%0 Conference Paper %A Al-Ghuribi, T.M.Q. %A Liew, M.S. %A Zawawi, N.A. %A Ayoub, M.A. %D 2016 %F scholars:7562 %I CRC Press/Balkema %K Abandoned wells; Decision making; Decommissioning (nuclear reactors); Drilling platforms; Economic analysis; Finance; Life cycle; Offshore oil fields; Offshore oil well production; Offshore oil wells; Regulatory compliance, Decision making models; Environmental , health and safeties; Innovative approaches; National legislation; Off shore platforms; Offshore facilities; Offshore installations; Oil and gas platforms, Environmental impact %P 81-86 %R 10.1201/b21942-17 %T Decommissioning decision criteria for offshore installations and well abandonment %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/7562/ %X Decommissioning of oil and gas offshore facilities is employed at the end of the life cycle of the field in compliance with national legislation, international laws and standards. The installation of oil and gas platforms keeps increasingworldwide necessitating the development of an innovative approach that determine the potential decommissioning option with least environmental impact and cost. This paper introduces an approach assessing financial and non-financial criteria of each decommissioning option by which financial analysis is assessed using net present value evaluation while non-financial factors are assessed through weighted evaluation technique. The economic analysis of removal option is considered inadequate in identifying the appropriate decommissioning option, so the assessment of the feasibility of environmental, health and safety, and public outcomes will be directive towards the best removal option with the lowest financial and environmental impacts combined. © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London. %Z cited By 6; Conference of 3rd International Conference on Civil, offshore and Environmental Engineering, ICCOEE 2016 ; Conference Date: 15 August 2016 Through 17 August 2016; Conference Code:180169