%K Biomass; Fluidized bed process; Fluidized beds; Gasification; Process engineering; Synthesis gas, Aspen Plus software; Biomass Gasification; Biomass gasification system; Circulating fluidized bed; Fluidized bed gasifiers; Gasification products; Palm kernel shells; Steady-state simulations, Computer software %I Elsevier Ltd %P 1015-1021 %O cited By 13; Conference of 4th International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials, ICPEAM 2016 ; Conference Date: 15 August 2016 Through 17 August 2016; Conference Code:131138 %X In biomass gasification, the appropriate prediction of gasification products is one of the most important issues. In this work, a steady state equilibrium model for the pilot -scale circulating fluidized bed by using Aspen Plus is developed. The model is capable of predicting the composition of synthesis gas. The process is simulated in accordance with the fluidized bed gasifier assembly. The simulation represents entire unit operations involve, to process palm kernel shell followed by a series of equilibrium air and steam gasification reactions to obtain adequate Synthesis gas yield. The temperature is varied from 600 °C to 700°C while for steam to biomass ratio, it is manipulated from 1.5 wt/wt. to 2.5 wt/wt. The optimum temperature and steam to biomass ratio is determined in this study. © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. %D 2016 %L scholars7476 %V 148 %A M. Hussain %A L.D. Tufa %A R.N.A.B.R. Azlan %A S. Yusup %A H. Zabiri %T Steady State Simulation Studies of Gasification System using Palm Kernel Shell %J Procedia Engineering %R 10.1016/j.proeng.2016.06.523