%P 775-781 %T Implementation of interactive museum exhibits information via bluetooth %A I.A. Aziz %A A.I. Kamel %A M. Mehat %A N.S. Haron %V 38 %O cited By 0 %L scholars756 %J World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology %D 2009 %X This paper proposes an interactive application to be implemented in a museum using Bluetooth technology. Interactive Museum Exhibits Information (IMEI) via Bluetooth is an application that is able to create a communicative and interactive environment. This application takes advantage of the Bluetooth pull technology. Information is send to the museum visitors to answer inquiry pertaining to exhibits. The client server network architecture are presented and discussed in detail. Tests were conducted by deploying a mock setup to verify the viability of our work and the results discussed. © 2009 WASET.ORG. %K Bluetooth technology; Client server; Exhibit labeling; Interactive applications; Interactive Environments; Interactive museums; JAVA MIDP; Museum visitor; Pull technology, Cellular telephone systems; Labeling; Technology, Bluetooth