%R 10.1007/978-3-319-03197-2₅ %J Engineering Materials %A M. Awang %A E. Mohammadpour %A I.D. Muhammad %T Linear Finite Element Analysis of Nanotubes %D 2016 %L scholars7273 %X From proven chemical calculations 1, the harmonic functions provide a reasonable approximation to the potential energy of molecular systems in which the bond length is near its equilibrium position. © 2016, Springer International Publishing Switzerland. %I Springer Science and Business Media B.V. %O cited By 0 %P 63-106 %K Bond length; Harmonic functions; Potential energy; Yarn, Beam elements; Chemical calculations; Element type; Equilibrium positions; Linear finite element analysis; Main menu; Materials Studio; Molecular systems; Protein data bank; Protein data bank file, Finite element method