%R 10.1039/c6ra01311b %V 6 %T Influence of the electrodeposition potential on the crystallographic structure and effective magnetic easy axis of cobalt nanowires %J RSC Advances %I Royal Society of Chemistry %P 14266-14272 %A M.I. Irshad %A N.M. Mohamed %A M.Z. Abdullah %A M.S.M. Saheed %A A. Mumtaz %A M. Yasar %A A. Yar %A M.A. Zeeshan %A J. Sort %D 2016 %N 17 %O cited By 12 %X Cobalt nanowires (NWs) have been synthesized by electrodeposition inside the pores of anodized aluminium oxide templates, at different values of applied deposition potential. The as-deposited NWs are parallel to one another and exhibit a high geometrical aspect ratio. The crystal structure of these NWs shows a strong dependence on the applied deposition potential during synthesis. X-ray diffraction indicates the predominance of hexagonal-closed-packed (HCP) phase with (002) texture at low applied deposition potentials, whereas a reorientation of the c-axis of the HCP structure is observed for high electrodeposition potentials. Moreover, for a given electrodeposition time, the length of the NWs also increases with the applied potential. As a result of these structural changes, a switch in the magnetic easy axis, from parallel to perpendicular to the NW axis, occurs depending on the applied potential. A simplified model is used to account for this reorientation of the effective magnetic anisotropy direction, which takes into account the interplay between shape anisotropy, magnetocrystalline anisotropy and interwire dipolar interactions. © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry. %K Anisotropy; Anodic oxidation; Aspect ratio; Cobalt; Crystallography; Deposition; Electrodeposition; Electrodes; Magnetic anisotropy; Magnetism; Magnetocrystalline anisotropy; Nanowires; X ray diffraction, Anodized aluminium oxides; Crystallographic structure; Deposition potential; Dipolar interaction; Effective magnetic anisotropy; Electrodeposition potential; Geometrical aspects; Hexagonal closed packed (hcp), Crystal structure %L scholars7984