%0 Conference Paper
%A Bin Hamzah, H.I.
%A Bin Abdullah, A.
%A Candrawati, R.
%D 2009
%F scholars:787
%I IEEE Computer Society
%K Biomimetics; Information filtering; Information retrieval; Signal analysis, Abstraction model; Biologically inspired; Computational process; Conceptual model; Frequency signals; Noise filtering; Research studies; Sound signal, Acoustic signal processing
%P 198-201
%R 10.1109/SCORED.2009.5443168
%T Biologically-inspired abstraction model to analyze sound signal
%U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/787/
%X This research studies the human ear and human brain as a new idea to analyze sound. The human ear to be exact; the eardrum detects the sound signal and the cochlea filters the frequency signal. Subsequently, the brain is capable to recognize and learn the sound signal. This research maps the biologicallyinspired ability to computational process then develops a conceptual model and a system model. From that, the research continues with the creation of the proposed algorithm for the sound signal analyzer. The research aims to generate faster and more detailed results as well as to achieve better accuracy in producing definite sound for information retrieval. Therefore, this research creates biologically-inspired sound signal analyzer (BISSA). ©2009 IEEE.
%Z cited By 0; Conference of 2009 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, SCOReD2009 ; Conference Date: 16 November 2009 Through 18 November 2009; Conference Code:80411