The available models for the prediction of CO2 gas permeability through ionic liquid-polymeric membranes were analyzed using the literature data. Maxwell model was selected for modification due to relatively accurate prediction capability. The Maxwell model was modified for ionic liquid-polymeric membranes by incorporating model parameter k for the effectiveness of volume fraction of dispersed phase. The established methodology was tested for different ionic liquid-polymeric membrane systems for validation. A satisfactory agreement was observed for predicted and experimental permeability by using the current approach. This method can be used for the prediction of CO2 gas permeability through ionic liquid-polymeric membranes. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2017, 134, 44761. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. %K Carbon dioxide; Forecasting; Gas permeability; Gases; Ionic liquids; Liquids; Mechanical permeability; Membranes; Models; Polymeric membranes; Polymers, Accurate prediction; Dispersed phase; Gas separation membrane; Liquid polymers; Literature data; Maxwell models; Model parameters, Gas permeable membranes %L scholars8670 %A H.A. Mannan %A H. Mukhtar %A T. Murugesan %A Z. Man %A M.A. Bustam %A M.S. Shaharun %A M.Z. Abu Bakar %D 2017 %N 17 %I John Wiley and Sons Inc. %R 10.1002/app.44761 %V 134 %T Prediction of CO2 gas permeability behavior of ionic liquid�polymer membranes (ILPM) %J Journal of Applied Polymer Science