%R 10.1016/j.ceramint.2017.03.043 %V 43 %J Ceramics International %T Synthesis of multilayered hexagonal boron nitride microcrystals as a potential hydrogen storage element %P 7358-7361 %I Elsevier Ltd %D 2017 %A P. Ahmad %A M.U. Khandaker %A N. Muhammad %A F. Rehman %A G. Khan %A M.A. Rehman %A S.M. Ahmed %A M. Gulzar %A A. Numan %A A.S. Khan %N 9 %X Top-down approach has been used to synthesize pure, highly crystalline, multilayered micron size crystals of hexagonal boron nitride (BNMCs) at the top of Silicon substrate at 800 °C by using bulk boron nitride powder as a precursor. The synthesized crystals have different interlayers spacing from left to right (0.33 nm, 0.37 nm and 0.35 nm) and at the center (~0.24 nm). The former spacing corresponds to d(002) spacing whereas the later corresponds to d(010) spacing in h-BN. The sharpness of the peaks in XRD, Raman and FTIR spectrums correspond to highly crystalline nature of BNMCs whereas the locations of the peaks verify the h-BN nature of BNMCs. The B-N bonded BNMCs with larger surface area can be an excellent choice as a hydrogen storage element. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. %O cited By 8 %L scholars8603 %K Boron nitride; Crystalline materials; Crystals; Nitrides; Synthesis (chemical), BNMCs; Crystalline nature; Hexagonal boron nitride; Nitride powders; Potential hydrogens; Silicon substrates; Storage elements; Top down approaches, Hydrogen storage