%I Electromagnetics Academy %O cited By 2 %P 125-138 %K Agriculture; Antennas; Energy gap; Fractals; Genetic algorithms; Microwave antennas; Semiconducting zinc compounds, Active antennas; Active elements; Agriculture applications; Aperture coupled; Fractal-shape; Koch fractals; Perfect matchings; Transmission line transformer, Photonic band gap %R 10.2528/PIERC16082901 %T Photonic band gap aperture coupled fractal shape tri-band active antenna %J Progress In Electromagnetics Research C %A T. Saeidi %A I.B. Ismail %A M. Ahadi %A A.R.H. Alhawari %L scholars7720 %D 2016 %V 69 %X A modified Koch fractal shape is used to decrease the dimensions of an antenna and resonates at more than one band for agricultural application. A new feeding technique of aperture coupled method called a non-uniform annular Photonic Band Gap is applied in order to integrate the designed antenna to the active elements. Subsequently, a transmission line transformer is designed using Genetic algorithm to achieve a perfect matching between the active element (amplifier) and the load (antenna). The proposed antenna is designed and fabricated. The results show that the proposed antenna has a high gain of 20.5 dB, 21 dB, and 22 dB at 0.915 GHz, 1.8 GHz and 2.45 GHz respectively with a compact size and low cost. The results predict its prospect as a promising alternative to the conventional one, which is compatibly applicable to agriculture applications especially when multiband function is required. © 2016 Electromagnetics Academy. All rights reserved.